Beyond water scarcity in Jordan

Photograph of Dr Hussam Hussein

Project lead: Dr Hussam Hussein

Departmental Lecturer and Research Fellow in International Relations

Department of Politics and International Relations

Project Summary

Beyond Water Scarcity in Jordan aims at engaging the public in Jordan - one of the most water scarce countries in the world - on the issue of water scarcity. It aims at: informing and inspiring the public on the issue of water scarcity; consulting and listening to Bedouins, rural communities, and refugees on how water scarcity and potential solutions may affect the most marginalised in the country to make solutions more inclusive; and collaborating with donors and water experts on implementing the identified solutions. It does so by organising events in Jordan comprising the screening of a documentary film “Living Water” followed by a moderated panel debate of invited experts and community members.

Project Updates

We will be posting updates as the project gets started.

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