
For a descriptive morphological review of Philippine Alocasia, visit this page.

Image: Upper left by Jardinerong Sunog Blogs; Upper right by P.B. Pelser & J.F. Barcelona; Bottom pics by Mark Gregory Rule

Image: Left images by PARC; Upper right by P.B. Pelser & J.F. Barcelona; Lower right by Mc Andrew Pranada

Leaf Blade

Image: Upper left by Shameer Gappal Mangkabong; Upper right and Lower left by Wally Suarez; Lower right by Mark Gregory Rule


Image: Lower right by Shiella Olimpos; Rest by P.B. Pelser & J.F. Barcelona


Image: P.B. Pelser & J.F. Barcelona


Image: PARC


Image: Upper left by Mark Gregory Rule; Rest by PARC

Juvenile Specimen

Image: Upper left by Shameer Gappal Mangkabong; Upper right by Cef Occena; Bottom pics by PARC

Image: Upper left and Lower right by Mark Gregory Rule; Upper right by D. L. Nickrent; Lower left by Jardinerong Sunog Blogs;

Image: PARC

Image: PARC

Image: PARC

Image: PARC

Synandria (Male)

Image: PARC

Neuter Organs of Sterile Interstice

Image: PARC

Pistils (Female)

Image: PARC