About ShOT: general information

  • General info: ShOT. The ShOT initiative took off in the 2021-22 Academic Year to provide PhD students with free access to online doctoral training shared across universities in the South-East of England. The pilot year 2021-22 proved highly successful with more than 40 student applications across two twin platforms (ShOT for SeNSS universities and SEDOT for an extended set of universities not participating to SeNSS) that are now merged into a single website. The university providing a given shared online course may offer external students a different form of attendance ("auditing" or "full enrolment status") depending on individual circumstances of the student. At the moment, the benchmark is that students will be accepted to attend online courses as "auditors". However, at the application stage, students may ask in their application email to the Academic Officer of the host university whether it is possible to be admitted under "full enrolment" (that is, obtaining credits that are recognized at their home university too) in their specific case.

  • Students: application instructions. Students should apply following the instructions on the page dedicated to the specific course they wish to attend. This means students applying for multiple courses should make multiple applications: one separate application for each course. Applying to a given course involves two steps, (1) sending an application email and (2) completing the confirmation form. See the detailed instructions reported in the course pages.