
year 2 : Onward and upward

2017 Brought some new board members in, some old faces back from Phoenix Basketball's past. A number of updates, including a re-write of the game rules to make play more competitive, a website redesign on a new website management platform, a record number of snow days, some good growth in the 1/2 division, and also a few challenges with some mid-year turn over in some important board positions.

  • President : Doug Reutsch / Shawn Denslow / Vacant
  • Vice President : Kyle Kimball
  • Secretary : Denise Wolniak / Vacant
  • Treasurer : Lisa Ashby / Denise Wolniak
  • Technology : Richard Kersey
  • Boys Players' Agent : Patrick Frawley
  • Girls Players' Agent : Jim Graham
  • Concessions Coordinator : Jessica Kersey

This season was successful overall despite the many challenges that piled on and wore on board members as the tournament time approached. It seemed as though every Friday was a snow day and that made scheduling (Nichole Bacon's) job harder than ever.

Despite the behind the scenes difficulties we held a great season, by keeping the most important thing at the forefront - player, participation, education and development.

We held another wildly successful tournament, which again saw a stand out volunteer step up - Jessica Kersey. She volunteered to handle concessions, got all of the food donated, and created a huge money maker basket raffle, and deserves some special recognition to go along with all the great volunteers who stepped up for the tournament and throughout the year.

The funds from the tournament once again made it so that we don't have to pester parents with bottle drives and other fund raising, and so that we can keep the registration fees as low as possible (below cost) for our great Phoenix Community.