Autism Terms
These terms were created by 8 gradutate students for a course assignment. Each student gathered terms through the Pearl Harvesting method. The list has been through a preliminary check in PsycINFO, ERIC, and MEDLINE. Note however for MEDLINE ASD and HFA has to be removed as they produce too many false hits.This work has been presented at the Campbell and Cochrane Collaboration Colloquiums.
autis* OR PDD OR "pervasive developmental disorder*" OR "pervasive developmental delay*" OR "pervasive developmental disabilit*" OR "global developmental delay*" OR asperger* OR ASD OR HFA OR HFASD OR HF-ASD OR Rett* OR "childhood disintegrative disorder*" OR "triad of impairments" OR "Fragile X" OR PDDNOS OR PDD-NOS OR PDD/NOS OR savant OR "reactive attachment disorder*" OR AS/HFA OR Kanner* OR aspies OR "childhood schizophrenia" OR "atypical personality development"
MEDLINE version (works best if the sting is put within brackets followed by the .af command, i.e., all fields. This is a more comprehensive search; beyond the default text search and will also include subject heading terms). The map to subject headings default can be turned off. ASD as a term by itself is not precise. Taking out all other connotations of ASD, leaves no ASD articles related to autism. However, ASD and ADHD exists as a term; both words together producing unique and relevant citations pertinent to autism. PDD is similar. Once all other non-autism PDD connotations have been removed there are no autism citations.
autis* OR "pervasive developmental disorder*" OR "pervasive developmental delay*" OR "pervasive developmental disab*" OR asperger* OR "ASD and ADHD" OR Rett* OR "Fragile X" OR "childhood schizophrenia"