Groups Around Pawling

Welcome to Groups Around Pawling!

Pawling is full of passionate and organized people! We have so many different groups out there organizing and helping to make this world a better place. Sometimes it is difficult to remember all of them or even find them in the first place. Some of the groups are only on Facebook or Instagram and so that leaves some of us who may be missing out. Not to worry! We Beets stick together. We will work to compile all the groups we can find here. Remember Beets, Hate has no home here!

Get to Know Our Local Groups

A group whose mission is to preserve and protect the health of the Great Swamp watershed through research, education and conservation. The Great Swamp runs right through the Village!

The Pawling Community Foundation (PCF) is committed to improving the quality of life for all Pawling residents by developing community resources and public spaces, by furthering the community’s economic vitality, and by supporting the arts, cultural activities, tourism and recreation.

The Resource Center is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt charitable organization devoted to offering assistance to anyone in need in the immediate community, especially the hungry, the elderly, and the homebound. They are always looking for donations and help from the community. This is such a vital resource here is Pawling.

The Pawling Rotary was founded in 1940 as a local nonprofit club. The more than 30 proactive men and women from the community enjoy the time of meeting weekly and working to raise funds for local organizations and schools. Our local Pawling Rotary works as part of and supports the global organization, Rotary International. In this way, our local Club supports projects and goals to advance international understanding and good will.

A group that wants to lower taxes in Pawling.

This is a facebook group whose description is "This is a space for people in the greater Pawling area to organize and unite around progressive change. We are in the 19th Congressional District and we are dedicated to fighting for the inherent worth of all people. We fight for social, political, environmental and economic justice in Pawling and across the nation. "

Pawling is fortunate to have a Scout Cabin to provide a safe, local facility for the more than 200 Pawling scouts. The 19 acre property is used for outdoor camping, campfires, learning outdoor skills and nature appreciation. Indoor facilities are used for planning and working on service projects and weekly meetings. A kitchenette and bathrooms allow for overnight activities. The cabin is not subsidized by any scouting organization and has served the community since 1955 through the generosity of our local community and volunteer efforts of many wonderful people. Pawling has active troops in