Stroller Garland

I had seen these stroller clips to hold toys when I started making teethers and honestly, I thought they were silly. However, when we had to travel internationally during the pandemic and try to keep our boys healthy I decided to make them so I knew I could keep their toys germ free on our travel. This was especially important for my son who loves to throw toys out of his car seat and stroller. I love these stroller clips because they attach easily to a car seat or stroller, can hold up to 3 toys and act as a toy in itself.

When you purchase a stroller clip you can choose from two different attachments (stroller clips or wooden clasps). Extra string is left at each end to give the option to tie it on to a bucket seat as well. The animal in the middle will vary depending on stock unless otherwise requested. Be sure to check out our matching stroller toys to make it a set!



Phil is Emmett's grandfather on his father's side. As a baby Emmett was quite irritable and hated the car. Grandpa Phil spent many nights in hospital with him and often accompanied Emmett to his appointments. Grandpa also had the opportunity to join in water therapy with Emmett.


Dr. Frank Hanley is our Heart hero's hero. He pioneered the "fix" for Emmett's heart condition and was Emmett's surgeon for his second and third heart surgeries at Stanford Children's. He has given our baby, and many other MAPCA babies another shot at life. We will always be forever grateful to Dr. Hanley and his team for using their gifts to improve the lives of children.


We were complete strangers that connected one day through Airbnb while we were looking for a place to stay in California. Vasey was an answer to prayer for our family allowing us to spend our entire stay in CA at their beautiful home in Menlo Park. Vasey also took it upon herself to gather some much needed items for the boys such as beds and toys so we didn't have to worry about bringing any of it with us.


Daniel is my husband, best friend, lover and adventure partner. Without him I don't know where I would be. He has been my rock, encourager and has kept me moving forward on some very hard days. He is an amazing father to our two boys. He always takes interest on what is going on with the boys and assists in Emmett's appointments, therapy and home care. He has been a huge supporter of Our Heart Adventure as well.

Stroller Garland Attachement Options:

Wooden Clasp

Stroller Clip