
The first year under new board management

It was 2016 when a big transition took place in Phoenix Community Basketball. The previous show runners bowed out and turned over the reigns to a whole new group. We had some big shoes to fill, and it took a number of new parent volunteers to step up and handle all the moving parts that go into a basketball season with 200+ kids. Fortunately we were given a healthy program, with a good monetary surplus to secure our future.

It was 2016 when Denise Wolniak offered a great service of taking her experience of working with the Boosters to set us up with some board rules and procedures to get us going. With everyone being new it got us all off on a good foot and ready to tackle the challenges ahead.

  • President : Doug Reutsch
  • Vice President : Kyle Kimball
  • Secretary : Sheilia Dion
  • Treasurer : Lisa Ashby
  • Technology : Richard Kersey
  • Boys Players' Agent : Jeff Gordon
  • Girls Players' Agent : Jim Graham
  • Tournament Coordinator : Nichole Bacon

Overall it was a wildly successful year, with an outstanding tournament that would lead to some good growth in following year. A special shout out goes to Nichole Bacon who ran the tournament, which is our primary fundraiser for the year. The funds from Nichole's management of the tournament made it so that we don't have to pester parents with bottle drives and other fund raising, and so that we can keep the registration fees as low as possible (below cost) for our great Phoenix Community.