CfA: Graduate Workshop

Graduate Workshop for Scientifically Engaged Philosophy of Machine Learning

September 10, 2024

Cluster of Excellence: Machine Learning for Science, University of Tübingen

Lecture Hall, Tübingen AI Building
Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6
Tübingen, Germany

Keynotes: Kate Vredenburgh (London School of Economics)

To grow the relatively new field of philosophy of machine learning (ML), we recognize that it is crucial to offer opportunities for early-career researchers to engage with experts in science, ML, and philosophy. We will thus host a one-day mentoring workshop for graduate students in connection with the PhilML2024 conference. The purpose is to help students hone their ideas and develop skills for interdisciplinary exchange.


With these aims, we encourage the submission of papers that are still works in progress. To facilitate insightful feedback, we will hold the workshop in a pre-read format, i.e., we will invite authors of accepted contributions to submit short papers that will be circulated to conference organizers and participants prior to the workshop. Every speaker will give a 15 minute talk followed by a 25 minutes Q&A. Also, we will match speakers to local experts from the Tübingen academic community according to their paper topics. We will invite experts to attend a short, one-on-one mentoring session with speakers at the end of the day. We hope this workshop will lay the grounds for future collaborations among graduate students as well as between early and later career scholars.


We invite students to submit anonymized extended abstracts (750 words, not including references), along with a separate cover sheet with your name, email address, and institutional affiliation. They should be sent as attachments to


Due date: June 15, 2024

Workshop: Sept. 10, 2024


We also invite students to submit their work to the main conference for consideration as these decisions will be made independently.