
This filter was developed and tested; reported in the article below.

Talent Development & Excellence Vol. 5, No. 2, 2013, 101–112 Searching the Information Maze for Giftedness Using the Pearl Harvesting Information Retrieval Methodological Framework Robert W. Sandieson and Sarah M. McIsaac

gifted* OR "high achieve*" OR "high abilit*" OR talented OR eminent OR genius OR "able student*" OR "precocious child*" OR "precocious read*" OR "math* precocious" OR "precocious kid*" OR "precocious learner*" OR "precocious music" OR "precocious talk*" OR "precocious learner*" OR "linguistically precocious" OR "intellectually precocious" OR "high IQ" OR "high* intelligen*" OR "advanced placement course*" OR "more able student*" OR "superior student*" OR "bright student*" OR "enrichment course*" OR "high aptitude" OR prodigy OR "accelerated student*" OR "superior abilit*" OR "elite student*" OR "superior academic" OR "high academic abilit*" OR "high cognitive abilit*" OR "advanced abilit*" OR "highly able" OR "bright child*" OR "superior intelligen*" OR "academically advanced" OR "academically superior" OR Mensa OR "intellectually superior" OR "able learner*" OR "superior IQ" OR "superior cognitive abilit*" OR "intellectually advanced" OR "high potential student*" OR "high potential learner*" OR "superior thinking" OR "accelerated learner*" OR "superior learner*" OR "advanced learner*" OR "advanced student*" OR "elite child*" OR "advanced placement program*"