M.Sc. (P) 


Instruction: Students will be required to perform at least seven experiments from group A as well as from group B. They will have to maintain record books of experiments done for each group separately.


1. Study of R-C Coupled Amplifier

2. Study of Multivibrator

3. Study of Push-pull Amplifier

4. Study the characteristics and determination of h-Parameter 

5. Study of Energy band gap of Semiconductor.

6. Study of High pass and Low pass Active Filter.

7. Study of saw tooth wave generator by UJT.

8. Study of TTL gates.

9. Study of Phase Shift Oscillator.

10. Study of Linear and Square wave detector.

11. (a) Study of Bias Stabilization. (b) Study of Temperature effect on Diode junction.

12. Study of Clipping – Clamping circuit.


1. Wavelength of Sodium light by Michelson Interferometer

2. Wavelength of Sodium light by Fabry Perot Interferometer

3. Young modulus of metal rod by Newton’s Ring

4. Wavelength of Laser light and thickness of wire.

5. Lande’s g factor by E.S.R

6. Activation energy of KCl crystal by Thermoluminiscence.

7. Study of Optical fibre

8. Excitation energy and wavelength by Frank Hertz experiment.

9. Study of Hall effect.

10. Study of G. M. Counter.

11. Study of Zeeman Effect (e/m).

12. Study of Lattice Dynamics.

M.Sc. (F)

List of Experiments

Instruction: Students will be required to perform at least seven experiments from group A as well as from group B. They will have to maintain record books of experiments done for each group separately.


1. Study of Amplitude modulation and demodulation.

2. Study of Frequency modulation and demodulation.

3. Study of first and Second order active band pass and band reject filter.

4. Study of Multivibrator using IC 555 timer.

5. Study of characteristics Op-Amp.

6. Study of characteristics of Emitter follower.

7. Study of Microwave.

8. Study of Transmission line.

9. Study of PLL circuit.

10. Study of Sampling theorem.

11. Study of Pulse coded modulation.

12. Study of Super heterodyne receiver


1. Study of Decoder and seven segment display unit.

2. Study of Encoder.

3. Study of Mux and Demux.

4. Study of Microprocessor.

5. Study of Combinational logic.

6. Study of Sequential logic.

7. Study of Registers

8. Study of Counter.

9. Study of A/D and D/A converter.

10. Study of Memory.

11. Study of Arithmetic Logic units.

12. Programming