Philosophy of Science 

Meets Machine Learning

📍Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Lecture Hall)

Max-Planck-Ring 4, 72076 Tübingen 

Please, take into account that this program is still subject to changes and updates. 

Because of this, we kindly ask you to check this website regularly.

Thursday, 20th October

9:15 – 09:30 

9:30 – 10:20 

10:30 – 11:20 

11:30 – 12:20 

12:20 – 13:30

13:30 – 14:20

14:30 – 15:20

15:20 –16:00 

16:00 –16:50  

17:00 – 17:50   


Ben Jantzen (Virginia Tech): Machines and Ontological Induction

Kate Vredenburgh (LSE): Against Decision Thresholds

Donal Khosrowi (Hannover): Generalization in Machine Learning: A Plea for Better Theory

Lunch Break

Tim Räz (Bern): Machine Learning and the Quest for Objectivity in Climate Model Parameterization

Winnie Ma (KCL): Profiling Patients

Coffee Break/Snacks

Heather Champion (Rotman Institute): A Transferrable Conceptual Toolbox for Characterizing Novelty with Machine-led Exploratory Experiments

Cameron Buckner (Houston): On Measures Relating Representations in DNNs to Representations in the Brain

Dinner at Caro’s

Friday, 21st October

9:00 – 09:30

9:30 – 10:20 

10:30 – 11:20 

11:30 – 12:20 

12:20 – 13:30

13:30 – 14:20

14:30 – 15:20

15:20 –16:00 

16:00 –16:50  

17:00 – 17:50   


Uljana Feest (Hannover): Big Data and Machine Learning in the Measurement of Personality Traits

David Watson (KCL): Probing Errors with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (joint work with D. Mayo)

Hong Yu Wong (Tübingen): Varieties of Intelligence?

Lunch Break

Jan-Willem Romeijn (Groningen): Machine Learning, or: The Return of Instrumentalism

Brandon James Ashby (York): Machine Learning Models of High-Level Vision: On the Format and Character of Category Perception

Coffee Break/Snacks

Lily Hu (Yale): TBA

Zachary Lipton (CMU): Induction, Identification, Interpolation, and Extrapolation in Machine Learning

Dinner at Freistil

Saturday, 22nd October

10:00 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:20


11:30 – 12:20 

12:20 – 13:30

13:30 – 14:20

14:30 – 15:20

15:20 –16:00   


Emily Sullivan (Eindhoven): Idealization in Machine Learning and XAI

Bojana Grujicic (UCL): Deep Neural Networks as Mechanistic Explanations of Object Recognition: In Search of the Explanans (CANCELLED)

Rabanus Derr (Tübingen): Fairness and Randomness in Machine Learning: Statistical Independence and Relativization

Lunch Break

Frederick Eberhardt (Caltech): Continuous Causal Macro Variables

Katie Creel (Northeastern): A Molineux Problem for Automated Science

Tom Sterkenburg (LMU): Machine Learning and the Philosophical Problem of Induction

Closing Words and Drinks