Technology Resources

• Technology can be a real support in times when we are isolated. There are many free resources availble on the Internet that can help to pass the time ....... as entertainment, as productive resources, as learning experiences.

• Something to keep in mind is the amount of data you are allowed to download each month. If you don't know, a call to your internet provider should provide you with the answer.

• We offer training in the use of Smartphones/Tablets and computers in our area - when we have available staff and equipment. Contact our office for more information (See the Contact Us page) 

There are a vast number/range of videos available to view

Words with friends - a free app for your smartphone  that enables you play an online version of Scrabble - against yourself, friends or randomly selected users from around the world.

The range of free movies, documentaries, TV series available on SBS on demand is incredible. They can be access on smart TVs or Smartphones

Whatsapp: A free app which can be downloaded to your smart phone. It's easy to use and it enables a group of people to 'get together' online. Most used for text connections.

(Download to your smartphone from your App store)

Have a Library card ? - you can download ebooks and audio books for free.


Have a Library card ? - you can stream a large range of movies for free.


Google has a host of free services. One is an Arts & Culture section where youcan enjoy online visits to museums and galleries all round the world

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