
"Nothing worth having ever comes easy."

Grades and Behavior in All Subjects:

 Cadets in the NJROTC program are held to a higher standard than the average student. Your behavior in school is expected to be better than your peers. Failure to be better-than-average may result in a loss of NJROTC privileges.


 Your grades will be closely monitored by our NSI, Senior Chief Wean. Tutoring from upperclassmen cadets, by appointment, in all subject areas will be offered after school in the NJROTC classroom from 1430-1530, Monday through Thursday. Whether you need help or tutoring in a subject, or just need a quiet place to do your homework after school, or conduct research on the internet, the NJROTC classroom is available for your use. This study hall is voluntary!

             If a cadet receives a grade below 60% in any class on a Marking Period, that cadet is ineligible to participate in competition with any NJROTC team, or attend any NJROTC field trip or activity.