
Biodiversity: The variety of life forms (plants and animals) within an ecosystem.

Ecosystem: All living plants and animals and the non-living environment where they interact together. 

Habitat: An area where plants and animals live and find what they need to survive - water, food, shelter, space, plants.

Rainforest: A type of forest found mostly in the tropical regions of the world. The "Tropics" are found just north and south of the equator where the mean temperature doesn't drop below 64 degrees F.

Species: A group of plants or animals with certain common features.

Extinction: When a certain species of plant or animal disappears forever.

Endangered: Animals, plants and insects that are being destroyed so rapidly that they may cease to exist without better protection from us.

Primate: One of a group of animals that includes apes (including humans), monkeys and prosimians.

New World Primates: Primates native to Central and South America.

Marmoset and Tamarin: Small monkeys found in certain parts of Central and South America.

Capuchin Monkey: A type of monkey found in Central or South America. Larger than the marmosets or tamarins. Called the "chimpanzees of the New World."

Spider Monkey: A type of monkey found in Central and South America.  They have long arms and tails that allow them to move quickly and gracefully through the trees.

Sanctuary: A place of safety. In the context of animal rescue, a Sanctuary is a place where animals in danger or in need are brought to be protected and cared for.

Pesticide: A chemical substance used to control insects that are harmful to plant growth.

Deforestation: Cutting down a wide area of trees. The most concentrated deforestation happens in tropical rainforests, similar to the native habitats of the monkeys here at PPS. 

Reforestation: The act of planting tree seeds or young trees in an area where there used to be a forest. 

Organic: Grown without the use of chemicals.

Animal Research: Where scientists use animals to study different products and diseases.  Monkeys are used because some of their reactions may be similar to humans. Much of this research is unnecessary and causes suffering to the animals used.

Social: Need to be in the company of others of their species.

Ecosystem or Habitat Restoration: The process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem or habitat that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed. This can involve creating conditions that allow life (plants, animals, even microorganisms) to begin to retake and thrive in an area that had been previously harmed.