
When you are about to open a mission, keep in mind the two following caveats:

1) Each mission must be authorized at least 15 days before departure, so remember to open the mission in time.

2) Always keep track of your available budget. 

3) If, for whatever reason, you cannot access the Cineca digital platform, please follow the procedure in "Missions - old procedure".

Opening a mission

1) If you use only doctoral funds:

To select the doctoral fund in physics, the following information must be entered:

2) If you use mixed funds:

A different request must be filled in for each fund.

In addition, the "Co-financed mission" box must be ticked in all requests.

3) Procedure if using any fund other than the doctoral fund:

N.B: You must indicate the fund under "Notes" (not under "Project", as the form does not save the information in that box).

You can request an advance for 75% of the budgeted expenses for: (i) travel (ii) conference fee (iii) accommodation.

To do so, you should list such expenses at the end of the form, something like what is shown in the screenshot below. You will be given an advance for 75% only for the sum of the expenses in "AEREO", "CONGR" and "ALBER".  Remember to tick the box "Richiesta anticipo".

During a mission

Closing a mission

Once you are back, you can fill out the reimbursement form on the Cineca digital platform, relative to the mission.