StellarXplorers Team

This page portrays the StellarXplorers Team for the school year 2021-2022. The StellarXplorers team focuses on the National Space Design Competition, which provides specific training in the use of system simulation software, Systems Tool Kit (STK), as well as an online textbook as a curriculum supplement and study resource for online “team” quizzes given during the competition. The actual competition is accomplished from the team’s home location. Teams are given a scenario describing the system’s mission and constraints, and they provide a solution to a typical space design problem, such as orbit determination, satellite component selection, and launch vehicle planning.


Team Commander: c/MSG Peyton Anderson

Team Executive Officer: N/A

Days The Team Practices: Thursdays

Times The Team Practices: 5:30-6:30

Requirements For Awards:

  • N/A

Commander Of The Team:

c/MSG Peyton Anderson

Anderson's favorite subjects in school are math and humanities. Outside of JROTC, he likes to swim and watch TV. Inside JROTC, he is the StellarXplorers Team commander and the Academic Team XO, along with participating in the drill team. His current goals are to obtain a 4.3 GPA, his driver's license, 5's on his ap exams, and be able to manage his time better by the end of the year. Some fun facts about him are that he was born in Hollywood, Florida, enjoys snowboarding despite being bad at it, and his handwriting is subjectively terrible.
