Proof comprehension
research group
Recently published papers
Weber, K., & Fukawa-Connelly, T. (2023). What mathematicians learn from attending other mathematicians’ lectures. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 112(1), 123-139.
Melhuish, K., Fukawa-Connelly, T., Dawkins, P. C., Woods, C., & Weber, K. (2022). Collegiate mathematics teaching in proof-based courses: What we now know and what we have yet to learn. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 67, Article 100986.
Weber, K., & Tanswell, F. S. (2022). Instructions and recipes in mathematical proofs. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 111(1), 73-87.
Weber, K. (2022). The role of imagination and anticipation in the acceptance of computability proofs: A challenge to the standard account of rigor. Philosophia Mathematica, 30(3), 343-368.
Stylianides, A. J., Komatsu, K., Weber, K., & Stylianides, G. J. (2022). Teaching and learning authentic mathematics: The case of proving. In M. Danesi (Ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics (pp. 727-761). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Evans, T., Mejía Ramos, J. P., & Inglis, M. (2022). Do mathematicians and undergraduates agree about explanation quality? Educational Studies in Mathematics. Advanced online publication.
Weber, K., Mejía Ramos, J. P., & Volpe, T. (2022). The relationship between proof and certainty in mathematical practice. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 53(1), 65-84. [preprint]
Inglis, M., & Mejía Ramos, J. P. (2021). Functional explanation in mathematics. Synthese, 198, 6369-6392.
Weber, K. (2021). The role of syntactic representations in set theory. Synthese, 198, 6393-6412.
Mejía Ramos, J. P., Evans, T., Rittberg, C., & Inglis, M. (2021). Mathematicians’ assessments of the explanatory value of proofs. Axiomathes, 31, 575-599.
Harel, G. & Weber, K. (2020). Deductive reasoning in mathematics education. In S. Lerman (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (pp. 183-190). Springer.
Woods, C., & Weber, K. (2020). The relationship between mathematicians’ pedagogical goals, orientations, and common teaching practices in advanced mathematics. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 59, Article 100792.
Lew, K., Weber, K., & Mejía Ramos, J.P. (2020). Do generic proofs improve comprehension? Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics, Special Issue, 229–248.
Olsen, J., Lew, K., & Weber, K. (2020). Metaphors for learning and doing mathematics in advanced mathematics lectures. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 105, 1-17.
Fukawa-Connelly, T., Mejía Ramos, J.P., Wasserman, K., & Weber, K. (2020) An evaluation of ULTRA, an experimental real analysis course for prospective teachers built on a transformative model. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 6(2), 159–185.
Lockwood, E., Caughman, J., & Weber, K. (2020). An essay on proof, conviction, and explanation: Multiple representation systems in combinatorics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 103, 173-189.
Weber, K., Mejía Ramos, J.P., Fukawa-Connelly, T., & Wasserman, N. (2020). Connecting the learning of advanced mathematics with the teaching of secondary mathematics: Inverse functions, domain restrictions, and the arcsine function. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 57, Article 100752.
Lew, K., & Mejía Ramos, J. P. (2020). The linguistic conventions of mathematical proof writing across pedagogical contexts. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 103(1), 43-62.
Weber, K., Lew, K., & Mejía Ramos, J. P. (2020). Using expectancy value theory to account for students' mathematical justifications.Cognition and Instruction, 38(1), 27-56.
Czocher, J. & Weber, K. (2020). Proof as a cluster concept. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 51(1), 50-74.
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ULTRA. Upgrading Learning for Teachers in Real Analysis is an NSF-funded collaborative project to design, implement, and assess an innovative real analysis course for pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers. [site]