How to Help
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Pacific Primate Sanctuary (IRS ID #99-0285731). Pacific Primate Sanctuary is in immediate and on-going need of funds to provide for the daily nutritional, medical, and social requirements of the primates at our facility. Every contribution is a commitment to their survival and to the collective force of conservation, protecting species on the very edge of extinction.
Government agencies do not fund this work. We rely entirely on donations from YOU to provide food, medicine, and shelter for the animals in our care. Please tell your friends and family how they can help the monkeys at Pacific Primate Sanctuary and join us in saving the beings with whom we share the Earth.
Where your money goes:
$35 will buy a bag of Primate Dry Biscuits to feed the Capuchins or Spider Monkeys for a month.
$50 will pay for rice, quinoa, or other grains to compliment the commercial food for about a month.
$75 supplies a month's worth of dried fruits, seeds, nuts, and other high calorie foods to supplement the primary diet
$100 will help pay for medicines, disinfectants, climbing ropes and other supplies.
$150 will cover the cost of Marmoset Gel Diet for one week
$500 Will cover the monthly cost of maintenance, repair and improvement of the structure and facilities.
Regular ongoing donations of any amount will help provide the basic necessities for the primates in our care. Please give what you can.
Gift Contributions
Make a donation of $20 or more in honor of a friend or family member and we will send a beautiful Contribution Certificate to commemorate your gift. The certificate can be printed with or without the amount of your donation.
Please make a donation through PayPal using the link above. Then download and complete the Gift Contribution Form to the right, and e-mail it to
"When you have such a program as your Sanctuary-you have no idea how far the ripples move the waters of peace-you do feel it by all the energy that these ripples bring back to you."
- Monica Schreiber, Donor

GoodSearch and GoodShop
Did you know that you can earn money for Pacific Primate Sanctuary just by doing things that you already do anyway? The average person can easily donate $50 to the Sanctuary over the course of the year using and! is a Yahoo based search engine. After designating Pacific Primate Sanctuary as your charity of choice, every time you do an Internet search, using GoodSearch, a penny will be donated to the Sanctuary. If you search the web 6 times each day, by the end of the year you will have raised $20!
With the help of the shopping portal, you can be a part of our mission to provide refuge and rehabilitation to endangered monkeys. GoodShop allows you to generate donations while you shop for ecologically conscious goods at online retailers such as Gaiam, Bambeco and Green Cupboards. Goodshop also offers coupons and deals so you can purchase humane and eco-friendly personal products at LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics. Goodshop will donate up to 20% of what you spend. Get started raising funds and saving money with your access to thousands of Goodshop coupons by signing up and choosing Pacific Primate Sanctuary as your cause!
Both of these programs are easy, free and turn simple everyday actions into a way to help Pacific Primate Sanctuary.
1% for the Planet
1% for the Planet was established to inspire members of the professional community to contribute 1% of their annual income to environmental groups, such as Pacific Primate Sanctuary. They recognize that “the sustainability of the natural environment is fundamental to the sustainability of business.”
Please visit the website: to become a 1% for the Planet member and join over 1,200 companies which have made the same empowering commitment. The contribution of 1% of your income to Pacific Primate Sanctuary allows us to keep our good work going— caring for the monkeys, protecting and serving their species, and educating our community. Your company also benefits by the affiliation through networking, promotion, and by demonstrating the importance of environmental responsibility.
A local attorney, a long-time member of 1%, donated part of his 2011 income commitment to PPS and writes: "I found you through the 1% for the Planet list of approved small, grass roots environmental organizations. PPS has been vetted and approved by 1% as a recipient of our yearly donations of our gross incomes - all 1% member companies donate at least 1% each year. And of course I have heard of your great work for years."
Pacific Primate Sanctuary has received aTop-Rated Nonprofit Award from GreatNonprofits for several years in a row. We are honored to have received this prestigious award, and value the compassionate words that have been shared about our organization.
GreatNonprofits is a website designed to help people find trustworthy nonprofits through user reviews. Theirmission is to help inspire and inform prospective donors and volunteers, by helping them differentiate between nonprofits; find ones that they trust, and be more confident in giving or signing up to volunteer. They also strive to enable nonprofits, regardless of the size of their marketing budget, to harness their most authentic and mosteffective advertising, the stories of those they serve.
Your reviews can help PPS find new supporters and volunteers. Please go to the Pacific Primate Sanctuarypage on GreatNonprofits to read the reviews posted about PPS, and to enter your own 5-star review.
Following are a few of the 5-star reviews we have received:
“I continue to be astonished that this organization can operate purely out of love and compassion for our fellow beings and without a single member taking a salary. It is something that this world needs more of and Pacific Primate Sanctuary more than deserves a five star review and support from the public.”
“I've been following the work of PPS since its inception. It is a superb organization with a profoundly meaningful mission. Unqualified recommendation.”
“Just thinking about the monkeys living out their natural lives together in such a loving place brings me a special kind of peace. I can sit quietly in my chair here and, soon enough, I hear the monkeys "singing" in their beautiful safe haven provided by Lucy, her staff, and all the dedicated volunteers.”
“I have been a consulting veterinarian for Pacific Primate Sanctuary since the late 1990's. I have seen their dedication to building and maintaining a state-of-the-art facility to care for these threatened and endangered species of New World non-human primates….Their medical care is top-notch for the animals. They keep extremely detained observations and records on the animals, and the overall facility goes far beyond what the regulations require. They are a model animal sanctuary in all aspects.”
Our Wish List
Pacific Primate Sanctuary is in need of the following:
Gardening and Maintenance Equipment and Supplies
Industrial Weed Whacker
Power Tools
Truck for hauling
Commercial Power Washer
Organic soil fertilizer
Medical Equipment and Supplies for the Infirmary
Digital Microscope
Stainless Steel Exam Table
Food and Kitchen Supplies
Weekly donations of organically grown fruits or vegetables from Community Sourced Agriculture (CSA) delivery services, such as Island Fresh Delivery
Housekeeping Supplies and Equipment
White cotton sheets and Pillow Cases
Baby blankets
75 Watt Red or Black heat lamp Bulbs
Sponsors for Grants
"Malama Ola the Monkeys", a grant to care for the health and lives of the monkeys at PPS by providing food and medical care
"Malama Pono Lako", a grant to maintain and care for the Sanctuary
"Resident Internship Grant", a grant to support the Volunteer Interns and Supervisors