Our journey

The Department is engaged in creating a diverse, and progressive environment. We believe that this endeavor is central to maximizing creativity and innovation in research and education within the department.

Distinguished Alumni of the Department 


Institute of Technology (now IIT),

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

3. Prof. Y. Singh 

        Raja Rammanna fellow & Ex-Head,

        Department of Physics,

        Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

5.  Sri Pash Pal 

      Former Director General of Police, U.P.

7. Dr. Ritu Srivastava

Scientist E-II

Natioanl Physical Labrotary, New Delhi

9. Prof. Late B.P.Asthana

Department of Physics

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

2.  Prof. Mahi R. Singh

Physics and Astronomy

University of Western Ontario, Canada

4.  Prof. P. C. Mishra

Emiratus fellow and Ex-Head

Department of Physics,

Banaras Hindu Unbiversity, Varanasi

6.  Prof. L. N. Tripathi

Ex-chairman, HEC- U.P.,

& Professor of Physics, DDU University, Gorakhpur

8.  Prof. Late R. K. Singh

Former Vice Chancellor

GGD University,Bilaspur (C.G.)

10. Sri R. P. Tripathi

Former Director General of Police, U.P.

Alumni (Last 10 years)