भौतिक विज्ञान विभाग, तिलकधारी महाविद्यालय,  जौनपुर

Physics Department, T D PG College Jaunpur


B.Sc. sem III & V : Mid Term Exam Schedule

About Department

Sixty one years of merit and excellence have rolled by in the history of Physics Department which was started in the 1953 as U.G. department and in 1970 as a P.G. department. Over the years the students of Physics department have been offered high quality education with special care extended to the socially and economically weaker strata of the society in eastern U.P.

Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh, Head

Words from HOD

Since the inception, the Physics Department is shaping and brightening the future of the younger generations via collective and interactive teaching- learning environments and time-honored pedagogy. Department is primarily engaged in teaching profession. We are purely engaged in creating a diverse, progressive and inclusive working environment. We believe that this endeavor is central to maximizing creativity and innovation in research and education inside the department. I strongly believe that Physics Department is one of the best nursery  platform for the our great scientific minds of outskirts. To surpass and neglect the  COVID-19 barrier and safe academic journey of our great and blooming  minds, the team of our department is well-equipped with the state-of-art online tools.  With this technological mind setup in this challenging scenario, our well timed inclusion of online learning in pedagogy will improve the aptitude and ensures bright academic profession.

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