About project

This project is linked to several other French and Romanian projects:

· The OzOA project lies in the continuity of a French regional project granted in the frame of the IRENI (Institut Régional en Environnement Industriel) research program (2007-2013). This project has led to the development of aerosol flow tubes (AFT) enabling the study of the formation of SOA from biogenic VOCs and the interaction between organic aerosols and atmospheric oxidants. A large support from the Nord-Pas de Calais Regional Council as well as from French Ministries was obtained for buying high-level equipments like the high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) and the proton-transfer mass spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS). The Romanian partner has been involved in this work through 5 one-month visiting professor stays (2010 – 2016). This work has led to two publication in an international peer-reviewed journals.

· The OzOA project is also integrated into the recently-selected research program named CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere) in the frame of the ‘Labex’ (Laboratoires d’excellence) initiative supported by the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education. The objective of this program is “to better understand the whole aerosol system in contributing to climate and to particulate and precursors pollution studies.” Fundamental questions like aerosol source strengths by organic precursor oxidation and aerosol atmospheric processes (nucleation, aging, etc.) will be addressed. The French partners (EMD) is involved in this program.

· The project also follows the newly created Integrated Environmental Studies Centre-CERNESIM, funded by POSCCE-O 2.2.1 (CERNESIM, SMIS-CSNR 13984-901, No. 257/28.09.2010 project). The “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi (Romanian partner) has now an infrastructure which is designed exclusively for the research in chemistry and physics of the atmosphere in order to generate possible answers for several issues born as a result of intensive studies on chemical and physical behaviour of pollutants (gaseous and particulate) in the environment.

· Additionally, it is straightforward that the subject of OzOA dealing with secondary organic aerosols is largely included in the Chemistry and Physics themes of the French-Romanian call for proposals.

The OzOA project will bring at least three types of benefits for both laboratories:

1 / Scientific Advantage

Possibility of carrying out targeted and complementary experiments using an atmospheric simulation chamber large volume device that are not available in the French laboratory. And in laminar flow tube that is not available in the Romanian laboratory.

2 / Technical Advantage

Apprehension of new techniques, new analysis tools.

3 / Cultural Advantage

Discovery of another culture for the French and Romanian researchers and students, both at a general level but also on a scientific level. Exchange for participation in thesis juries is envisaged.