Village Elections

There are real choices this year - Let's get informed!

We hope the Beet helped you navigate the difficult questions of Consolidation last year, and we’d like to do the same for the Village Election coming up quickly on November 2 this year.

While we’re grateful that the Village remained independent, there are real challenges ahead – on water, development, budgets, roads.

This year, you’ll have real options when it’s time to vote – it’s not just a slate of uncontested incumbents. There are two candidates for Mayor, and five candidates for the two open Trustee positions.

Over the next weeks, we’ll do our best to get you useful information on these candidates. As that old TV commercial said, “An educated consumer is our best customer” (Okay, we’re showing our age, that was from the 80’s) But that’s certainly true about elections as well!

We’ll be working again with Sandro, George & the OG to help get out more information.

Pawling Deserves Better - Take Two

A Beet-itorial on Village Elections

The Beet has tried extremely hard to remain neutral in the Village elections this year, as we did for Consolidation.

We’ve offered equal opportunity to all candidates to post their campaign materials on our site, and we’re grateful that they have.

Despite our strong reservations, and against all normal practice, we agreed to provide the questions for the Sandro, George & The OG Meeting the Candidate shows ahead of time, because otherwise some candidates wouldn’t even consider joining.

Some of our founders had lawn signs in support of Steve, that was a personal choice that made us work extra hard to keep our opinions to ourselves on The Beet.

And we’ve offered our best advice from our resident Kindergarten teacher to everyone on how these elections should be approached – with respect and focused on the issues.

The Beet had planned to remain neutral through the election, and not take a position on any of the candidates. That changed with the letters we received in the mail this week. They simply go far beyond what should be acceptable in Pawling. Like we said when calling out outrageous behavior during Consolidation, Pawling Deserves Better.

This isn’t only about the current election, either. Think about it, why would anyone choose to oppose an incumbent in Pawling after seeing the intimidation and abuse that has taken place in this election?

Having challengers is a healthy state for government – it forces scrutiny and hard thinking about tough issues. Productive, competitive back-and-forth moves so much of our world forward, in all fields, and Pawling government needs that, too.

Even if the challengers don’t win, the incumbents can be left in a better place, forced out of day-to-day complacency. So, really, everyone can win. The alternative is “it’s always been done this way” stagnation, and everyone loses.

We started the Beet over a year ago to increase awareness and participation in the Village after realizing that many things were happening without clear visibility to the residents. We’ve covered every Village Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals meeting since then, and we’ve seen both Lauri and Steve in action.

We’re deeply familiar with the problems facing the Village, and the opportunities to move the Village forward.

While Lauri deserves thanks for stepping in as Mayor when Rob Liffland resigned, we believe that it’s time for a change. We strongly endorse Steve for Mayor. And here’s why.

While the Beet has been working on improving visibility, Steve stands out for actively improving how our Village works.

As Chair of the Planning Board, he hasn’t been afraid to tackle hard problems left by previous Planning Boards and Village Boards.

He’s pushed extremely hard for adherence to Village Code and Comprehensive Plan.

And he’s taken a fair amount of abuse for doing the right thing for the Village.

It’s also interesting that many initiatives Steve’s been advocating – repealing the 2018 Local Law that allowed buildings to be fifty feet tall, streaming all Village meetings, being open about the water situation – are now echoed by other candidates. But he brings more urgency to actively moving forward on them.

Does he have some rough edges? Yes. Can he sometimes be impatient? Yes, we’ve seen that, too. And sometimes his frustration – and passion for improving the Village - may get out in front of him. But he’s fundamentally pointed in the right direction to move the Village forward.

After watching him navigate many difficult situations with the Planning Board over the past year, we trust him to navigate the Village’s difficult problems – development, water supply, improved communication with residents.

We’re not telling you how to vote, just why we support Steve. You’ll need to come to your own decision on how you “voice your choice.” Since the Village needs a Board that works together, please also consider that when you vote for Trustees.

All we can ask is that you put aside the personal attacks, review Steve’s record, his positions, and his detailed plans. Watch him on Meet The Candidates. And then give him serious consideration based on that.

You’ll find it all on the Beet, from meeting summaries to campaign materials. Thanks for that consideration.

All The Beets - Steve, Karen, Inga & Jane

Campaign Materials From The Candidates

To get started, we asked the candidates to please send us links / digital copies of campaign materials so that we could make that all available in one place for residents. Here's what they've sent:

Candidates for Mayor

Steve Goldberg

Lauri Taylor

Candidates for Trustee

Greg Bernard

Jerry Locascio

Michael Mersand

Tom Meyer

Drew Montgomery

How Do You “Voice Your Choice"?

For many years I taught kindergarten and each year I would set aside some time in November to teach the children about voting. From September through early October, we would learn three patriotic songs. Around mid-October we would begin to talk about election day and what a privilege it is to be allowed to “voice your choice.” The goal of our vote was to decide which one of our patriotic songs we would sing during our school’s Thanksgiving concert. The children were taught that this was not a time to belittle the choice a friend was making. It was also not a time to force all our friends to vote for the song we liked best. It was a time for us to individually think about the song that spoke to our heart, the one we thought our class would do the best job of presenting at the concert. Our elections were never negative or contentious and on election day when the choice was revealed we learned it was time to set aside our feelings, respect the choice of the majority and work together to make our Thanksgiving presentation the best it could be. Kindergartners are very smart little people.

It is most unfortunate and disheartening to see some of our friends and neighbors in Pawling have never learned this lesson. I do not have a Facebook account, but the misleading comments and conversations from social media that are being related to me by friends and the anonymous mailings we are receiving have no place in any election. This is a time for individuals to get to know the people who are running and see which one “speaks to your heart.” Our current mayor Lauri Taylor, the mayoral candidate Steve Goldberg, and all the candidates for trustee have worked hard to form presentations so that you can get to know them and understand their beliefs and their vision for the Village of Pawling. They are all different and they each deserve the respect from residents to be heard. Once you have heard, election day is a time to “voice your choice” and let others have the same privilege.

Educating yourself about the choices is crucial to making an informed decision. To help you do that, Sandro, George & the OG are working with the Pawling Beet to bring you the candidates’ ideas and visions for the future of Pawling in the first of two Q&A “Meet the Candidates” nights. Meet the candidates for mayor on Tuesday, October 19th at 7 pm. Tell your friends to respect your right to choose the candidate you support. Turn off your personal social media and tune into the

Listen, learn and “voice your own choice.” If kindergartners can do it, so can we.

Ms. Karen

Meet The Trustee Candidates - Mark Your Calendars!

Sandro, George & The OG will host the Trustee Candidates - Greg Bernard, Jerry Locascio, Michael Mersand and Drew Montgomery on Thursday, October 28 at 7pm on their livestream.

Be sure to join them for another informative session!

Sandro, George & The OG will host the Mayoral Candidates - Steve Goldberg and Lauri Taylor on Tuesday, October 19 at 7pm on their livestream. (If you've bookmarked them, please note that they've moved to LiveFromPawling)

Be sure to join them for an informative session!

There will be a second show, the following week, with the candidates for Trustee - time & date being worked out.

Have Some Questions?

Maybe you have some questions for the candidates after reviewing their campaign materials. Then just hop over to What Would You Ask The Candidates? and send them along!

Here's the preview of topics that we've sent out to all the candidates. If you have other things you'd like to ask, just let us know!

Meet The Candidates

    • What’s your “waiting in line at the bakery” pitch to the person next to you on why you are running?

    • How does your background & experience help qualify you for Village office?

Communication With Residents

    • It’s not always easy for residents to keep up with what’s going on at Village Hall. How can that be improved?

    • How can residents gain a more complete understanding of what’s being considered and passed by the Village Board?

Budgets, Taxes & Running The Village

    • Do residents have a good sense for how their tax dollars are budgeted and spent?

    • What’s your view on closing the Village Court?

    • What do you see as the right balance between “in-house” expertise and leveraging consultants, such as Chazen Engineering, for Village functions?

Citizen Participation

    • What’s your plan for interested residents to engage – and help – the Village? Should there be more opportunities like the Ethics and Planning Committees?


    • What’s your plan for the Village’s water supply?

    • When would you lift restrictions on Certificates of Occupancy for any expanded uses?

Planning & Zoning

    • How do you address the concerns of residents about the heights of recently built and proposed buildings?

    • The Comprehensive Plan is now over 25 years old. What areas need most focus and how will you bring it up to date?

Working with the Town

    • How can the Village and Town better work together?

Sample Village Ballot

It's a bit of an eye chart, but here's the sample ballot published by Dutchess County for the Village elections. You'll probably need to zoom and scroll around to see the full slate!

Village Ballot.pdf

Meet The Candidates!

We also asked the candidates to join Facebook Live sessions with Sandro, George & The OG, one for the Mayoral candidates on October 19, one a week later for the Trustee candidates on October 26.

The format will be Q&A, and the candidates will certainly have the opportunity to talk about why they're running, what's right about the Village and what could be improved. Topics will include: communication with residents, budgets and accountability, status of the water system, planning and zoning, and how the Village and Town work together.

As we'd done for Consolidation, the Beet will help by assembling questions. (And keep watching this space - we're working on how to collect issues & questions of importance from you.) There will also be the chance to ask questions on Facebook during the shows.

We've assured the candidates that there won't be "gotcha" questions (that's not how Sandro, George & The OG roll!) and that we'll send out the questions ahead of time.

Steve Goldberg, Greg Bernard, Michael Mersand, and Drew Montgomery have confirmed that they'll join.

Lauri Taylor, Jerry Locascio and Tom Meyer have declined. In the spirit of full transparency, here's their letter on why they won't be joining, and the Beet's response:

Dear Steve,

We would like to thank the Pawling Beet for the opportunity to post our palm cards for the upcoming Village election on November 2nd.

In response to your request regarding an appearance on the Sandro, George and O.G. show, we must respectfully decline for reasons stated below.

We and the general public are fully aware of Steve Goldberg’s involvement with the Pawling Beet as well as yours and Sandro’s full support of his candidacy. There have been occasions during Village Board meetings, when Steve Goldberg, (Mayoral candidate), has asked questions on behalf of the Pawling Beet. Very recently, we have observed two of Mr. Goldberg’s election signs displayed on the lawn of one of the cofounders of the Pawling Beet. This gives us the impression that there could be a bias and slant with regard to how this event would be handled and would give the other candidates an unfair advantage. We would prefer a fair format where all candidates are treated equally.

As done in the past, by printed papers, every candidate was asked the same questions. The candidates could then send in their written responses to be published on the Pawling Beet. This would avoid any chance for unnecessary hostility, bias, or debate over issues in opposition between parties. We certainly hope that the Pawling Beet can be an impartial, objective, and a fact-based community publication. We are a small village that deserves factual information presented in a fair way with the best intentions for our community.

Thank you again for your considerations.


Jerry LocascioThomas MeyerLauri Taylor

And here's the reply from the Beet addressing their concerns:

Jerry, Tom, Lauri,

Thanks for getting back to us.

Unlike many past Village elections, there are real choices this time around, with more candidates than open seats. That’s healthy for the Village, and that’s why residents need to approach this vote with as much information as possible. It’s unfortunate that you won’t be participating, mostly because that’s a missed opportunity for the community to hear from all the candidates.

On your concerns about bias, I believe the Beet demonstrated very clearly during Consolidation that, despite having strongly felt opinions about the best outcome, we were able to provide concise, “just the facts” materials that helped community members make their own informed decisions.

That’s all we’re trying to do around these elections.

If you’ve read our summaries of Village Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings, I think you’d be hard pressed to find any signs of bias, even with contentious issues. And we’ve heard that from the community, who recognize that we strive to be objective, perhaps to a fault in some cases.

And while you are taking inventory of lawn signs, you might note that there are no signs, for any candidate, on the lawn of the Beet actually covering the Village Election. That was a deliberate decision to avoid even any suggestion of bias by the Beet.

On Steve Goldberg’s involvement with the Beet, he did contribute a few meeting summaries when we first started up in the summer of 2020, but that ended when he joined the Village Planning Board. While he occasionally asks a question “for the Beet” at meetings, that’s just been his way of gaining clarity on some issue so that there’s an accurate record for our writeups. Nothing more than that.

On publishing written answers, we’re more than happy to post any additional material you have beyond the palm cards you’ve already provided. But that doesn’t really address the Facebook Live shows that Sandro, George, and Mike plan to hold. As Mike made clear over the weekend, they don't have any interest in “gotcha” questions, and he offered to provide the questions ahead of time. That seems like a fair format where all candidates are treated equally.

In any case, as they say, the show must go on! The candidates who join the Facebook Live sessions will have that opportunity to share directly with Village residents. Again, it’s unfortunate that the Positively Pawling group has decided not to participate and won't have that same platform.

Steve De Gennaro for The Beet

We'll keep you posted if anything changes as we get closer to the shows.

Update 10/7: Some of the candidates have come back and said that they might reconsider not participating after they've had a chance to review the questions to be asked. Later today, we'll add a form to the Beet where you'll be able to submit your "Top 3" questions for the candidates. We'd like to keep that live for about a week to give everyone a chance to contribute.

Update 10/13: All of the candidates have now agreed to participate, so we'll have a full house, and that's great for the Village!