Online Learning

Created by Rachel Sandieson, MLIS, M.Ed, this list is not verified. Note that the various synonym rings can be combined, depending on the nature of your search.

(Note - Updated "Distance education" terms, as of 4/27/2015)


blog* OR "web log*" OR weblog* OR website* OR "electronic publishing" OR diaries OR "computer mediated communication" OR "synchronous communication" OR "web-based log"


OR artificial intelligence OR workstation* OR user friendly interface OR telecommunication* OR technological advancement OR online system* OR information technology OR information system* OR hypermedia OR database* OR data processing OR cybernetic* OR computer uses in education OR computer system design OR computer software OR computer simulation OR computer selection OR computer security OR computer science education OR computer science OR computer peripherals OR computer output microfilm OR computer oriented programs OR computer network* OR computer mediated communication OR computer managed instruction OR computer literacy OR computer interface* OR computer graphic* OR computer game* OR computer cent* OR computer attitude* OR computer assisted testing OR computer assisted manufacturing OR computer assisted instruction OR computer assisted design OR computer anxiety OR calculators OR automation

Computer assisted instruction

OR Computer assisted learning OR instructional technology OR educational technology

AND computerized OR programmed OR automated

AND instruction OR teaching OR learning OR education OR curricul*

AND computer OR machine OR microcomputer

AND based OR aided OR assisted OR managed OR mediated OR guided

Computer Literacy

OR computer anxiety OR search strateg* OR scientific literacy OR programming OR online searching OR mathematical logic OR information literacy OR computer* OR computer uses in education OR computer science education OR computer oriented programs OR computer attitude*

Computer network resource*

OR communication network* OR computer based distributed data OR computer conference* OR electronic mail OR computer mediated communication system*

Computer uses in education

Computer cent*s OR educational technolog* OR computer* OR computer system design OR computer software OR computer science education OR computer oriented program* OR computer network* OR computer mediated communication OR computer Literacy

Cyber space

Distance education

OR access to education OR telecourse* OR telecommunication* OR part time student* OR outreach programs OR open universit* OR nontraditional education OR mass instruction OR lifelong learning OR interactive television OR independent study OR home study OR geographic isolation OR external degree program* OR extension education OR educational television OR educational radio OR correspondence school* OR continuing education OR computer mediated communication OR communications satellite* OR correspondence study

OR virtual university* OR virtual school* OR virtual high school* OR virtual secondary school* OR virtual elementary school* OR virtual primary school* internet OR assistive technolog* OR interactive video* OR computer mediated communication* OR multimedia instruction OR handheld device* OR tablet* OR iPad* OR electronic classroom* OR virtual classroom* OR online course* OR educational technolog* OR computer software* OR computer assisted instruction OR computer mediated communication OR computer assisted instruction OR computer managed instruction OR computer assisted testing OR computer assisted teaching OR blended learning OR flipped class* OR courseware OR telecourse* OR computer* OR learner controlled instruction OR audiovisual instruction OR teaching machine* OR web based instruction OR web-based instruction OR internet based instruction OR elearning OR e-learning OR internet-based instruction OR electronic learning OR extension education OR virtual classroom* OR nontraditional education OR synchronous communication OR online system* OR asynchronous communication OR independent stud* OR integrated learning system* OR content management system* OR intelligent tutoring system* OR information systems OR online teaching method* OR teaching method* OR creative teaching OR educational method* OR learner controlled instruction OR learner-controlled instruction OR connectivism OR emerging technolog* OR teaching OR education OR learning OR online OR blended OR application* OR digital OR technolog* OR communication* OR Cd-Rom* OR television OR interactive OR youtube OR multimedia OR mobile OR mobile device* OR internet OR innovation OR embedded

Educational technology

OR audiovisual aid* OR programmed instruction OR multimedia instruction OR instructional material* OR instructional innovation OR instructional improvement OR instructional development OR instructional design OR instruction OR information technology OR educational resource* OR educational method* OR educational media OR educational innovation OR educational equipment OR educational development OR education OR cybernetics OR computer uses in education OR computer oriented program* OR audiovisual communication* OR instructional system* OR technolog* OR performance technolog*

Educational web sites

Human computer interaction


See world wide web

Internet in education

Online social network*

Online systems

OR bibliographic utilit* OR word processing OR videotext OR time sharing OR teleconferencing OR online vendor* OR online searching OR modem* OR minicomputer* OR microcomputer* OR menu driven software OR man machine system* OR internet OR input output device* OR information system* OR information source* OR gateway system* OR electronic text OR electronic mail OR electronic librar* OR electronic journal* OR downloading OR dial access information system* OR data processing OR computer* OR computer mediated communication

Rss feeds


OR technolog* OR machine* OR device* OR equipment OR instrument* OR apparatus OR mechaniz*


OR broadcast communication* OR wire communication* OR wireless communication* OR electronic newsletter* OR electronic publishing OR electronic mail OR remote communication* OR teleconference* OR communications media OR audiovisual communication*

User generated content

Web 2.0

Web based instruction

Web sites

Web casting

World wide web

OR www OR internet OR worldwide web service* OR hypermedia OR computer mediated communication OR online system* OR microcomputer* OR listservs OR information source* OR information dissemination OR internet OR electronic publishing OR electronic mail OR electronic librar* OR electronic journal* OR computer network* OR information network* OR electronic superhighway OR information superhighway

Massive online learning courses (from Vivien Rolfe. A Systematic Review of the Socio-Ethical Aspects of Massive Online Open Courses. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning)

MOOC* OR cMOOX* OR xMOOC* OR “massiv* online open course*” OR “massiv* open online course*” OR “free online learning” OR Coursera OR MITx OR edX OR CCK OR PLENK