Below are the NSCAS MATH results for grades 3-8 comparing District and State percent proficiency.

NSCAS MATH scores have shown an overall improvement since 2018-19. The most recent scores from Spring 2022 show that all grades met or exceeded the state percent proficient and met or exceeded the state/region median scale score. The improvement of NSCAS Math can be attributed to many factors. Math, specifically number sense; has been the school-wide goal during our five year improvement cycle. We also adopted a new math curriculum in 2021-22 school-year which has proven to be beneficial. Elementary classes also moved to a small-group setting for math class. Middle school students have also implemented an NSCAS Day for testing. Students in grades 6-8 take all of their NSCAS tests in the same day. We expect math NSCAS scores to continue to trend upwards.


It is worth noting that there was no learning loss in math when compared to the state percent proficient from data year 2018-19 to data year 2020-21.