Knowledge mobilization
created for the Canadian Knowledge Forum, Winnipeg. June 2018
updated July 16 2018
This list was compiled using the Pearl Harvesting Information Search Theory and consultation with Katrina Pollack of the Faculty of Education at Western University, London, Canada
The Proximity operator NEAR was used. It works with Proquest databases, such as PsycINFO and ERIC. Other databases require a different proximity operator, e.g., MEDLIINE (OVID) uses ADJ.
knowledge NEAR broker* OR information NEAR broker* OR knowledge NEAR exchange OR information NEAR exchange OR knowledge NEAR sharing OR information NEAR sharing OR Knowledge NEAR management OR information NEAR management OR Knowledge NEAR mobilization OR information NEAR mobilization OR knowledge NEAR transfer OR knowledge NEAR translation OR Knowledge NEAR utilization OR information NEAR utilization OR research NEAR utilization OR knowledge NEAR action OR knowledge NEAR dissemination OR information NEAR dissemination OR research NEAR broker* OR research NEAR exchange OR research NEAR sharing OR research NEAR mobilization OR research NEAR dissemination OR organization NEAR Learning OR mobilization NEAR data OR broker* NEAR data OR data NEAR sharing OR mobilization NEAR evidence OR "evidence sharing" OR evidence NEAR translation OR "evidence transfer" OR information NEAR partner* OR evidence NEAR partner* OR knowledge NEAR linkage OR knowledge NEAR communication OR research NEAR use OR information NEAR diffusion OR knowledge NEAR animation O OR research NEAR impact