Course page
PGR Refreshers
provided by University of Bath
Course Details
(last updated: December 2022)
Instructor: This course comprises two different PGR Refreshers - (1) Microeconomics, (2) Macroeconomics. For application purposes, please send your application email to the academic officer (details below).
Academic Officer: Dr Jonathan James
Term in which taught: Spring term, 2023
Application deadline: please apply by January 13, 2023 in order to join this course online
Summary course description:
PGR refreshers course 1: Microeconomics. Title: "A Brief Review of Topics from Advanced Microeconomics". Instructor: Robertas Zubrickas. Date and Time: Wednesday 18 January, 2023 [09.00-15.30]. Details: In this 6-hour Zoom refresher course, we will cover topics in (1) Consumer choice, (2) Choice under uncertainty, (3) Asymmetric information, and (4) Game theory. We will consider theoretical and practical aspects of the topics studied. There will be no assessment. Lectures will be recorded. There will be no cap on the number of external participants. Prerequisites: Calculus and constrained optimization.
PGR refreshers course 2: Macroeconomics. Title: "Brief introduction to dynamic programming and competitive equilibrium". Instructor: Nikolaos Kokonas. Date and Time: Thursday 19 January, 2023 [09.00-15.30]. Details: The 6-hour Zoom lectures will be based on chapter 2 - "Overview" - of Stokey, Lucas and Prescott "Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics". I will explain the theory and we will solve exercises. Furthermore, I will provide notes to students with solved exercises from that chapter. In addition to the 6-hour Zoom lecture, I will offer 3-hour of office hours to answer questions from students. There will be no assessment. Lectures will be recorded in case anyone would like to access them afterwards. There will be no cap on the number of external participants. Prerequisites: Calculus; constrained optimization; familiarity with the neoclassical growth model (see chapters 1,2 of David Romer, “Advanced Macroeconomics”).
Further details about this course (click to expand)
Taught sessions: Dates - 17, 18 January, 2023.
How to Apply
In order to apply for this course, you need to (1) send an Application Email to the academic officer and to (2) fill the Confirmation Form at the bottom of this page. Please complete both steps according to the instructions reported below.
1. Application Email: instructions
Step 1 of 2: Application Email. Send an email to the Instructor of this course and to the Academic Officer of the host university: names and contact links are reported above in the section 'Course Details' (right-click on the name to copy their email address, or left-click on the name to create a new email with your default software). Please send your application email using your university email account. Sample email:
Object: Application to your online PhD course (ShOT/SEDOT)
My name is [STUDENT NAME], PhD student at [HOME UNIVERSITY]. I would like to attend online your PhD course in [COURSE TITLE], shared through the ShOT/SEDOT network. Please let me know if I can join the course, I look forward to hearing from you.
2. Confirmation Form: instructions
Step 2 of 2: Confirmation Form. Please answer all the questions in the Confirmation Form below and press the Submit button in the last page. All fields are required. You will receive an automated notification by email.