50% Salary Increase

Ph.D. students with a scholarship have the right to ask for a 50% salary increase for days spent abroad.

In this section, we gather the necessary steps to make the request. As usual, we recommend taking this website as general guidelines and taking the Sapienza offices in charge as the main reference.

Before leaving:

Send an email to dottorato.fisica@uniroma1.it, putting your thesis supervisor in cc, and specify:

  • your full name

  • your cycle

  • your thesis supervisor and thesis advisor

  • the period you want to spend abroad

  • the hosting institution

She will then provide you with the formal authorization of the Coordinator for your period abroad.

Once back:

  1. Fill out this form with all the details of your stay.

  2. Ask the hosting institution for a certificate of your stay on original headed paper.

  3. Send to ufficio.dottorato@uniroma1.it the following three documents:

  • The authorization of the Coordinator

  • The certificate by your hosting institution

  • The form that you filled out and signed

And, finally, wait patiently.