Chapter 2 - Finding Out About Matter

November 8, 2013

Study for test next class - bring a scientific non graphing calculator and a pencil for scantron

Approximately 35 MC and 8-10 Written questions

Covers: Matter Map (Classification), Naming of Compounds (Ionic,Covalent,Acid), Separation Techniques, Calculating Rf Values, Heating/Cooling of Pure Substance, Chemical/Physical Change

November 4, 2013

Prelab for Lab 2B - READ p.13-17, then write (not type) out the objectives, supplies, SUMMARIZE the procedure (look at the diagrams on how to set up equipment), COPY out the Table 1 on p.16

October 29, 2013

Prelab for Lab 3B - READ p.32-37, then write (not type) out the objectives, supplies, SUMMARIZE the procedure, COPY out the Table 1-3 on p.36

October 24, 2013

Change you can believe in Activity

October 18, 2013

Naming Compounds Sheet (Half of each exercise)

October 11, 2013

Front Page # 1,3 and # 1-6; Back Page # 1-3,6,8-13