Daizhong Liu

Team Member Profile: Daizhong Liu

Current position: Post-doc at MPIA (will do another post-doc at MPE from late-2020)

General Science Interest: 

What I do / What I have done in PHANGS: I have been in PHANGS since early 2017, helping with early infrastructure setup at MPIA and ALMA data reduction, e.g., testing interferometry and total power pipelines with Kaz Sliwa in 2017, participating ALMA cube visual inspection in 2018–2019, contributing to ALMA interferometry pipeline and automated quality assessments in 2019–2020, and helping on PHANGS internal google site pages. On science, I have been leading high-J CO and [CI] observations for a few galaxies to study the CO excitation and the [CI] as a molecular gas tracer.