United for Leopards

Photograph of Dr Mohammad Farhadinia

Research Fellow

Department of Zoology/ Oxford Martin School

Project Summary

Large carnivores have extensive spatial requirements that extend beyond geopolitical borders. During my DPhil and postdoctoral researches, I found that in 18 out of 23 Asian countries the majority of remaining leopard range is in borderlands, and thus conservation of the species is dependent on transboundary collaboration. In other words, no habitat is left for leopards in the majority of Asian countries. Therefore, it is critical to inform public audience from Asian countries to promote transboundary conservation planning and implementation which is the aim of this project. Three animations will be produced to target specific geographic regions, including the Middle East (in English), central Asia (in Russian), China and Southeast Asia (in Chinese). I will then share those using social media, in partnership with local NGOs. This project will promote the key findings of my research by helping to contribute to it making a difference through growing awareness of public audiences and increasing public pressure on governments to work together. Finally, the project will trigger the UNEP to develop joint action plans, under its Convention of Migratory Species to provide further support for leopard conservation across Asia, which can contribute to improve the REF status for my ongoing research program.

Project Updates

We will be posting updates as the project gets started.

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