
~ Now Available ~

Penny's Latest Books!

Now available as paperback books as well as Kindle books.

Horseshoe Writing ~ 2021 Have you ever tried to teach a young person how to write? This can be a challenge! Horseshoe Writing provides easy to explain tips and techniques on how best to help your little author. It will teach you and your child the different writing stages along with provide examples of several literary genres. This is the 2nd book in Horseshoe Hailey's Literacy Series.

Horseshoe Measurement ~ 2020 Horseshoe Hailey will teach you all about measurement and data. Have fun learning the basics about measuring and gathering data. We can see measurement in different ways in our daily life. This is book number 7 in her Math Series.

10 Little Horseshoes ~ Horseshoe Hailey is back in her last book in her Math Series. Practice counting groups of objects to answer the question "how many?". Learn how to compare groups of objects and numbers using greater than, less than, or equal to.

Horseshoe Teen Numbers - Horseshoe Hailey will teach you all about teen numbers. Teen numbers are 10 ones and some more ones. Learning teen numbers is the foundation for learning place value. This is book number 6 in her Math Series.

Horseshoe Adding and Subtracting ~ Horseshoe Hailey is back teaching all about adding and subtracting. Learn several strategies to add and subtract. You can use these skills to figure out simple story problems. This is book number 5 in her Math Series.

Horseshoe Opposites - Horseshoe Hailey will teach you all about opposites. She makes learning easy and fun! This book is perfect for little learners.

Horseshoe Hailey loves Science! Find out what Science is and who is a Scientist. Learn all about the Scientific Method, the 5 Senses and also do an experiment with Horseshoe Hailey. This is the first book in her Science Series.

Where is Horseshoe Hailey? is another horseshoe book in Penny's math series, featuring her character Horseshoe Hailey. It teaches about ordinal numbers, counting and directionality. This is a fun concept for kids to learn about. In the book, kids have to describe where they see Horseshoe Hailey in relation to different shapes.

And now for the request I have of you. I’m not one who feels especially comfortable asking for this, but fair or not, I’ve learned how vital this thing can be to a book’s life and success. The thing I’m talking about is the Amazon review.

If you’ve read any of my books and enjoyed them, I’d be super grateful if you took a moment or two to write a quick review on Amazon.

Thank you, friends, for your faithful support and enthusiasm!

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