Studies and references related to  The Pearl Harvesting Information Framework


Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR)

R Muhammad - Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories 

Use of Conditionally Essential Amino Acids and the Economic Burden of Postoperative Complications After Fracture Fixation: Results from a Cost Utility Analysis.

Jason Shafrin, Kyi-Sin Than, Anmol Kanotra, Kirk W Kerr, Katie N Robinson & Michael C Willey (2023) Use of Conditionally Essential Amino Acids and the Economic Burden of Postoperative Complications After Fracture Fixation: Results from a Cost Utility Analysis, ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, , 753-764, To

 link to this article: 10.2147/CEOR.S408873

Campbell Collaboration  UK and Ireland Meta-Evidence Blog

Interview with Dr. Robert Sandieson:


Gale, L., Bhushan, P., Eidnani., S., Graham, L., Harrison, M., McKay-Brown, L., Pande, R., Shreeraman. S.,&  Sivashunmugam, C. Overcoming barriers to inclusion in education in India: A scoping review .  Social  Sciences and Humanities Open, (2022), 100237. 


Ho, H., Perry, A., & Koudys, J. (2021).  A systematic review of behaviour analytic interventions for young children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65(1), Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 65(1), 11-31.

Hamratty, J., Bradley, D.T., Miller, s.J., & Dempster, M. (2021). Determinants of health behaviours intended to prevent spread of respiratory pathogens that have pandemic potential: A rapid review.  Acta Psychologica, 220, 1-12.

Keenan, C, Thurston, A,  Storey, C., Urbanska, K. (2021), PROTOCOL: Video‐based interventions for promoting positive social behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Campbell UK & Ireland, Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation, Queen's University, Belfast, UK.

Lussier-Desrochers, D., Roux, J., &  Sparnaay, C. (2021). La prise de médicaments de façon autonome pour des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (Independent Self Medication Skills for People with an Intellectual Disability). Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle. 25, 24-36.

Neil, N., Anderson, B., Amicarelli, A., & Liesemer, K. (2021). A Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Research on Applied Behavior Analytic Interventions for Individuals with Down Syndrome. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 126(2), 114-141.

Ogolo A,C. (2021). Exploring Play-Based Learning in Full-Day Kindergarten in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador . Ph.D. thesis , University of Newfoundland.

Pescatello, LS., Hennessy, EA., Katzmarzyk, PT., Kraus, WE., Fish, AF.,  Craft, LL., and Johnson,BT. (2021).  Best Practices for Meta-Reviews in Physical Activity and Health Research: Insights From the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Advisory Committee Scientific Report. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. DOI:

Jordan Shurr, Alexandra Minuk, Mona Holmqvist, Daniel Östlund, Nehal Ghaith & Brenda Reed (2021): Parent perspectives on inclusive education for students with intellectual disability: A scoping review of the literature, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2021.2003612


Atmaja, G.M.W. (2020). The Drafting of Awig-Awig in Bali Traditional Villages: Understanding Form and Content. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change., 13(12). 

Howie, C.,  Potter, C., Shannon, C., Davidson, G., & Mulholland, C. (2019). Screening for the at‐risk mental state in educational settings: A systematic review. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2020;14:643–654.

Liao, Y., Dillenburger, K., He, W. et al. A Systematic Review of Applied Behavior Analytic Interventions for Children with Autism in Mainland China. Rev J Autism Dev Disord (2020).

Pfaller-Sadovsky, N., Hurtado-Parrado, C ., Cardillo, D., Medina, L.G., & Susan G. Friedman, S.G. (2020).   What’s in a Click? The Efficacy of Conditioned Reinforcement in Applied Animal Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 

Webster1 , D.,  Dunne, L., & Hunter, R. (2020). Association Between Social Networks and Subjective Well-Being in Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Youth & Society ,53(2), 175-210. 

Xie, J., Ke, Q., Cheng, Y., & Everhart, N.  (2020). Meta-synthesis in Library & Information Science Research. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5). 


Byrne, J., Kirwan, G., & Flavin, E. (2019). Working with people who have experienced political oppression: messages from the literature for group workers. Groupwork, 28(1), 77-99.

Church, H.L.M. (2019). Informal Caregivers’ of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Experiences of Social Inclusion Policy in the Province of Ontario. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Western Ontario. 

Connolly, P., Hanratty, J., Hughes, J., Chapman, C., & Blaylock, J. (2019). PROTOCOL: Protocol for a systematic review: Inter‐school collaborations for Emily A. Hennessy  Blair T. Johnson  Ciara Keenanimproving educational and social outcomes for children and young people. Campbell Collaboration. DOI: 10.1002/cl2.1011

Hacıibrahimoğlu, B,Y., & Ustaoğlu, A. (2020). The acceptance of Turkish kindergarten children toward children with disabilities.  European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 28(3), 391–412.

Hennessy , E.A.,  Johnson , B. T., &  Keenan, C.  (2019). Best Practice Guidelines and Essential Methodological Steps to Conduct Rigorous and Systematic Meta‐Reviews. Health and Well Being. 11(3), 353-381.

Jensen, R.D., Ravn, S., Christensen, M.K. (2019). Identification and development of talent in surgery: A scoping study across the performance domains of surgery, sport and music. European Journal of Training and Development, 43(3/4), 272-305.

Penney, s.C., Young, G., & Butler, E. (2019).  The Role of Quality ECE in Facilitating Mental Health and WellBeing in Children. Exceptionality Education International , 29(3), 57–76. 

Ruane-McAteer E, Amin A, Hanratty J, et al. Interventions addressing men, masculinities and gender equality in sexual and reproductive health and rights: an evidence and gap map and systematic review of reviews. BMJ Global Health 2019;4:e001634. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2019-001634

Stansfield, C. (2019). Searching for broad based topics. . in Systematic Searching: Practical ideas for improving results. Levay, P., & , Jenny Craven, J. (Eds.), 51-71.

Yesilkaya, E., Best, P., Byrne, B., & Marshall, G. (2019). The Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of Interventions for Children with Visual Impairments, Their Parents/Guardians or Educators: A Systematic Scoping Review.  Child Care in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/13575279.2019.1664988


Al-Helou, H., Goman, D., & Shojaiyan , S. (2018). :Implementation of a tape-machine in packaging: a study of safety impacts. Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Industrial Engineering Business and Engineering.

Campbell Collaboration UK and Ireland (2018)  Meta-Evidence Blog. Interview with Robert Sandieson

Connolly, P., Keenan, C., & Urbanska,K.  (2018).  The trials of evidence-based practice in education: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials in education research 1980–2016. Educational Research, 60(3), 276-29

Edelman, A., Taylor, J., Ovselko, P. V. , & topp, s. M.(2018). The role of academic health centres in improving health equity: a systematic review. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 60, 1-21. 

Al-Helou,H,  Goman, D., & Shojaiyan, S. (2018). Implementation  of a  tape-machine in  packaging:A study of safety impacts.. Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Industrial Engineering Business and Engineering . University of Borax 

Keenan, C. (2018). Ethnic prejudice in children aged 3-11: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Campbell Collaboration Uk and Ireland.

McMahon, M., Hatton, C., &  Alberici, S. (2018). Professional collaboration in searching the evidence for an ill‐defined concept. Health Information. In Orkin AM, McArthur A, McDonald A, et al. Defining and measuring health equity effects in research on task shifting interventions in highincome countries: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021172. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2017-021172Libraries Journal, 35(3).

Stansfield, C. (2018). Searching for broad-based topics. in Systematic Searching: Practical ideas for improving results.  P. Levay & J. Craven (Ed.) Face Publishing. 51-71.

Stansfield, C. (2018). Exploring search strategy design to identify diverse literature for inclusion in systematic reviews . Ph.d. thesis. University College London. 


 Connolly, P., Biggart, A., Miller, S., O'Hare, L., & Thurston, A.  (2017). Using randomised controlled trials in education. British Educational Research Association. 

Edelman A, Taylor J, Ovseiko PV, et al. The role of academic health centres in building equitable health systems: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015435. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2016-015435

Gibson, Gayle Michelle, "Reducing Epilepsy-Related Stigma: Teachers' Implementation of an Epilepsy Education Program" (2013). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 1401.

Ibdah, S. (2017). Including Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom through the Cluster Grouping Model: A Systematic ReviewInnovation Arabia, Smart Learning Conference Proceedings , 113-123. 

Johnson, A., Connolly, P., & A Tully, M.  (2017).  School-based physical activity interventions and wellbeing in children: a systematic review and intervention complexity assessment. Campbell Collaboration Systematic Review. 

Oya, C.,Schaefer, F.,  Skalidou, D., McCosker, C.,  Langer, L.  (2017). Effects of certification schemes for agricultural production on socio‐economic outcomes in low‐ and mid, D., dle‐income countries: a systematic review. Campbell Systematic ReviewsVolume 13, Issue 1

Snilstveit, B.,  Gallagher, E.,  Phillips, D., Vojtkova , M.,  Eyers, J., Skaldiou, D., Stevenson, J., Bhavsar, A., Davies (2017).  Interventions for improving learning outcomes and access to education in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, Volume 13, Issue 1.

Shurr, J., Holingshead, A. (2017). Diversity, Severe Disability, and Family: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.  42(4),  259-272,


Alenezi, N. (2016). Teachers' and Parents' perspectives towards including "slow learners" in mainstream schools in Kuwait. Doctoral thesis, University of Sterling. 

Burkhuis, T. (2016).  EDDA Study Designs Taxonomy. Evidence in Documents, Discovery, and Analytics (EDDA) Group. - this is a list of synonym rings for a wide variety of medical studies 

Chaushi, A., Chaushi B. A.,& Ismaili, F.  (2016).  Measuring e-Government Maturity: A meta-synthesis approach. Seeu Review 11(2).  DOI: 

Davie, N. (2016). Academia - Industry Collaboration in Translational Medicine . Ph.D. thesis, Oxford University. 

Keenan, C. (2016). Information Retrieval through ‘Pearl Harvesting’. Workshop presented at Queen's University Belfast. 

Keenan, C., Connolly, P.,  &  Stevenson, C.  (2016). Universal Preschool- and School-based Education Programmes for Reducing Ethnic Prejudice and Promoting Respect for Diversity among Children Aged 3-11: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. The Campbell Collaboration systematic review protocol. 

Keenan, C. & Sandieson, r. (2016).  Information Retrieval using 'Pearl Search Harvesting'. Campbell Collaboration What Works Global Summit.

Jankowski, T. A. (2016). Expert searching in the Google age. Roman and Littlefiled. 

McGowan, J.,  Sampson, M.,  Salzwedel, D. M.,  Cogo, E.,  Foerster, V., & Lefebvre, C.. (2016). Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health: Methods and Guidelines PRESS Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies: 2015 Guideline Explanation and Elaboration (PRESS E&E).

Williams, R. J. (2016). Fostering the Mobilization of Knowledge from Professional Development to the Classroom. M.A. thesis, Education Department, University of Western Ontario (Canada).


Almanssori, S. (2015). Creating a Comprehensive Search Strategy for Research on Learning Disabilities Using the Pearl Harvesting Information Retrieval Framework. Masters Thesis, University of Western Ontario. 

Barr, M. (2015). Navigating Evidence-Based Practice: A Presentation for Parents and Caregivers. Masters thesis, Brock University (Canada)

Chaushi, A., Chaushi, B. A.,  & Ismaili, F. (2015) Measuring e-Government Maturity: A meta-synthesis approach. SEEU Review | Volume 11 | Issue 2, 53-69.

Frize, C. M. J. (2015). The Assessment of Risk of General Recidivism in Offenders with an Intellectual Disability. Ph.d. dissertation. University of Sydney. 

Gruntovskaya, M. (2015).Pearl Harvesting Autism. Masters Thesis, University of Western Ontario. 

Kipfer, A.C. (2015). Educational Assistants Supporting Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools. Masters Thesis, University of Western Ontario (Canada) 

Mortimer, N. (2015). Using a Pearl Harvested Synonym Ring for the Creation of a Digital Index on Giftedness. Masters thesis. University of Western Ontario. 

Philips, D., Waddington, H., & White, H. )2015).  Why targeting matters: Examining the relationship between selection, participation and outcomes in farmer filed school programmes. International  Initiative for Impact Evaluation. Systematic Review #11. 

Robertson, J., Hatton, C.,  Baines, S., &  Emerson, E. (2015). Systematic Reviews of the Health or Health care of People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review to Identify Gaps in the Evidence Base. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 28, 455–523

Snilstveit, B., Gallagher, E., Phillips, D., Vojtkova, M., Eyers, J., Skaldiou, D., Stevenson, J., Bhavsar, A., & Davies, P. (2015). Interventions for Improving Learning Outcomes and Access to Education in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review.  International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. 


Kim, M. S., Habibie, P. (2014). A Systematic Review of Research on a Technology-Enhanced Curriculum. Proceedings Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Mar 17, 2014 in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Lussier-Desrochers, D., Roux, J. & Sparnaay, C. (2014). La prise de médicaments de façon autonome pour des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle, 25, 24–36.

Phillips, D., Waddington, H.,  & White, H. (2014). Better targeting of farmers as a channel for poverty reduction: A systematic review of farmer field schools targeting. Development Studies Researh. 1(1), 113-136.

Waddington, H., Snilstveit , B.,  Hombrados, J., Vojtkova, M., Phillips, D., Davies, P., & White, H. (2014). Farmer Field Schools for Improving Farming Practices and Farmer Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 10(1) 

Walsh, R. L. (2014).  Catering for the Needs of Intellectually Gifted Children in Early Childhood: Development and Evaluation of Questioning Strategies to Elicit Higher Order Thinking. Ph.d. dissertation, Macquarie University. 



Gibson, G. M. (2013). Reducing Epilepsy-Related Stigma: Teachers' Implementation of an Epilepsy Education Program. Masters thesis. Western University, Ontario Canada 

Sandieson, R., & McIsaac, S.M. (2013). Searching the information maze for giftedness using the pearl harvesting information retrieval method framework. Talent Development and Excellence, 5(2), 101-112.

Santangelo, T. E., Amy E. Ruhaak, Michelle L.M. Kama, Bryan G. Cook (2013).  Constructing effective instructional toolkits: A selective review of evidence-based practices for students with learning disabilities.  Evidence-Based Practices Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, 26(10) , 221–249


Braley, D. A. (2012). Evaluation of Stakeholder Collaboration With a College Disability Learning Center. Ph.D. thesis Nova Southeastern University. 

Dupont, Marie-Eve. (2012). Identification des conditions de succès liées a l'implantation et à la pérennite d'un portail internet spécifiquement adapté à la clientèle présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Thesis Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (Canada)

Kirkpatrick, L.C. (2012). Students' strategies for writing arguments from online sources of information. Ph.d. Thesis, Western University, London, Canada.

Torabi, n. (2012). Library Research: Tips, Tricks & Time Savers for graduate Students.

Townsend‐White , C., Pham , A. N. T., Vassos, M. V.  (2011). A systematic review of quality of life measures for people with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviours.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 56(3), Issue 3

Waddington , H., White, H., Snilstveit, B., Hombrados,  J. G., Vojtkova, M., Davies, P., Bhavsar, A., Eyers, J., Perez Koehlmoos, T., Petticrew, M.,. Valentine. J. C.,  & Peter Tugwell. P/  (2012). How to do a good systematic review of effects in international development: a tool kit. Journal of Development Effectiveness. Volume 4, 2012 - Issue 3: Special Issue on Systematic Reviews.


Boudah, D. J. (2011). Conducting Educational Research: Guide to Completing a Major Project. Sage Publications Inc. 

Townsend, C.E., & Vassos, M.V. (2011). A systematic review of quality of life measures for people with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviours.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(3), 270-284. 


Clapton, J., (2009). Establishing the context for your research project . Library and Information Research.  (33)104, 36-44. 

Delmastro, A., & VEmilia, V. (2009). Los mapas conceptuales como estrategia de andamiaje para la lectura de documentos hipertextuales. Revista académica 1(1), 13-36. 


Raines, J.C. (2008). Evidence Based Practice in School Mental Health. Oxford University Press. 

No Date

Seattle Pacific University Library  (ND). Steps for searching Business databases using the Pearl Harvesting method.

Universal Design for Learning,  Research for Checkpoint 6.3, Facilitate managing information and resources

Publications by Robert Sandieson 

Sandieson, R.W., & McIsaac, S. M. (2013). Navigating the informationmaze of giftedness using the Pearl Harvesting Information Retrieval Methodological Framework. Talent Development and Excellence 5(2), 101-112.

Sandieson, R.W., Kirkpatrick, L.C., Sandieson, R.M., Zimmerman, W. (2010).Harnessing the Power of Research Databases: The Pearl Harvesting Methodological Framework for Information Retrieval. The Journal of Special Education. 44, 161-175.

Sandieson, R. (2010). Creating a comprehensive literature search for research in autism using the pearl harvesting method. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23(5).

Sandieson, R. (2006). Pathfinding in the research forest: The Pearl Harvesting methodfor effective information retrieval., Education and Training in DevelopmentalDisabilities, 41(4), 401- 409.

Sandieson, R., Hourcade, J., & Sharpe, V.  (2006)/ Designing effective online literature searches: Procedures for content analysis and validation. In Mann, b. L. (Ed.). Selected stkyles in web-based educational research.  190-201.