Promotions Request


The promotions for E2 to E7 are available.

Shown below is the link to scheduling.

*Refer here for PT standards*

Newer HR Slides

How to Promote

For promotion, please print out your respective rank Promotion Advancement Requirement (PAR) sheet (teachers at school allow you to print if needed), and then fill out the google form.  c/Gariss, Harmony or c/Wilson, Edgar will contact you to set up an appointment for promotion testing. Feel free to approach the HR Officers in person or contact them for more information!

****Promotion sheets are at the bottom of this page!****

-Contact Info- 

-HR Alpha-

Discord: Harmony#4971

-HR Bravo-

Discord: Geno#3967

Highly recommend you read through these slides to get an idea of what promotion looks like!

These are meant to be guides to help provide a basic understanding of what you will be expected to know during the promotion board. These are not sole sources of information, as you should be referencing the Cadet Field Manual (Orange Bible) for correct and exact information. It is highly encouraged to practice drill and clarify information with experienced cadets to receive feedback on improvement so you are better prepared. Contact either Human Resources for further questions or concerns.