Alocasia zebrina Schott ex Van Houtte

Overall Description

Zebrina of Southern Luzon / The Common Zebrina / Type Form

A. zebrina

Image: Mc Andrew Pranada (FB)


Alocasia zebrina Schott ex Van Houtte

Alocasia zebrina Veitch ex J.Dix

Specific epithet

zebrina - From scientific Latin Zebrina, former genus name from zebra + -ina; in allusion to its striped petioles.

ex - the initial description did not satisfy the rules for valid publication, but the same name was subsequently validly published by a second author or authors


Veitch - James Veitch

J.Dix -

Schott -

Van Houtte -


1862 in Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society London v.2: 451 (1862)

1863 in Schott ex Van Houtte. In: Fl. Serres Jard. Paris v.15: p.81. (1863) with illustration

Engl. in DC. Mon. Phan. l. c. v.2 p.507

1920 in Das Pflanzenreich 71, p. 105


Alocasia liervalii Hérincq: After Lierval

Published in Hort. Franç.: 243 (1869)

Native Range

Endemic to the Philippines- Luzon, Mindanao, Leyte, Samar, Biliran, Alabat. (1)




Taxonomic Notes


Moderately robust to robust herb to 1.8 m tall; leaves several together, not interspersed with cataphylls save at the beginning of a sympodial module; petiole to 1.1 m long, sheathing in the lower third, pale green, obliquely streaked brownish and/or darker green; blade rather narrowly sagittate, ca. 45-100 cm long, rather coriaceous, rich glossy green; anterior lobe triangular to somewhat ovate, to 80 cm long, with ( 4-)6-10 primary lateral veins diverging from each side of the anterior costa at ea. 80-90° and running almost straight to the margin, bearing small axillary glands on the abaxial side; secondary venation flush with the lamina and inconspicuous on both surfaces of the blade, arising from the primary veins at a wide angle then deflected to the margin without forming interprimary collective veins; posterior costae diverging at an acute or right angle, bearing lamina to the sinus and often minutely peltate; posterior lobes elongate, three fifths to two thirds the length of the anterior lobe; inflorescences paired, not in large clusters; peduncle ea. 25 cm long; spathe 13-16 cm long; lower part 2.2-3 cm long, narrowly ovoid, separated from the limb by an abrupt constriction corresponding with the sterile interstice of the spadix; limb narrowly lanceolate, erect; spadix somewhat shorter than the spathe, stipitate for ea. 7 mm; stipe conic; female zone 1.4-2 cm long x ea. 8 mm wide; ovaries globose; stigma weakly lobed, subsessile; sterile interstice ea. 1 cm long, distally attenuate; male zone cylindric, ea. 3-4.5 cm long x 5 mm thick (dry); synandria rhombo-hexagonal, 1.5-2 mm diam., capped by synconnective; appendix distinctly narrower (at least in dry state) than male zone, 4.5-5 cm long, tapering; fruiting spadix globose, ea. 4.5 cm diam. (1)


Use and Trade


More Description

(1862) Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society London v.2 p.451

(See Fig. 4)


Alocasia zebrina: — from Messrs. VEITCH & SON. A very fine Arad from the Philippine Islands, introduced by Mr. J. G. Veitch. It was a stout-growing plant of bold habit, and had thick green broadly sagittate erect leaves, on stout erect stalks, which were mottled and banded with dark green on a pale green ground, so as to become snake-like in marking. It was both curious and handsome, and received the SILVER KNIGHTIAN MEDAL offered for plants of this class.

(1863) Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe (2)

(See Fig. 1 & 2)


Aroideæ, SCHOTT

CHARACT. GENER. — Vide SCHOTT. Prodr. Syst. Aroidearum, 1860, p. 144.

CHARACT. SPECIF. A. petiolis flavide-albentibus, maculis atroviridibus angustis; lateraliter plus minusve confluentibus et irregulariter sursum deorsumque prominulis; in zonas plus minus ve transversas sæpeque interruptas consociatis; lamina fol. vix peliata, inferne profunde sagittata, lobo antico sensim angustalo, acuminato, posticis duplo circiter longiore. SCHOTT, in Litt.

Alocasia zebrina (VEITCH.), SCHOTT. in Litt.

Google's Translation from Latin:

CHARACT. SPECIF.A. petioles yellowish-white, with narrow dark spots; laterally more or less confluent and irregularly prominent upwards and downwards; into zones more or less transverse, and often break together together; plate fol. scarcely peliate, below, deeply arched; the front lobe gradually narrower, pointed, about twice longer than the rear.


L'Alocasia zebrina fut introduit de Manille en Europe, il y a trois ou quatre ans à peu près, par l'infatigable et persévérant M. Marinus Porte. Nous avons eu, à cette époque, la bonne fortune devoir, de convoiter des yeux cette coquette aroïdée, peu après son arrivée sur la terre d'exil! Elle se baignait les pieds dans l'Aquarium du Jardin des plantes de Paris et semblait se complaire dans l'élément humide que l'on avait artificiellement chauffé à l'intention de la Reine de l'Amazone.

En présence de la Victoria, on eùt dit que notre favori jouait le rôle de page, un charmant page, vraiment! svelte de tournure, élégamment orné de sa léopardine zébrure!

Deux ans après, - le petit page, devenu très-adulte, se montrait majestueux dans l'Aquarium de M. James Veitch en Angleterre. Ses dimensions avaient sextuplé ; il était là dans toute sa måle beauté! La zébrure avait grandi et paraissait plus colorée même que dans son jeune âge.

Rangé sous la bannière des Alocasia par le savant M. Schott, il recevra lors de sa floraison son baptème définitif.

Très-accommodant, il se plait tout aussi bien assis sur une prosaïque planchette d'une serre chaude que plongé par sa base dans un Aquarium quelconque. Il se multiplie chez nous avee la même facilité que le font ses congénères. L.VH.

Google's Translation from French:

Alocasia zebrina was introduced to Europe from Manila about three or four years ago by the tireless and persevering Mr. Marinus Porte. At that time, we had the good fortune to covet this aroid coquette with our eyes, shortly after her arrival in the land of exile! She bathed her feet in the Aquarium of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris and seemed to revel in the humid element that had been artificially heated for the Queen of the Amazon.

In the presence of the Victoria, it was said that our favorite was playing the role of page, a charming page, really! slender in shape, elegantly adorned with its leopardine zebra stripe!

Two years later - the little page, grown very old, appeared majestic in the Aquarium of Mr. James Veitch in England. Its dimensions had increased sixfold; he was there in all his beauty! The welt had grown and looked more colorful even than it was at a young age.

Arranged under the banner of Alocasia by the learned M. Schott, it will receive its definitive baptism when it blooms.

Very accommodating, it is just as happy sitting on a prosaic board in a greenhouse as it is immersed by its base in any Aquarium. It multiplies with us with the same ease as do its congeners. L.VH.

(1869) L'Horticulteur français: p.243

(See Fig. 3)

Alocasia Liervalii. C'est une magnifique espèce des iles Philippines découverte par l'infortuné Porte, et mise au commerce par M. Lierval. Elle est, sans contredit, la plus belle etla plus grande des Aroïdées. Comme port, elle a quelque ressemblance avec les Alocasia Boryi et odorum ; mais elle en diffère surtout par le pétiole des feuilles plus marbré ; le limbe d'une grandeur extraordinaire, est d'un vert luisant clair et transparent sur lequel les nervures subdivisées à l'infini forment des dessins bizarres qui, vus par transparence, sont d'un effet admirable. Aussi la plante ne se donne pas. Prix, la pièce, 150 fr.!

Google's Translation from French:

Alocasia Liervalii. It is a magnificent species from the Philippine Islands discovered by the unfortunate Porte, and put on the market by M. Lierval. She is, without a doubt, the most beautiful and the largest of the Aroids. As a port, it has some resemblance to Alocasia Boryi and odorum; but it differs from it especially by the petiole of the leaves more mottled; the limb of an extraordinary size, is of a clear and transparent shining green on which the veins subdivided to infinity form bizarre designs which, seen by transparency, are of an admirable effect. Also the plant is not given. Price, the piece, 150 fr.!

Fig. 1: between page 80-81 of "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe. v.15 (1862-65)"

Fig. 2: page 81 of "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe. v.15 (1862-65)"

Fig. 3: page 243 of "L'Horticulteur français (1869)"

Fig. 4: page 451 of "Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society London v.2 (1862)"


Specimen / Collection Number: 14911 (Smithsonian)

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: Elmer, A. D. E.

Date Collected: Nov 1915

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Philippine Islands. Irosin (Mt. Bulusan), Povince of Sorsogon. Island of Luzon.

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Specimen / Collection Number: 17790 (Smithsonian)

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: Elmer, A. D. E.

Date Collected: Jun 1917 to Jul 1917

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Los Baños (Mt.Maquiling), Laguna, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Specimen / Collection Number: 844 (Smithsonian)

Plant Parts: Entire plant

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: Nicolson, D. H.

Date Collected: Dec 14 1960

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Mt. Makiling, Laguna Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: 800 m

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: Stem prorepent. Petiole whitish, striped, 45 cm. Anterior lobe 18 x 14 cm. Posterior lobe 13 cm. Two juvenile leaves peltate for 2 cm.

Along path in forest, below 800 meters. Mount Makiling.


Image Link

Specimen / Collection Number: 6731 (Smithsonian)

Plant Parts: Leaf, inflorescence, and infructescence?

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: Robinson, C. B.

Date Collected: Apr 1909

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Los Baños, Laguna, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Herbaria Barcode: 00217755 (Harvard)

Plant Parts: Leaf and infructescence

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: H. H. Bartlett

Date Collected: Sep 1, 1935

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Mount Makiling, Laguna Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: Along the road and paths from the School of Forestry to the hot mud springs, Mount Makiling, Laguna Province, Luzon


Image Link

Herbaria Barcode: 00217756 (Harvard)

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: A. D. E. Elmer

Date Collected: Jun 1917 to Jul 1917

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Los Baños, Mount Maquiling, Laguna Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Herbaria Barcode: 00217757 (Harvard)

Plant Parts: Entire plant

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: A. D. E. Elmer

Date Collected: Nov 1915

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Irosin, Mount Bulusan, Sorsogon Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Collection Number: Unknown

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: A. D. E. Elmer

Date Collected: Nov 1915

Determiner / Identified By: None

Determination / Identification Date: None

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Irosin, Mount Bulusan, Sorsogon Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Collection Number: Unknown

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: A. D. E. Elmer

Date Collected: Nov 1915

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Irosin, Mount Bulusan, Sorsogon Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Collection Number: Unknown

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: A. D. E. Elmer

Date Collected: Jun 1917 to Jul 1917

Determiner / Identified By: None

Determination / Identification Date: None

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Los Baños, Mount Maquiling, Laguna Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Collection Number: Unknown

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: A. D. E. Elmer

Date Collected: Jun 1917 to Jul 1917

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Jan 1997

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Los Baños, Mount Maquiling, Laguna Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

Collection Number: Unknown

Plant Parts: Leaf

Type Status: Unknown

Collector: A. D. E. Elmer

Date Collected: Nov 1915

Determiner / Identified By: Hay, A.

Determination / Identification Date: Nov 14, 1996

Biogeographic Region: Greater Luzon

Country: Philippines

Precise Locality: Irosin, Mount Bulusan, Sorsogon Province, Luzon

Elevation/Altitude: Unknown

Initial ID: Alocasia zebrina

Notes: None


Image Link

In situ

PHILIPPINES: Luzon; Region: Calabarzon; Province: Quezon, Mun. Dolores, Brgy. Kinabuhayan, Mt Banahaw;

Coordinates of general area: 14 2 37.46 N, 121 26 54.67 E

Date: November 29, 2011

Images: P.B. Pelser & J.F. Barcelona

Link: Links in respective photos

PHILIPPINES: Luzon; Region: Calabarzon; Province: Quezon;

Coordinates of general area: Unknown

Date: August 27, 2018

Images: Mc Andrew Pranada





Petioles and Inflorescences


Lower spadix