Call for Abstracts

The organizers of the fourth Philosophy of Science Meets Machine Learning conference (PhilML‘24), taking place on September 11-13, 2024 at the University of Tübingen, would like to invite the submission of extended abstracts. 

Since 2021, PhilML has brought together scientifically-engaged philosophers with machine learners to address foundational issues raised by developments in ML research. Submissions are invited from all philosophical subfields, including philosophy of science, mind, ethics, epistemology, and political philosophy, as well as foundational and philosophical submissions from machine learners. 


Submissions, due May 24, should consist of an anonymised extended abstract (750 words, not including references), along with a cover sheet with your name, email address, and institutional affiliation. It should be sent as an attachment to

The workshop’s central topics include

Procedure and Questions

Each abstract will be reviewed by multiple philosophers/ML researchers working in or around the University of Tübingen. Selection criteria are research quality, novelty, and topical diversity. The workshop is organized by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science.’ Decisions will be announced by mid-June end of June. We apologize for the delay (17.06.2024). 

For participation in the workshop, we have to charge a registration fee of (tentatively) 100 Euro for senior academics, respectively 50 Euros for graduate students, covering beverages, lunch and snacks, and the conference dinner.

If you have questions, please email: