Twisting the Cat

Written by Alan Kilpatrick

Directed by Carla Nell

Carla Nell, Director

Carla directed and co-produced the SDSU campus premier production of The Vagina Monologues, a campaign in its 8th year which has raised more than $75,000 for local charities.   She has produced and directed at 6th@Penn, Diversionary, St. Cecilias, and Onstage. She co-produced the critically acclaimed Marat/Sade and All in the Timing with ion theatre.

Reed Willard as Igor Kabalevsky

Since his move from Virginia not quite two years ago, Reed has acted in several local productions including The Star-Spangled Girl, Breast Men (The Real Theater), Psychopathia Sexualis (Compass Theatre), and Away from the Past (San Diego Therapist Convention on Sexual Abuse and Trauma)Reed has played character roles in student films, independent shorts and features; and appeared as a featured extra on TV shows (Monk, The Ex-List) and major Hollywood films (The Outside, The Ugly Truth, and My Son, My Son What Have Ye Done).  Reed is very excited to be a part of this year's New Perspective Festival.

Wendy Savage as Myrtle Debitage“The Phoenician Women” (The Theatre, Inc.), “The Vagina Monologues” (InnerMission Productions), "A Fish Without its Flippers", "A View Unassisted" (Fritz Blitz), "Tiresias the Harlot" (6th@Penn), "The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower" (Vantage Theatre), "The Marriage of Bette & Boo" (Groove Company). Film: Werner Herzog's "My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done" & various short films.