Won't you look a litte closer? Pain beyond the pelvis in endometriosis
Project lead: PROFESSOR Katy vincent
Associate Professor, Senior Fellow in Pain in Women and Honorary Consultant Gynaecologist
Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health
Project Summary
Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting over 190 million women worldwide. Although highly prevalent, endometriosis remains a medical enigma that is seldom common knowledge. For many endometriosis-sufferers, chronic pain, predominantly in the pelvis, is a reality. However, recent work done by DPhil student Danielle Perro of the Pain in Women group suggests that many suffer from extra-pelvic pain that is inadequately addressed. We have collaborated with visual artists living with endometriosis-associated pain (EAP), local Oxford artists, and women with endometriosis in Oxford to highlight, through visual art, the widespread nature of pain. This pilot project aims to increase awareness and inform Oxford residents about endometriosis and EAP. Of equal importance, this project aims to inspire and empower women with EAP. An educational event will give women with EAP an opportunity to discuss their pain, through visual art, with members of the endometriosis community who would in some capacity understand their experience. Additionally, in collaboration with Endometriosis UK, we will disseminate current research and wellbeing resources for those with EAP during COVID-19. For our public audience, this will be an important opportunity to learn about endometriosis, and the unspoken impact it has on the lives of women with EAP.
Project Updates
We will be posting updates as the project gets started.
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