

18 November 2023

Patrick Henry Field Meet

This year, the Patriot Battalion had the honor of hosting their 1st field meet in 8 years! Every cadet pitched in whether it was guiding schools around to the event, running station or cleaning up the school days before. After countless hours of planning and hard work, the day had come. Waking up early in the morning to set up for the event. The Patriot Battalion joined together to make sure the event ran smoothly, ready to help out wherever needed. Being the first to arrive and the last to leave. Thank you to all the cadets that help make our field meet such a success and to all the schools for competing and making the field meet so much fun!

28 October 2023

Paloma Valley Field Meet

Starting off the season strong! The Patriot Battalion’s Navy League Team traveled to Paloma Valley High School to compete in the first field meet of the year. With a new team there comes new challenges. But, cadets handle every hurdle with grace. Arriving at 5:30 in the morning, cadets file onto the bus for a 2 hour bus ride, preparing for the day ahead. The Navy League Team went on to compete in various drill, athletic and academic events. Cadets gave their all into every performance, curl up and PI question. Through the cold and the fog, cadets pushed through and the hard work was on full display. Even though we didn’t get the placement we wanted. We still started off this season strong. Keep working hard Patriots and remember Better Everyday!

Congratulations to Navy League for placing 4th overall at their first competition of the year!!

16 October 2023

Welcome Aboard Ceremony

Introducing the new NS1s of the Patriot Battalion. On October 16, the Patriot Battalion hosted its annual Welcome Aboard Ceremony. A special ceremony to commemorate the beginning of a cadet’s journey in NJROTC. Putting on their Naval Service Uniform for the first time, cadets had their rank pinned on by family and friends, officially earning their first rank in the program. Upperclassmen watching from the stands and cheering and encouraging the new cadets on. Knowledge being passed onto newer generations. Ending with a special from the Patriot Battalion former CO, Brayden Buchanan. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the new NS1 as they embark on this new journey!

11 October 2023

Brigade Academics Round 2

The Patriot Battalion had the honor of hosting the second round of Brigade academics at our school again. Cadets not only competed but also helped to set up and run the buzzers. Fresh off their winning streak, the team was ready to win. Trying their hardest round after round. The team ended their competition with a score of 85 points, sadly coming in 2nd this round. Keep up the Good work Patriots we’ll get them next time! 

1 October 2023

Brigade Picnic

This Saturday, the Patriot Battalion joined many other JROTC programs for a day of fun and games at the annual Brigade Picnic. Cadets arrived at Admiral Baker Park bright and early in the morning decked out in spirit gear. Despite the cloudy weather, cadets still enjoyed everything the picnic had to offer. After a quick stretch out, the Battalion moved out onto the field. Cadets cheering on their fellow cadets as the friendly competition started. The day was filled with games as cadets raced each other in Tank Tube, Egg Balance and Sack Race. Running around the court, cadets scored shot after shot in Hot Shot. Taking a quick break, the Patriot Battalion enjoyed a delicious meal of burgers and hot dogs and cheered on the Seniors as they completed the talent show, Performing their own version for “I’m just Ken.” Finally, we reached the end of the day and everyone’s favorite event, Tug of War. Cadets cheered their hearts out as our Tug of War teams competed against team after team. Placing 3rd Overall at the end of the day. Truly magical and unforgettable for everyone involved. Let’s make this year just as unforgettable Patriots!!

23  September 2023

Miramar AirShow

The Patriot Battalion hosted its annual orientation trip to the Miramar Air Show on September 23, the first bonding event of the year. The air buzzed with excitement as cadets filed onto the bus, ready for the day ahead. Cadets got into their groups to explore the Airshow. Cadets enjoyed the plane exhibitions, food vendors, and much more as they walked around. Not only having fun learning more about aviation but enjoying each other's company as they explored the Miramar Air Show together. Gathering at the end of the day for a special performance by the Blue Angels, the US Navy’s flight demonstration squadron.  Cadets cheered as they watched the blue angels perform their iconic routine. Ending the day on a high note. 

14 September 2023

Brigade Academics Round 1

On September 14, the Patriot Battalion hosted its first Brigade Academics Competition of the year. Our Brigade Academics Team was ready for the day ahead. As school ended, they got ready for the competition and helped set up the buzzer system. Competing against 3 other schools in trivia style questions. Patrick Henry came out on top, ending the day with 200 points and over a 95 point lead on the other schools. Congrats for the awesome start to the season Brigade Academics!! 

17-18 August 2023

Basic Leadership Training

With the summer coming to an end, the Patriot Battalion hosted its annual Basic Leadership Training or BLT. New cadets signed up for a 2 day long event hosted by upperclassmen that teaches cadets what it means to be a Patrick Henry NJROTC cadet. Cadets were sorted into platoons going through 3 stations, Academic, Athletics, and Drill, led by other senior cadets. Not only learning the basics but having fun and creating bonds with other new cadets in their platoons. Enjoying trivia games with the academic station, a scavenger hunt around the school set up by the athletics station and learning fun drill movements with the drill station. Ending BLT with a memorizing hybrid performance set up by the Unarmed and Armed Exhibition Teams. Not only learning more about the program, but also getting to see the community that NJROTC offers.

1 July 2023

Leadership Academy 

The Patriot Battalion sent 8 cadets to Leadership Academy at Camp Pendleton this summer. During the week-long camp, they learned lessons on how to improve their leadership as well as sword drill, commanding platoons and much more. Rising up to the occasion all of the cadets were able to pass their final exam which included a personnel inspection, physical fitness test, an academic exam, and a drill test with flying colors, graduating from leadership academy and earning their leadership aiguillettes. Taking all they have learned at Leadership Academy and the cadet will use it to improve their battalion. Congratulations to c/Amble Mandalay, c/Gariss Harmony, c/Gemeniano Hyen, c/Miller Ghost, c/Mohamed Fatma, c/Pitney Vernon, c/Saroldi-Gonzalez Francisco, c/Wilson Edgar who graduated from leadership academy and earned their leadership aiguillettes. 

28 June 2023

Sail Academy

This summer, the Patriot battalion was able to send 4 cadets to join many other schools at Sail Academy. Cadets learned how to operate boats, navigate out on the water and use the different instruments on the boat. Not only honing their navigational and sailing skills but also creating bonds with the different people from their crew. Using those bonds and skills from sail academy to race other crews at the end of their stay. Making friendships and learning lessons they can use throughout their lives. Congratulations to c/Hui Suri, c/Nguyen Sophie, c/Nguyen Jonathan, c/Tour Eitan who graduated from Sail Academy this summer. Out of all the graduates two went above and beyond. c/Nguyen Jonathan placing 1st in the boat race and 2nd in the academic competition earning him the cadet aptitude ribbon and c/Tour Eitan placing 1st in the boat race earning the cadet achievement ribbon. 


March 29 - April 3 2023

Pensacola, Florida Nationals

We're in for a long run and a long flight. Stopping at Dallas, Texas then flying all the way to New Orleans, Florida. Taking a bus ride to Pensacola, Florida, but also stopping by Bucees our Nationals Treasure for a quick dinner. All in a span of the whole day. Once we arrived at Sand and Surf Hotel, the hotel staff set up a sign welcoming our arrival and our greatest efforts at the NJROTC Nationals Competition. Once we've settled and unpacked everything, Day 1 was completed. 

It was early in the morning, everyone quickly got up and made their way towards the Pensacola Beach parking lot. Practicing all of our competition events before Nationals. After thoroughly rehearsing, we made our way back to the hotel, stepping onto our bus as we ride to NATTC Mega Building for males to get their haircuts and bowling right after. Enjoying our time walking around NEX Exchange to buy some necessities and/or souvenirs. After relaxing at the end of the day playing bowling and purchasing items, we made our way back to the hotel as Day 2 was completed. 

The morning calls once again, waking up more earlier than usual, preparing our uniforms and hair as the NJROTC Nationals is about to begin. Riding back to the Mega Building, storming in to go change into their uniforms with the Log members right behind them with gear and supplies, ready to help them out with anything. It was chaos, Personal Inspection was up first and our Navy League team had to be as polished as possible, as well as studied beforehand. Once Personal Inspection was over, Color Guard was next up the competition, swiftly moving through with ease as you could tell how much hard work was put into rehearsing the drill movements. Once it was over, everyone was ready to go change into PT clothes as the next event is Athletics. Curl Ups and Push Ups were first, with immense amount of strength, everyone on the team pushed through their pain with a crowd to cheer them on. Afterwards, the Relays were on, running at their top speed through the whole event. When the event was over, Academics was up, ready to take the most difficult test at Nationals. With half of the competition events finished, the next day was vastly approaching. 

Day 3 completed. Another early morning arrived, quickly getting into the same routine, rushing to the Mega Building, ready to complete the drill portion. Starting off with Armed Basics. With all that practice, Armed drill gracefully swept the floor, making our way towards Unarmed Exhibition, our loudest team. Unarmed Exhibition made our crowd go wild as we move onto Armed Exhibition. Lighting up the drill pad with spectacular spins with rifles, executing their performance perfectly. With time to spare, we took a Navy League team photo to commemorate our history here at Florida Nationals. The last remaining event was Unarmed Basics, marching like no other, moving through every command with style. The day was almost over. At 1700, it was time for the awards ceremony. Taking place at an Aviation Museum with a massive audience of all the families, friends, and cadets of 24 other schools all in one room combined. At the end, the results were announced. Congratulations Patrick Henry NJROTC Navy League team for placing 6th in the Nation! Remaining in the top 10 amongst 100 other NJROTC schools in America! Again, an absolutely amazing journey we have gone through. With Day 4 completed. 

We rewarded ourselves to relax on the beach, go to the Aviation Museum, biking, kayaking, and a wonderful dinner place taken outside. A toast to our success over the year of 2023 to us! 

Day 5 was completed. Packing all our things last night, we were ready to say goodbye to our glorious trip. Stopping by an alligator farm and the French Quarters to commemorate our last time for this year at Florida. Taking the longest flight in history back to West Coast California. We've come a long way Patriots. I know we can be better everyday, our fellow Patriots will never stop growing and will never stop succeeding. Next year let's reach top 5 Patriots! OORAH!

18 March 2023


With 10 of our best athletic cadets who signed up, Brigade hosts the 2022-2023 Annual Youth Physical Fitness competition! After being met with some setbacks at Hoover High School, Patrick Henry's YPF Team competed in four exciting events; the crab walk, basketball (power throws), and, everyone's favorite...the relay race! Although unable to place inthe final scores for this annual event, our cadets entered the competition with commitment and motivation. Bonding with each other, enjoying the support given during the events, and left with nothing but determination for the next chance they get! Shining Stars Patriots! Wish them luck next year!

4 March 2023

Cadet Ball

It has been 3 years since the Annual Cadet Ball had been cancelled. But now the doors have opened. The clash of many JROTC schools in suits, ties, stunning dresses  in one room, ready for the time of their lives. With over 2,000 cadets to meet new faces, to honor, to dance with! Once everyone in our battalion had found their seats it was time to rise for the National Anthem. Once we sat down after paying our respects, we sat down to eat. It was delicious as they served us appetizers, the main course and a lovely desert at the end. During this, Honor Guard marched in to start the ceremony. Raising their swords high while our Cadet Commander Buchanan, Brayden, Senior Naval Science Instructor Commander Wever, and Principal Irwin walked down the line of swords. Next announcing all the Honor Court Winners who were voted by our Battalion. Giving them the opportunity to walk down the pathway and having their own slow dance together. Absolutely breathtaking. However, now it was time for the real deal. When Brigade Staff had gotten up on stand and declared the dance floor to be opened to all schools. Turning up the music, it was time to start the party. Everyone was able to stand freely, taking pictures at the photo stand, dancing to the beat, chatting away, playing chess, absolutely having the time of their lives. An event we'll never forget. Let's dance the night away Patriots!

14 February 2023

Superbowl Field Meet

We all guessed it was over...but it wasn't. What was over were our worries in that one final moment. Before it all happened, our Patrick Henry's Navy League team got up with no sunlight shining, readying up with the strike of Call Time at 0430. Packing every single gear, table, uniform, etc. even having a supporting family assist us by bringing some of the big items for Logistics. All while marching onto the bus, awaiting what'll happen today. The sunlight brings us back to our senses on the bus as we charge onto the battlefield. Swiftly moving everything off the bus and claiming our spot at Santa Ana High School, who're hosting their Superbowl Field Meet for all 16 other competing schools in Area 11...Time was ticking, it was time to move forward. Quickly excelling through Personal Inspection with coordination and ease, Color Guard performing beautifully while the sunlight was shining upon them, launching themselves quickly unpacking all the items for Unarmed and Armed Basics. Still no time to spare, we gathered all our stuff, marched with honor, courage, and commitment. Presenting our Exhibition Team thunder! With spectacular alignment and performance. Academics were ready to compete with their big brains as they chowed down on lunch beforehand. During Academics, all of the cadets gathered around to put on face paint, in the mood to put on their best green and gold spirit as we cheered for Academics skipping on back. The finale of the day, Athletics. The mighty Athletics team stayed strong for this one. With their strength, they were motivated to pass through Sit-Ups, Curl-Ups, and Relays with our team cheering wildy. Becoming believers and the mighty Patriots they are. Now it was time for the results. Gathering on the football field, we all sat down with many other schools beside us. The tension was real, many awards were given as we congratulated all of them. Metals being awarded to our lovely cadets who achieved the impossible. After a year of the fighting Patriots never giving up hope for reaching their goals, the moment has arrived and it was silence. With a roaring thunder, we've won 2nd place overall at Superbowl Field Meet of 2023!! Thriving with each other's company as we all hugged and took pictures of our success that day. Patrick Henry High School is proud Patriots! Now we soon get to soar to Nationals at Pensacola, Florida! Keep your thunder! Continue on our legacy Patriots!

4 February 2023

Best Color Guard & Best Drill Individual

Beautiful colors Patriots as interested individuals trained almost every week for this moment. With the selected people ready to compete in Best Drill Individual and Brigade Color Guard, a Brigade tradition that happens every once a year. Collecting NS1s-NS4s to have the opportunity to show what they're made of in style! First starting off with the Freshman and Varsity Color Guard team. Both four-man group were first inspected then went through their drill portion on the drill pad at the same time. Flowing their flags as they memorized the routine for this moment. Afterwards, our Color Guard Coordinator selected a skilled NS1 and NS4 level personnel to compete in Best Drill Individual! Absolute beautiful presentation Patriots by representing our Patrick Henry NJROTC, doing an amazing job splendidly carrying out drill instructions well. Mighty colors Patriots!

31 January 2023

Annual Military Inspection & Change of Command

To end our first month in a new year our entire battalion, from the last few weeks invested in shining their shoes, polishing their uniform, readying their knowledge, etc. In preparation to get inspected by former Navy Officers, Captain Nowicki and Commander Vogelgesang. Seeking out the best impression of our program. Showing off what we mean by "motivated, motivated, dedicated, dedicated!" In a breeze, our 5 platoons performed well as we make way for Change of Command. A yearly tradition after the first semester ends, where leadership positions have changed. Today specifically our Triad group. Passing down their positions to one another, ready to take over the second semester, welcoming our new c/Commander, c/Executive Officer, and c/Command Master Chief...with an awesome handshake. With more surprises we have to offer, today many awards were announced for our cadets received individual awards and announcing Honor Platoon of the Semester. Congratulations Second Platoon! What an astounding speech and transition Patriots! However, nothing can complete this eventful day than our Exhibition Teams starting their stage presence with a BANG! As families, friends, our former Navy Officers are invited to watch our spectacular performance. Overall, executing their movements beautifully. Impressed by what we offered today. Afterwards, our battalion at that point we're just ready to chow down on pizza.

21 January 2023

Best Drill Platoon & Squad

This January, the Patrick Henry NJROTC program was invited to compete in the 2023 Best Drill Platoon and Best Drill Squad Brigade Competition. In total, 25 cadets were chosen, ranging from NS1s to NS4s to compete in Armed Basics Platoon and Squad Drill against many other schools from different branches at Area 11. Our BDP and BDS team arrived at Madison High School ready to compete and after weeks of hard work and practice. Getting off of the bus, advancing our way through PI, BDP and BDS with grace. After taking a small break, our Brigade Armed Basics team were ready for awards. With style and determination from cadets who were experienced and not experienced received 3rd place for Best Drill Platoon award! Wonderful work Patriots! Let's go for the win next year!

14 January 2023

Ramona Field Meet

A strike is what you hear when Patrick Henry's Navy League Team enters the field on a cloudy yet nearly rainy morning. Meeting with the Ramona Bull Dogs for their Field Meet to arise upon us, bolting to claim a spot and making our way towards Personal Inspection, better planned and ready as they'll ever be. Exiting through the door to charge towards Color Guard, Unarmed Basics, Armed Basics with much preparation beforehand unraveling gear like rifles, flags and water bottles. Eventually we made our way indoors where all the Exhibitions teams get on the floor to perform. With lightning speed came our Unarmed in tennis shoes and Armed Exhibition team with sharp yet rapid movements. Due to high chance of rain, Push ups and Curl Ups will also be taken inside, as we cheer as loud as thunder four our Athletics team giving the best strength they got. With some of the Navy League members are taking a break, Academics venture off ready to buzz every question on the test perfectly. Coming back and realizing the trickle of rain is starting to pour in. A first time for many members in Navy League to experience the Relays in drenched weather. Unbothered, our Athletics team dashed their way back and forth across the field. Not minding the drizzle as they zoomed past many top runners from other schools. Afterwards, we made our way back with blankets and umbrellas to keep us dry for the Awards Ceremony. Ecstatic for what we place for our possibly second to last competition of the year. The results were astounding, our Patriots have finally won 1st place in a while! It was such a flying feeling as we can't wait for what our future awaits us. Hoping to charge our bolts for Superbowl and be ready for what comes next in our history.

4 December 2022

Cabrillo Field Meet

We never knew when to quit. Our early mornings come by like a breeze as Navy League studies hard in the long 2 hours and 30 minute bus drive. Being extra ready, as our logistics team swarmed every spec of dust on their uniforms. It was already a bright morning meaning this light will guide us forward through PI with exceptional confidence. Our Color Guard team were racing with flying colors, our Unarmed and Armed Basics team proceeded with nearly perfect alignment. Coming in with our charming Exhibition teams arriving on the drill pad. Performing new stunts, Unarmed Exhibition shouting with spirit that could shake the world. Armed Exhibition giving their power through it all. Afterwards, our Navy League team were ready to give every bit of energy towards Sit ups and Push ups. Pushing up and down as much as they potentially could while loud cheers could be heard. Eventually came Academics ready to put their minds to the test. Composing what we have left, we're ready to take on the final challenge, which is the relay race for the Athletics team. Never letting go of that baton means never letting go of things we can overcome, which is exactly what athletics delivered us today. When it was nearly time for awards Cabrillo High School staff presented us with a game of Tap Out, where you are announced specific drill movements and would proceed to swiftly do it properly. With the fun activity setting our mood, the sunset gave us a brighter atmosphere. Congratulations Patriots for receiving 2nd place overall! Quitting will never be an option for us. It's time for more style, more grace and more honor!

19 November 2023

USS Midway Competition

Our first time hosting a competition in a while, and it's on the giant U.S.S Midway aircraft. Storming in are our Armed and Unarmed Exhibition teams ready to perform with spirit! Following up with our volunteers ready to assist with many other schools who travelled a long way to our hosted competition and are also ready to put on a show. With our volunteers able to persistently run the event smoothly, naturally helping with the schedule for each designated school while our wonderful Exhibition teams practiced performing. With a long day of determination and hard work, our fellow Patriots were ready to eat at the downstairs cafeteria and exploring many exhibits on the U.S.S. Midway Museum while awaiting the Awards Ceremony for Unarmed and Armed Exhibition. Congratulations Patriots for placing 3rd on our hosted event! Giving your best efforts to uproot the competition and working hard assisting a whole entire school even though it was a bit rusty. Keep up the motivation Patriots! Lets keep the spirits up!

12 November 2022

Pacifica Field Meet

The PHHS NJROTC Navy League traveled to Pacifica High School Field Meet to show what we can achieve. Our lovely cadets were bracing for the cold mornings at Henryyet again, arriving at 5am filled with excitement for the upcoming day. Afer arriving, our Academics team wasted no time heading off to take the Academics test, our first event of the day. Following Academics, our Navy League team geared up for Personal Inspection with logistics sending them off and cheering them on from the sidelines. Our exceptional Navy League team was then able to compete in Color Guard,Unarmed Basics, Armed Basics, Unarmed Exhibition, and Armed Exhibition following afterwards, pushing as if it was their last throughout ever drill event. After finishing the last remaining drill inspections, our Navy League cadets got a well deserved 45 minute break, settling down for lunch and a nice little dance break. Changing over from the uniforms, Athletics team set off to test their might on Push ups and Curl ups, motivating our team. At 1:30 our last events ofthe day began, the much antcipated 16x100 and 8x200 relay with Navy League cadets cheering their hardest as Atheltics raced against the top runners from Area 11 schools. Pushing through the exhaustion with the support from their fellow cadets. Speeding off to the Awards Ceremony, the PHHS Navy League Team were ecstatic as he results were announced, placing 2nd in PI and Overall Drill, 3rd in Academics, Overall PT and Overall Field Meet. While Navy League were overjoyed by these results, they are committed to a first place win, taking this as a learning experience and growth. Celebrating with a stop at In and Out on the way home. Get that Lunch Money Patriots! Lets keep achieving greater prizes we worked hard for!

29 October 2022

Grossmont Field Meet 

Our first ever competition to this year...the mighty Navy League shall never fall upon first arrival. With first timers experiencing the chilly early mornings, but motivation beyond what was ever expected. Setting our base as quickly and diligently as possible, making sure no mistakes come the first time around. As the sun peaks upon the horizon, our navy league team stumbled through Personal Inspection with quick ease, charging towards Color Guard as quickly as possible, showing a lot of support for our 4-man team. With little to no noise as our basics continued to march on grass with precision, our exhibition teams learning to deal with the light sound of footsteps, but always trying to stay on beat to the rhythm. Upon inspecting our teams, we never stop staying loud and proud. After changing out into athletic gear, putting away our uniforms, our athletics team began stretching exercises for more confidence starting Sit ups and Push ups. Eventually sped our way through Academics leading with a break after a very long day of working without rest. However, we must hype ourselves up again as the relays approach us. Cheering for our motivated, motivated, dedicated, dedicated athletics team, sprinting without stop. Ending off our day placing 4th at our overall field meet at Grossmont High School! Let's never stop running patriots! Lets stay strong until the end of this year!!

24 October 2022

Welcome Aboard Ceremony 2022 

Introducing the new 2022-2023 NJROTC cadets!! In the Welcome Aboard Ceremony, NS1s are finally earning their place in the NJROTC program as official cadets. Here, the cadres, Patrick Henry's Principal Irwin, and special alumni members gave a welcoming speech to friends and family of these newly fellow cadets, wishing them luck and dedication to the program. As the crowd of their family members or friends capture many pictures proud of this moment they've accomplished. After the speech was finished, families and friends came up to pin on their Seaman Apprentice or Seaman ranks on their collar for a surreal moment of pride and content, allowing a new beginning for these cadets will learn Honor, Courage, and Commitment. 

1 October 2022

Brigade Picnic

Our NJROTC battalion gathered together with other schools for the annual Brigade Picnic. With many participants beforehand signed up to compete in various games like Egg Race, Tug of War, Relays, Sack Race, Hot Shot, and more! While the participants are competing, our wonderful battalion program were there with full on support and yelled various chants/jodies to heighten the tension. Near the end, the seniors gave a wonderful performance at the talent show, performing a giant dance routine they had practiced beforehand. Our first ever Battalion Bonding Event and it is full of glory and joy. Let's keep this tradition for next year's Brigade Picnic Patriots! Be loud and full of spirit!

24 August 2022


Before the new 2022-2023 school year, NJROTC leaders took it upon themselves to train oncoming cadets for 2 days called Basic Leadership Training. An introduction and welcoming to the program. Here, they learned basic drill, participated in physical training and put all their effort into academics, but most importantly getting to know their fellow cadets and create a bond with our upperclassmen of this year. On the first day, new cadets received their PT uniforms and spit up into groups of platoons, which were either Alpha, Bravo or Charlie platoon. After settling in with their designated platoon, they got right to work, picking up their feet and joined their stations. During Basic Leadership Training, cadets got a taste of what their new year would consist of, going through intense, yet absolutely thrilling activities. Though cut short, cadets still got to spend their mornings and afternoons having fun and bonding with a lot of new people. Especially when the winning platoon (Bravo) got to dump a bucket of water on their Platoon Commander and Runner Up. Let's welcome our new Patriots this year! Oorah!

15 August 2022


Our 3-day Advanced Leadership Program for upperclassmen becomes tradition as 2022 presented us with so many fun activities and learning opportunities to improve and to start off our year strong. Thanks to our lovely alumni for putting in the effort to come on down, teach us leadership, athletics, and drill every single day we were together. Charging through what it means to help cadets in the future and learn to build not just strength but teamwork and motivation! Judging by whichever group had done the best in drill, teamwork exercises, labs will be the first to water balloon everyone near the end. On our last and final hours of SALT will be a new beginning, the start of a new year, stay strong patriots!!


26 February 2022

Brigade YPF Competition

This year, the Patrick Henry NJROTC program chose 10 special cadets to compete in the 2022 Brigade Youth Physical Fitness (YPF) competition celebrates. All 13 schools in Brigade send out their top female and male cadets to compete in several events, ranging from crab walk to track relays. On February 26th, 2022, the PHHS NJROTC YPF cadets arrived at Hoover High School along with many other schools, ready to compete for first place. The first event of the morning started out with crab walk relays, then went over to power throws and basketball throws. After a short break, teams headed over to the last event- the track relays. With determination and a single goal of victory in hand, the Patrick Henry High School NJROTC was able to achieve 3rd place overall in the competition. Keep up the stellar work Patriots!

5 February 2022
Superbowl Field Meet

This February, the PHHS NJROTC Navy League Team traveled to Santa Ana High School 2022 Superbowl Field Meet; the State Championship competition which would be the deciding factor on which top 2 schools heading to Nationals. As Henry arrived early at 7:30, the academics team rushed off to take their test, while the rest of the Navy League team cheered them on and focused on getting ready for Personnel Inspection (PI). At 10:45, the Navy League team headed over for a grueling PI, which was followed by the Color Guard event, Unarmed and Armed Basic events, and Unarmed and Armed Exhibition. Once the drill events were finally over, there was no time to lose as the athletics team quickly headed over to get changed for the Pushups and Curlups (PU & CU) event. At 2:00, Henry's Navy League team was finally able to catch its breath as everyone kicked back from all the activities at settled down for lunch. Soon after though came the thrilling 16x100 and 8x220 Relay races, where each school cheered their hardest for their runners to pass the finish line as soon as possible! After the relays were over, the results of the 2022 Superbowl Competition came out: The Patrick Henry Navy League Team placed 1st for Personnel Inspection, 1st in Color Guard, 2nd place for Armed Basic, 2nd place for Push-Ups, 3rd place in Curl-Ups, 4th in Unarmed Exhibition, and 5th in Armed Exhibition. 3rd in Overall Academics, 3rd in Overall Drill, 3rd in Overall Athletics, and.. 2nd in Overall Meet! Congratulations Patriots, all your hard work, dedication, and hours put into practicing and training for this field meet, has truly paid off. See you in Florida!

29 January 2022
Murrieta Mesa Field Meet

This January, the PHHS NJROTC Navy League Team traveled to Murrieta Mesa High School for the 2022 Murrieta Mesa Field Meet. Once each school arrived by 8 o'clock, the first event for Henry was the Curlups & Pushups. Following that was Personnel Inspection, as well as Color Guard, Unarmed Basic, Armed Basic, Unarmed Exhibition, and Armed Exhibition. After these events, the Academic Team was up next to take the Academics test while the rest of the teams were able to rest and have a well-deserved lunch break. Once everyone had finished eating, the long-awaited 16x100 and 8x220 relay races began with each school cheering on each of their teams. Before the awards ceremony, there was one fun, extra event known as Tug of War, where each school would compete in a tournament-style match until the final two victors emerge to do one last Tug of War with each other; Patrick Henry's Team was able to make it as the 2nd victor in Tug of War. Finally with the results in hand, the Patrick Henry Navy League Team placed 2nd Overall; 1st place for Personnel Inspection and Armed Exhibition and 2nd place for Armed Basic, Color Guard, Unarmed Exhibition, Curlups & Pushups, the 8x220 Relay, Overall Athletics and Overall Drill. Henry also received 3rd for the 16x100 Relay and 4th for Unarmed Basic and Academics. With another competition on our belt, the Patrick Henry Navy League Team will grow from its successes and failures to become a team that everyone is proud to be on. Way to go Patriots!

29 October 2021

ECR Field Meet

This December, the PHHS NJROTC Navy League Team traveled to El Camino Real (ECR) High School for the 2021 ECR Field Meet. Once each school arrived by 8 o'clock, the first event for Henry was the Curlups & Pushups. Following that was Personnel Inspection, as well as Color Guard, Unarmed Basic, Armed Basic, Unarmed Exhibition, and Armed Exhibition. After these events, the Academic Team was up next to take the Academics test while the rest of the teams were able to rest and have a well-deserved lunch break. Once everyone had finished eating, the long-awaited 16x100 and 8x220 relay races began with each school cheering on each of their teams. Before the awards ceremony, there was one fun, extra event known as Tug of War, where each school would compete in a tournament-style match until the final two victors emerge to do one last Tug of War with each other; Patrick Henry's Team was able to make it as the 2nd victor in Tug of War. Finally with the results in hand, the Patrick Henry Navy League Team placed 2nd Overall; 1st place for Personnel Inspection and Armed Exhibition and 2nd place for Armed Basic, Color Guard, Unarmed Exhibition, Curlups & Pushups, the 8x220 Relay, Overall Athletics and Overall Drill. Henry also received 3rd for the 16x100 Relay and 4th for Unarmed Basic and Academics. With another competition on our belt, the Patrick Henry Navy League Team will grow from its successes and failures to become a team that everyone is proud to be on. Way to go Patriots!

29 October 2021

Troy Field Meet

This October, our PHHS NJROTC Navy League Team competed in its 1st Field Meet Competition in over a year. Arriving at Patrick Henry by 5 am, the Patriot Navy League team traveled 2 hours to Troy High School in Fullerton California. Early in the morning tested our Navy League team's knowledge with both Academics and Personnel Inspection, then came Color Guard, Unarmed and Armed Basic along with Unarmed and Armed Exhibition and Pushups & Curlups. After a long lunch break came time for the exciting 16x100 and 8x220 Relay Races, which lead to the conclusion of the field meet as well as awards. The Patriot NL team overall placed 4th; placing 1st for Color Guard and 2nd for Personnel Inspection, Unarmed Basic, Armed Exhibition, and Pushups & Curlups. Academics and 8x220 Relay teams placed 3rd while the 16x100 Relay team placed 5th and the Unarmed Exhibition team placed 7th. Coming back from the competition, each cadet had celebrations for their accomplishments and an ever greater drive to succeed from their failures, keep going Patriots!

28 October 2021

Welcome Aboard Ceremony

On the evening of October 28th, family, friends, and relatives of the new cadets in the PHHS NJROTC program were invited to see their loved ones in the program participate in the 2021 Welcome Aboard Ceremony. Each platoon marched into the PHAME building and took a seat while Commander Wever, Principal Irwin, and Former c/CMC Van Mai gave inspiring speeches to the audience of cadets and families. Afterward, each platoon marched on stage for friends and family to pin the rank on the cadet's uniform; while later watching each of the cadets marching to the front of the stage as their name was called. A momentous occasion for each cadet, parent, friend, and so on; the cadets in the program who have chosen to stick with it, now finally know what it is meant to be part of the Patriot Battalion.

24-27 August 2021

Basic Leadership Training

As the beginning of the 2021 school year approached, the Patriot Battalion had its very own 3-day long, Basic Leadership Training or BLT. Each day, cadets in both Alpha and Bravo Platoon went through 3 stations consisting of Academics, Athletics, and Drill. Learning the basics of the program was no easy task, as each cadet needed to work each day learning and practicing their drill while also figuring out how to work together as a platoon. Cadets were able to relax during the various physical games as well as Platoon Bonding time, where they were able to get to know more about the program and school. On the last day, cadets were tested on their knowledge, timed on their exercises, and inspected on their drill, with the highest achieving cadets being awarded at the end. Although having to maintain Covid Safety rules, cadets still had a blast in the BLT, understanding what it means to be a Patrick Henry NJROTC cadet.

2 August 2021


This year in order to help the new Brass improve in leadership skills, our 2021-2022 Triad came up with the 3-day, Senior and Alumni Leadership Training or SALT program! Over the course of the three days, cadets in platoons led by alumni mentors went through the Leadership Lab, Athletics, and Drill stations each day. Cadets also switched around in platoons to experience different kinds of leadership with another mentor! The cadets and alumni were able to both learn and enjoy the program through its continuous leadership training, as well as its fun activities!


31 July 2021

Battalion Picnic

After a year of social distancing and following COVID-19 Safety Rules, the Patriot Battalion was finally able to have some relaxation and bonding time at Admiral Baker Park. Cadets competed and ate together while enjoying time with former cadets in the battalion, enjoy your break Patriots!

22 July 2021

National JLAB Competition

Despite the challenges presented by the 2020 pandemic, this year Patrick Henry's own NJROTC JLAB team was able to make it to JLAB Nationals in Washington DC where the top 3% of JROTC teams in the nation competed against each other in quiz bowl style matches. Our Patrick Henry NJROTC JLAB team ended up placing 2nd in the nation for Navy JROTC's after competing in the final Navy JROTC branch round. Afterwards, our JLAB team was able to take a tour around Washington DC and visit several historical sites! Let's hope to keep it up next year!


7 March 2020

Brigade YPF Competition

Every year, the SDUSD Brigade celebrates student athletes by hosting YPF (Youth Physical Fitness), a friendly inner-Brigade competition in which all Units choose their top ten male and female cadets to compete in a series of events: push ups to cadence,  basketball throw, crab-walk, and the 5x440 yard relays. This year, YPF was held at Madison High School. After many early morning practices and extensive in-class training, our Patriot Battalion placed third overall, with our males placing second and females placing third. A huge shout-out to C/PO3 My Nguyen for achieving first place female overall individuals, consistently outperforming other cadets despite her first time competing!

29 February 2020

Silent Drill Platoon

Cadets in the Navy League team had an opportunity to watch USMC’s Silent Drill Platoon alongside with UCHS. This was an amazing chance for our team to ask the marines for tips on how to improve our drill, and to bond with UCHS. During the trip at MCRD, cadets saw recruits going through their boot camp, and after watching the amazing performance of the Drum & Bugle as well as the SDP, they got to go to the exchange and bought varying items from shirts to food. On the way home, UCHS and PHHS bonded together through a mini competition of who can sing the best cadence/Jodie. 

22 February 2020

Annual Military Inspection

This year, our instructors decided to hold our AMI on a Saturday to encourage parent participation. As a result, our benches were filled, and although it was pouring outside, our AMI was successful. Commander Garcia was able to visit us and inspect our cadets, along with volunteer servicemen. 

1 February 2020

Super Bowl

Super Bowl, otherwise known as NJROTC’s state championship, qualifies the top 2 schools to go to Nationals. Our Training Officer calculated that our battalion has trained more than 6000 hours combined. The long hours of daily practices paid off, as we placed first out of the 17 schools that went. Not only did this qualify us to go to Pensacola Florida, we made history this year as the first time Patrick Henry ever won the state championships. The victory is shortly celebrated, however, as we continue training for nationals this coming April. 

25 January 2020

Best Drilled Platoon/Squad

During this event, we competed in armed drill, winning second place after Scripps Ranch. This year, Henry broke our 5-year win streak which was a big loss for us. However, our cadets are resolved to train harder in preparation for Super Bowl and Nationals. This loss humbled us, as more cadets focused on drill instead of slacking around.

18 January 2020

Ramona Field Meet

The Ramona Field Meet marked our last meet before the state championship. Since this was our last competition before states, many cadets felt that this was an estimate of where we would place. Although Henry got third place overall, many cadets were dissatisfied, because we were aiming for first. Since then, all of our cadets have been working hard in order to place first for Super Bowl. 

11 January 2020

Academic Bowl

Academic Bowl was hosted at Patrick Henry, where many of our cadets volunteered for the event. Scripps Ranch came in first place, while Patrick Henry got second. This motivated the academic cadets to study harder in order to get first and beat Scripps Ranch. Many volunteers and cadets that participated had a lot of fun interacting with different schools from the brigade. 

8 January 2020

Change of Command

Our battalion was required to attend the Change of Command ceremony, where our top 3 officially gets replaced. This event continued smoothly without any trouble, and cadets were able to listen to the outgoing and incoming leaders say their speech. It was very saddening to see our CO go, however as they introduced our incoming CMC, we accepted the new leaders with ease. We look forward to experiencing the year with our new chain of command. 

25 November 2019

Battalion Hiking Event 

During Thanksgiving break, our battalion gathered together early Monday morning at Cowles Mountain for a fun bonding event. This 1-2 hour long Battalion Hike gave cadets the opportunity to get to know each other outside of school hours. It also allowed cadets to workout before indulging in their Thanksgiving meals. Once at the top, we were able to take a lot of battalion pictures, as well as spend quality time with each other.

16 November 2019

Pacifica Field Meet 

The Pacifica Field meet was our first field meet of the school year. Our Navy League team, consisting of 40 cadets, competed in drill, athletic, and academic events against 15 other schools in Area 11. We had a great start, winning first place overall! We were able to place first in unarmed basic, and the 8x220 relays. We placed second in armed basic, curl-ups, push-ups, and academics. Our armed exhibition, color guard, and 16x100 relays teams were able to place third. This resulted in us placing second for our overall drill, athletics, and personnel inspection. Our achievement sets up high expectations for the upcoming field meets this year and allowed us to learn our weak points and strong points so we can improve on them.

10 November 2019

Midway Competition

On Sunday, our 12-man armed and unarmed exhibition teams competed against teams from 6 other schools. This was our first competition of the season, taking place at the USS Midway Museum. We placed third for both our armed and unarmed team. Despite only getting third, we made an appearance on the San Diego Union-Tribune Newsletter, which was an exciting experience for all of us! This greatly improved the Patriot Battalion morale, preparing us for our next big competition, the Pacifica Field Meet.

29 October 2019

USS Somerset Ship Tour

This year, 40 cadets were able to board the USS Somerset, named after the county in which plane 93 crashed down on during 9/11. While on this tour, cadets were able to roam around the ship, exploring areas and trying out the events that was available on the ship, such as the fire hose, and fireman outfit. Once all visitors have boarded the ship, USS Somerset departed from the port and sailed south of California, allowing cadets to see a little part of Mexico. This tour allowed cadets to bond with each other and make new friends, as well as learn about the heroes of 9/11. Cadets that were interested in joining the military were able to get a taste of what servicemen experience while on board.

9 October 2019

Welcome Aboard Ceremony

New cadets entering the battalion are welcomed in our Welcome Aboard Ceremony. This is an annual tradition we have, where cadets wear the NJROTC uniform for the first time, and get their ranked pinned onto their uniform by the parents. It was organized by platoons, and every cadet gets acknowledged on stage after their name is called out. Congratulations to the new cadets that have joined our battalion!

28 Sep 2019

Brigade Picnic

As our battalion gathers for the annual Brigade Picnic, cadets signed up to play in various games set up by the Brigade. These games include Tank Tube, Hot Shot, Sack Race, Tug of War, and more! Although we did not win first overall, we did win second place in Tank Tube, and first place in Hot Shot. Cadets had an amazing time at the event, as we got to meet other JROTC schools in our district.

26 Sep 2019

Open House

Each year, cadets sign up to volunteer at Open House to direct parents to their classes. Volunteers were broken off into groups, which were named after animals, and positioned around the campus to help guide parents. Our cadets were very kind and professional, and was very enthusiastic the whole day. We were very successful this year, thanks to these hard-working cadets!

21 Aug 2019

Basic Leadership Training

Starting off our new school year with BLT, incoming cadets are taught the basics of NJROTC. During the three day training course, cadets are introduced to basic drill, general knowledge such as chain of command, uniform regulations, and orders to the sentry. Cadets also learn about different teams within the Patriot Battalion, as well as do various athletic exercises. Battalion activities and chants are held to keep the cadets motivated and competitive. On the last day of BLT, certificates are handed out to all cadets who completed this course, along with other cadets who stood out from the rest in drill, academics, and athletics. Honor Platoon and Honor Cadet is awarded to the platoon and cadet that stood out the most and scored the most in all activities.

7 Sep 2019

Neptune Olympics

The Neptune Olympics is designed to be a team building competition, held near Coronado. Events consist of a Sandcastle contest, Kayaking, Surfboard, Paddle Board, Zodiac Hostage Rescue, and a group swim. Despite being Patrick Henry's first time in this competition, we did amazingly well, competing with 15 other schools. Our cadets had lots of fun this year, and plan on coming back next year, aiming for first place.


15 Mar 2019

Cadet Ball

This year, our school had the honor of sending the cadets to sing our national anthem before dinner time. Needless to say, our cadets rocked it, starting off dinner with a pleasant mood. Once dinner has been finished, the brigade's annual ceremony begins. Prior to cadet ball, 6 cadets from each schools are nominated for royal court. Cadets in royal court walk arm in arm, passing under an arc of swords, to arrive at the dance floor in which royal court gets the first dance. After this ceremony, other cadets are allowed to join the royal court cadets in dancing and meeting with other schools.

11 Feb 2019

Annual Military Inspection

During our Annual Military Inspection, each platoon are inspected by servicemen from the armed forces. When being inspected, each cadet are graded on their knowledge, bearing, and uniform preparation. Once personnel inspection ended, certain cadets are awarded with ribbons, certificates, or a promotion due to their actions and involvement with the battalion. Our previous Commanding Officer, then passes the NJROTC flag to our new Commanding Officer. The flag symbolizes the giving and receiving of power and responsibilities to our new change of command. To end off AMI with a bang, our armed exhibition and unarmed exhibition drill team proceeded to perform for the audience and cadets.

16 Oct 2018

Installation of Cadets

The Installation of Cadets ceremony went off with a blast this year on October 9th when 60+ first year cadets were rung aboard, welcoming them into our unit. The cadets wore their uniform for the first time as their parents and friends observed the ceremony and helped the cadets pin their rank on their collar for the first time symbolizing their introduction to a new path of leadership, responsibility, and self discovery. The ceremony also included words of wisdom from the cadre, former cadets, and the current commanding officer to help guide them through their years of high school to come. 

16 Oct 2018

Brigade Picnic

On October 6th, our unit took part in multiple competitions and fun events at the annual Brigade Picnic. Every year our Brigade invites all the JROTC units in the San Diego Unified School District to take part in friendly competitions against each other such as, hot shot (basketball), egg balance, relay races, and a few others in order to spark camaraderie and teamwork within each unit and between them. Overall we placed 2nd in hot shot, 3rd in the sack relay race, and 1st in tank tube. Our cadets also took part in the talent show. They performed a dance to a mashup of “Count on Me” and “Finesse” by Bruno Mars with a mixture of cadets from Henry, Kearny, and University City units. Overall our esprit de corps was booming that Saturday morning and our chants were louder and mightier than our fearless mascot, the unicorn. 

27 September 2018

Open House

Big thanks goes to the 50+ volunteers who helped make Patrick Henry's Back-to-School Open house possible. The cadets were separated into groups and were assigned to specific locations throughout the campus. Their task was to help guide the parents around the halls as they go through their son's/daughter's class schedule. The volunteers showed much enthusiasm and professionalism when directing them, making the annual event successful once again.

25 August 2018

Basic Leadership Training

This year's BLT was a success, with over 40 cadets. During the three days, they learned basic knowledge such as general orders, chain of command, and uniform regulations. They were also introduced to basic drill and the teams offered in the battalion. Each day, the cadets were exposed to different types of PT, including relays and sprints, push ups, sit ups and the mile run. Spirit chants and battalion games kept them motivated and energized. The hybrid team, consisting of unarmed and armed 4-man, performed a demo, which sparked interest in many cadets. At the closing ceremony, top cadets in athletic, academics and drill were recognized as well honor platoon and within each platoon was an honor cadet.

6 August 2018


This summer, SDUSD Brigade hosted STEM Camp at UCSD. Cadets from different units came together for this five day program to learn about related fields of science. They were divided into four groups and each day went to a different lab including: bio-engineering and bio-mechanics, robotics, marine biology and genetics. They also had the opportunity to meet and bond with cadets from other units, through a scavenger hunt, karaoke night and various free time to talk and play games. On the morning of August 4th, each group gave a briefing of the labs to the parents at the award and closing ceremony.

25 June 2018

Leadership Academy 

This year, seven cadets had the opportunity to attend Leadership Academy at Camp Pendleton. Over the course of six days, they learned about ways to be an effective and influential leader as well as various topics including public speaking, sword drill, regulations of air rifles and operational risk management. The seven were able to pass all the necessary requirements which entails personal inspection, physical fitness test, an academic exam, and successfully conduct unarmed basic drill card with their platoon. On June 23rd, 2018 they were awarded the silver cord for their completion of the academy. 

Brian Huynh, Maryane Nguyen, Jia Ma, Tram Bui, Donaji Conde-Lorenzo, Van Mai, Brandon Nguyen
25 June 2018

Sail Academy

This summer, three cadets had the chance to spend three days at Sail Academy. They were made familiar with how to navigate the waters, operate boats and required instruments for a successful trip. Throughout the three days, they were able to bond and meet new people in their crew. They utilized the element of teamwork and knowledge of wind patterns in order to race other crews. David Ross, Andres Rojas and Joshua Truong graduated from the academy on the 23rd of June.