Pinchas Rosenfeld

The Packed Cafeteria

In nineteenth-century Paris the streets would hustle and bustle, but in today's reality it is the opposite. Just two months ago everything was so different. The streets used to be so packed but now they are empty. Learning about crowds in the nineteenth century shined a light on how experiencing life as an urban community can be a powerful thing. What a difference it makes when we are all under strict quarantine orders. In Parisian Views we immersed ourselves in the world of Paris in the 1800s. One of the most common features of Parisian society is the café. Parisians and tourists alike used to go to cafés and eat together and experience life together. The YU cafeteria is similar, as it is a place to meet your basic food needs but also a place that teems with life and social interaction. The vibrant atmosphere of the rush hour lunch, as seen in the photo, includes those simply eating their meals, those clearly in deep conversation, and some who are lost in their phones, but all are connected by the hum of conversation. The current situation is very difficult as we are not able to be in those types of places because of quarantines and social distancing. The image contrasts with the place we are in now because it highlights the social connection that we all crave yet no longer have, as we aren’t allowed to leave our homes.

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