
For the French party the research team that will be involved in OzOA project consist on two permanent academic staff namely Dr. A. TOMAS and Dr. V. RIFFAULT and one post-doctor namely Dr. M. DUNCIANU.

Dr. Alexandre TOMAS. Professional experience:

1997: 1 year research engineer at Arcelor-Mittal (Fos/mer – France) working on the Modelling and optimization of a treatment process of acid waste solutions

2000: 1 year post-doc position at the University of Wuppertal, Physical Chemistry Department (Pr. K.H. Becker) working on the aerosol formation from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons

2001-today: Professor at the Department of Atmospheric Science and Environmental Engineering, Ecole des Mines de Douai, in charge of the ‘Atmospheric reactivity group’ (5 researchers) since 2010

Dr. Veronique RIFFAULT. Professional experience:

2002-2004: post-doc position at the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL, formerly Aeronomy Laboratory), NOAA, (Boulder, CO, USA), in the Atmospheric Chemical Kinetics group (Pr. A.R. Ravishankara), applied to the kinetic study of processes occurring in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere

2006-today: Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science and Environmental Engineering, EMD working on (i) the kinetics and mechanisms of aerosol formation and (ii) the determination of organic aerosol composition during several field campaigns in urban, industrial and rural areas.