Action Plan

School Improvement Goal:

Improve Number Sense Skills: Students will communicate number concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.

This goal was chosen because it was a low performing instructional area at the beginning of our accreditation cycle. Number sense is a skill that can be taught and modeled in all content areas; across all grade-levels. Selecting a goal that was applicable to all staff was important for buy-in.

Results of Number Sense Progress

Below are the results of school-wide number sense progress. These scores are based on Spring Dibels percentile performance and MAPS and/or NSCAS RIT scores. (Note there are no available scores for Spring 2019-2020 because of COVID.)

Lower elementary scores are based on Dibels and MAP percentile performance. Grades K, 1, 2 did not begin taking MAP tests until the 2020-21 school-year. Switching test providers from 2018-19 to 2020-21 may account for some of the large performance increase in Kindergarten and first grade. There has been an increase in proficiency since the implementation of our action plan.

Upper elementary scores are based on MAP RIT and NSCAS-correlated RIT scores. Grades 3-8 transitioned from MAP to NSCAS in Spring of 2021-22. The general drop in scores from 2020-21 to 2021-22 could be attributed to the transition of test providers. Reveal Math curriculum was implemented in the 2021-22 school-year for kindergarten through eighth grade. A slight decline in scores is to be expected as teachers and students adjust to new materials. We expect scores to easily recover and continue an upward climb as we continue with Reveal Math.

Middle school scores are based on MAP RIT and NSCAS-correlated RIT scores. Grades 3-8 transitioned from MAP to NSCAS in Spring of 2021-22. The drop in scores from 2020-21 to 2021-22 could be attributed to the transition of test providers. Also, a new math curriculum, Reveal Math; was implemented in the 2021-22 school-year for kindergarten through eighth grade. A slight decline in scores is to be excpected as teachers and students adjust to new materials. Overall, however, middle school number sense scores have increased since the implementation of our action plan.

High school scores are based exclusively on MAP RIT scores. High school students have shown improvement every year since our action plan has been implemented. All secondary math classes use McGraw Hill curriculum products.


We are pleased to see an overall increase in number sense school-wide. Not only did we see an increase in number sense performance, but we also saw an increase in NSCAS Math proficiency. The fact that there was no learning loss during COVID compared to state performance, also reinforces our commitment to our action plan and school improvement goal.