Skola Professional OTO by Sam Bakker - Skola Review Discount


Skola Review – World-First Virtual Event Sales Magnet!

Skola Review

Create New Virtual Events Professionally in Three Steps

If you want to build a stronger online business, it is obvious that you must try hard and do so many different things to attract more customers and sell more products. There are multiple things to do, like creating profitable events and pages for sales campaigns.

But, how can we do all of these things without being exhausted?

During this Skola Review, I will talk about Skola – a brand-new product that will allow you to do all of these sales activities without paying for other people or doing them manually. Let’s start exploring this product now!

Skola Review – Product Overview

Skola Bundle Deal

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Front End (Main Product) : Skola Software by Sam Bakker

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Upsell #1 : Skola All Access

>>Click here for more details

Upsell #2 : Skola Professional

>>Click here for more details

Upsell #3 : Skola Virtual Event Summit

>>Click here for more details

What Is Skola?

Skola is a digital product made to help online business owners boost sales and drive traffic easier. With this software, you can create different types of pages to engage better with your customers or create virtual events to attract more people.

If you use this software, you will find it much easier to manage your marketing tools and drive more traffic. Why? Because this product requires really little manual work from its users. There are many buttons and tools inside that were created to do almost everything for you.

For those searching for a way to cut down the time, money, and energy invested in events and sales activities, this product will impress them even more. Besides the ability to do most of your work, it can also finish things much faster than you can expect.

To make this product work, users only need three steps to do everything from A to Z. Later on in this review, I will show you what these three steps are.

Meet The Creator

The great creator behind this is Sam Bakker, the guy that always remains his top rankings in JVZoo leaderboards every time he launches new products. Most of his products are dedicated to the online marketing niche and over the past few years, Sam and his team have been serving more than 10,000 happy customers.

Some of his high-quality launches such as: GrowViral, Storey, Mobile Pages, VideoFlow, Outsourcing Mastery, Videosly, AdScouter, AdSight Pro, VideoFlow, etc.

That being said, I strongly believe that this latest product Skola will certainly do wonders for you after being launched. Now, move on to the next part of my review in order to figure out if this product is a good match for you or not!

The Features And Benefits Of Skola

When you get access to Virtual Events with Skola today you also receive:

Virtual Event Landing Page

One of the most important features of this software is to create a virtual event landing page for almost all types of business. These events are crucial for attracting people who might be interested in your services and keeping them engaged with your pages more.

If you own interesting and helpful events, chances are you can sell many more products.

Thank You Page

Besides event landing pages, it is also super simple for you to create a thank you page. Even though we can definitely do all of the work without thank you pages, their existence can help people feel like they are cared about, so they might feel better about your manner.

Proven Sales Funnel

The sales funnels are going to bring to life with this software and will have the essential tools to help you boost sales. They will have the features and tools that have been proven to be effective for selling activities.

Easy Edit Your Pages

It is easy to create the pages, but how about editing them?

The answer is that editing them is also easy. When you want to edit and fix something, you only need to come into the Skola platform, hit some buttons, and finish. You will never need to know anything about coding for editing the pages.

Funnel Planner

If you want to achieve better results, it is better to have a plan to follow. In this case, Skola can also prove to you that it is a useful product by allowing you to plan your funnels with the funnel planner. You can plan your lessons quickly within this drag-and-drop planner.

Conversion Tracking

Your customers’ conversations and more will be tracked throughout your sales funnels. With this feature, you will understand more about the needs and wants of your potential customers and customers so you can do a better job in the future.

Easy Payment And Transactions

You can receive payments with Stripe easily, and it is also simple to manage your transactions as they are all put in one place.

Domain And SSL

When being a Skola user, you can use Skola’s subdomain to start working right away if you do not have one. In case you have your own domain, you can use it too. Plus, the Skola development team has provided all users with a free SSL.

Free Hosting

Skola will host your pages, and you will not need to pay hosting fees like the traditional way.

How To Use Skola?

Once you’re done paying for Skola, you will be trained on how to use this product to create professional pages, funnels, events, and more. In days, you will know everything about using Skola to get the best results possible.

Here are what you are going to do after taking the training section:

Step 1: Swipe Your Competitors’ Product Offerings

If you think it is too hard to beat up your competitors in the marketing field, you can do it using Skola to create events and pages that they might not have.

Step 2: Clone Competitors’ Products

If you want to clone your competitors’ products, this software also helps you. After around ten minutes, you will be about to clone their products or services and become stronger.

Step 3: Create Events and Earn Profit

When you know more about your competitors, you can now create better events and pages than them to win your potential customers over.

Why Should You Buy It?

In general, I think Skola is a useful software for anyone searching for a tool for creating events or pages. For this reason, affiliate marketers and online sellers will find some (or many) useful tools and benefits from this product.

If we only talk about time and money, this product will save us a lot as it does not require you to pay for extra virtual events or pages online constantly. You will have more control to do what you need without paying over and over again.

Besides, as this product is not only made for professionals, any of us will be able to learn it and start working with it after a few days. With many more events and useful landing pages, I think it must be easier to sell and promote our services or products to others.

The Bonuses

Apart frоm the main prоduct, yоu may get bоnuses frоm the authоr, if yоu buy during the intrоductоry time:

Evaluation & Price

With the price of $197, you can get this software in no time. I know it is not a cheap product. However, with all the features included inside Skola, I have to admit that it brings you more profit than how much you will pay for it. You can generate more profit by using one of the features for your clients as it provides you with Commercial Rights.

Let’s recap the main features you will get with this purchase:

Therefore, you should buy a copy of your own as soon as possible because the price will gradually increase after the special launch ends. That’s my sincere advice to you! So do not delay, be quick to close all the best deals inside!

I can say that Sam Bakker is one of the greatest app creators in the world and his products have never disappointed us. And of course, I think this revolutionary app is not an exception.

The price – $197 one-time payment – is only available in the short-time launch. After the launch end (on the 27th of May at 11:59 pm EST), the price will be increased up to $97/ month). So, if you love this product, don’t hesitate to grab it right now.

Moreover, in case you are not satisfied with this product, you can always get a Full Refund Within 30 Days of your purchase. Thus, this is not only a low-cost but also a risk-free investment! You’ll thank yourself later for this!

What’s In The Funnel?

Besides, if you want to add more features to this product, you should totally consider these upsells once you check out:

OTO 1 – Skola – All Access – $47/pm

+ Bump Offers

+ Ticket Bundles

+ Automated Price Sync

+ Sponsorship & Booths

+ Coupon Codes

+ White Label Branding

+ Ticket Designer

+ Certificates

+ Run ‘Evergreen’ Events

+ Roll-over Events

+ Community Groups

+ In-Depth Sales Analytics

+ File Storage

+ Video & Audio Player

+ PDF Management

+ Accelerator Training

+ Future Updates & Upgrades

+ Ongoing Workshops

+ Facebook Group

+ VIP Support

OTO 2 – Skola – Professional – $67 (One-time)

+ Run ‘Free’ Lead Gen Events

+ Light & Dark Mode

+ Certificates

+ Help Widget

+ Advanced Tracking

+ Surveys

+ Polls

+ Color Bucket

+ Font Sync

+ Bulk Import Attendees

OTO 3 – Virtual Event Summit – $47

+ 30 Day Training System

+ 4 Workshops

+ Tools, Resources & Planning

+ 2 ‘Done For You’ Challenges

What I Like & What I Don’t Like

I like:

+ World’s first virtual event creator app

+ Create profitable virtual events in 3 easy steps

+ Deliver an exceptional experience to your online audience

+ Generate leads or sell your tickets

+ 100% customizable to your brand

+ Absolutely newbie-friendly

+ 30 days money-back guarantee

I don’t like:

+ There is no positive opinion about this software

Conclusion – Skola Is Recommended

I hope my Skola Review, has given useful information for you. Please put in mind that this kind of product cannot be any cheaper. This product is a pearl of great price and I’m sure you don’t want to regret later for missing it.

Once again, I hope you can make a wise choice. Thank you for your reading my review!