1)  Is this the only Peace Corps Park in the US? 

No.  However, the uniqueness of the Peace Corps Plaza is that it individually recognizes the service and collective accomplishments of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.  The PC Plaza is also a cornerstone of a National Service Park that includes other national volunteer service organizations such as AmeriCorps, National Guard, and Military who have freely given their time and lives to our nations wellbeing.

2)   I’m not an RPCV myself, but would like to honor someone who served in the Peace Corps.  Is it possible for me to donate a brick for that person?

Yes.  Anyone can donate funds to this project.  We encourage people to honor their relatives/friends who served in the Peace Corps by ordering a brick in their name through https://fundraisingbrick.com/online-orders/rpcvplaza/.  We also gratefully accept additional donations to further develop the PC Plaza; this can be done by hitting the donate button on this website.


3)   I’d like to order a brick for more than one RPCV.  How do I do this on the order form?

You will need to complete a separate order form for each RPCV, https://fundraisingbrick.com/online-orders/rpcvplaza/


4)   I see it’s possible to order a replica brick.  What is a replica brick?  

Replica bricks are the exact duplicate (size & composition) of the original brick you ordered.  The purpose of adding a replica brick to your order is to give you an opportunity to place the replica brick in our own community to honor Peace Corps service.  The original brick will be placed in the Peace Corps Plaza within the national service park in Plainview, MN.


5)   If I order a replica brick, when will it be shipped to me?

Replica brick will be shipped to your address when we are ready to install your original brick in the Peace Corps Plaza in the national service park.


6)   Is it possible to order more than one replica brick?



7)   I made a mistake on my order form and already submitted it online.  How do I make corrections?

Please send an email to us at rpcvplaza@gmail.com and include your telephone number.  Someone will get in touch with you and assist with corrections.


8)   I see the Peace Corps Plaza is located in Minnesota.  Is this project only for Midwestern residents?

No, it’s for all RPCVs worldwide.  The Plaza is part of a National Service Park and welcomes RPCVs from all 50 States and worldwide.  Please check out the National Service Park section in this website for more information.  Having served in the Peace Corps is the only requirement for having your brick placed in the park to honor you or your loved one's service.  Donations can be sent by anyone interested in supporting the PC Plaza.  

9) Is the Peace Corps Plaza part of a larger organization?  

The Peace Corps Legacy Association is responsible for the design and construction of the Peace Corps Plaza.  The Peace Corps Legacy Association is proud to announce it has recently established a partnership with the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).  And because the Peace Corps Plaza is located within the National Service Park (NSP), it also has a relationship with the newly formed NSP that includes AmeriCorps, National Guard, and Military. 

10)   I’m excited about this project.  How can I become more involved?

We’d love to hear from you!  Please contact us at rpcvplaza@gmail.com.


11) I have several questions about the Peace Corps Plaza and its purpose.  How can I get more information?

We have described our Mission, Goals, and plans for the Peace Corps Plaza, as well as the recent formation of the National Service park on this website.  If you have additional questions, please email us at rpcvplaza@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to answer further questions.  You may also want to check out our Facebook page.

12) What is the maintenance plan, especially the financial plan, for the PC Plaza over the decades?

 A reserve fund set up for the perpetual maintenance of the Peace Corps Plaza is part of our financial plan once the bricks are placed.  The City of Plainview has a Parks Department and they maintain the national service park parking lot, mow the lawn, and perform general maintenance as part of the six City parks under their domain.  The park includes the trailhead of the Great River Ridge State Bike Trail, thus the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is also involved in long-term maintenance.

13) How will I know when my donated brick is being placed in the PC Plaza?  

An announcement will be made on this website and on our Facebook page when we have reached the critical number of donations to break ground for the Peace Corps Plaza.  Interim goals are currently underway to contract for a land survey which is a precurser to getting a bid from a contractor.   Updates will be posted on this website and on our Facebook page.  

Peace Corps Legacy Association

P.O. Box 47011

Minneapolis, MN 55447



Contact us : rpcvplaza@gmail.com