Courserious 2.0 OTO All 3 OTOs’ Links Here + Bonuses Upsells>>>

Courserious 2.0 OTO Links + Huge Bonuses:


Courserious Review – Revolutionary eLearning Platform?

Front End (Main Product): Courserious 2.0 Software by Eric Holmlund. Coupon Code: “COURSERIOUS7”

UPSELL OTO 1: Courserious 2.0 Elite Edition

UPSELL OTO 2: Courserious 2.0 Membership

UPSELL OTO 3: Courserious 2.0 Reseller Rights

Hey and welcome to my Courserious Review. It’s Darius here from Reed Ratings where I give honest digital product reviews along with awesome bonuses for products I truly believe in.

Courserious 2.0 is brought to you by Eric Holmlund also the creator of Media Cloud Pro, Buzzious, VidVoicer, TT Suite and many other high quality software products.

So the big question is, is Courserious 2.0 really worth your money? I’ll tell you if it ticks all the boxes, and if it does, I’ll give you some awesome complimentary bonuses you can only get from me today.

My goal is to help you make an informed decision so you don’t end up wasting your money. Now let’s jump into the next section of my Courserious 2.0 Review to find out what exactly Courserious 2.0 is and how it can help you and your business.

What Exactly Is Courserious?

Courserious 2.0 is a brand new, cloud based eLearning platform that lets you create and sell unlimited courses online with just a few clicks. Courserious 2.0 provides users an exceptional opportunity to build their own online business and brand by selling courses in just minutes.

It allows users to create, upload, and sell courses online with just a few clicks. With 100+ DFY courses (ebooks + videos) and advanced features this is literally the only business platform you’ll ever need to start profiting online right away.

No matter what your niche is, you can teach anything or everything online like:

  • Cooking

  • Baking

  • Home decor

  • Foreign languages

  • Car repairing

  • Yoga

  • Weight loss

  • Bodybuilding

  • Makeup tutorials

  • Personality development

  • Coding

  • Wine-making

  • School/college courses

  • Dining etiquettes

  • Graphic designing

  • Video editing

  • Photography

  • And many more

People from all walks of life are learning new skills, hobbies, or passion online and you can capitalize on this without:

  • Any hassle

  • Prior experience

  • Profit-sharing

  • Losing any leads

Not to mention, for newbies, they have included 100+ DFY courses to start selling and generate insane profits right away, with zero tech skills. Now let’s jump into the next section of my Courserious 2.0 Review to find out how Courserious 2.0 works.

How Courserious 2.0 Works?: Demo Video

Now let’s jump into the next section of my Courserious 2.0 Review to find out more about Courserious 2.0 pricing and upsells.

What’s New In Courserious 2.0?

  • 50+ DFY training courses (with 10-20 video lessons each) – Over 500-1000 Video Lessons!

  • 1000+ Ebooks

  • Admin Can preview Courses

  • 1 Click Niche based Academy Setup

  • Automated Email Notifications

  • Include Legal Pages Like About Us, Terms, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Etc.

  • No Domain Or Hosting Required, Get Your Own SSL Secured Subdomains For Each Academy

  • Built-In Support/Ticket System To Provide Support To Students

  • Advance Student Panel To Enrol/Add/Manage Students From Backend

  • Custom Domain

Courserious Review: Pricing & Upsells

Front End Offer is the main software Courserious 2.0. For the front end offer the price you see below is available only during the launch period. With 2 Academy Options:

  1. Basic: 10 Academy – 20 courses each $37

  2. Bestseller: 50 Academy – 100 courses each $47

After the launch, which ends on the 14th of September 2022, price might increase. Also, the frontend access doesn’t depend on any of the upgrades to work, it works fine just on its own BUT it is also limited.

Now, there are currently 3 upsells. You don’t really need all of them to use Courserious 2.0, but they might come in useful depending on your situation and usage.

Upsell 1: Courserious Elite Edition $77 – $97

  • Additional 500+ Video Courses (Each course has around 10-20 lessons)

  • 2000+ Additional Training Guide

  • 1300+ Cooking Videos

  • Vimeo videos and html videos embeds can be added

  • Customized Invoices

  • New theme (total 3 themes)

  • Unlimited Academies

  • Unlimited Courses

  • Plus 50 DFY courses (eBooks)

  • Unlimited Sub-Domains

With 8 Fast-Action Bonuses:

  • Bonus 1: GDPR Cookie Express WordPress Plugin

  • Bonus 2: WordPress Automation Secrets

  • Bonus 3: Entrepreneurial Traits

  • Bonus 4: 6 Steps To Create Winning Udemy Courses

  • Bonus 5: Top 20 Tools For Creating an Online Course

  • Bonus 6: Course Engagement Hacks

  • Bonus 7: Live Demonstrations Ecourse

  • Bonus 8: 1300+ Cooking Videos

Upsell 2: Courserious Membership $17 – $27

With this membership upgrade, two new DFY courses (1 eBook & 1 Video Training Course) will be added to your Courserious account every month to resell and generate sky-high profits repetitively.

Upsell 3: Courserious Reseller Rights $197

Resell rights allows one to sell Courserious to their clients and keep 100% of the profits. With 9 Fast-Action Bonuses:

#1: Sticky Note Ads Creator Plugin

#2: WordPress Privacy Policy Plugin

#3: Trending Keywords WordPress Plugin

#4: BlogBook Plugin

#5: Adsense Inbox

#6: WP Bulk Article Importer Plugin

#7: Checkout Maximizer WordPress Plugin

#8: WP Easy Custom Fields

#9: WP Offline Pricing Pro Plugin

Courserious Review: Bonuses

If you decide to buy Courserious 2.0 through my link, click on any of the buttons on this page and you will get all the bonuses listed for free.

All the bonuses listed down below for my Courserious 2.0 Review are available only if you buy it through any of my links/buttons on this page and are available even if you purchase only the front end offer.

Your download link with my bonuses will be delivered inside your JVZoo account. If you can’t find them or you run into an issue please send me an email at: and I will be happy to sort things out for you.

So check out my Courserious 2.0 Review Bonuses. This bonuses will save you time, money and help you make the most out of Courserious 2.0.

Custom Bonus 1: Free Account With ReedBio

ReedBio is my own cloud based software that will allow you to build vCards and Bio Pages in minutes. All your links on one page! And you will get unlimited free access to ReedBio when you buy Courserious 2.0 through my link.

  • You get 4 built-in themes that you can use right away

  • Custom logo, background, fonts, SEO settings, password protection and so much more

  • Dark Mode: All your pages support dark mode as well

  • Tracking pixels: Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Quora tracking pixels available.

  • Connect your own domain or use our predefined ones

Custom Bonus 2: Free WP Video Reviews PRO

The beauty of this plugin is that for every page you have on your website you can have a different video widget for every page. For example: for the home page you can have a video, for an article you can have another video, for a blog post you can have another video. This is powerful stuff and you’ll get this for free when you buy Courserious 2.0 through my link.

  • 100% Responsive

  • Selection multiple pages and videos

  • Play video from the beginning when it is clicked/tapped

  • Add Call To Action Button with types of options

  • Scroll to a block on a site page

  • Add URL to open other page

  • Calling a popup window, launching a quiz, etc.

  • Button color settings

  • Ability to disable widget on mobile or on desktop

  • Select Widget location

  • Widget color settings

Custom Bonus 3: Free Account With ReedShortener

ReedShortener is my own Premium Link Shortener, QR Codes generator and Bio Pages software and you will get unlimited free access to ReedShortener when you buy Courserious 2.0 through my link.

  • Link Shortener, Bio Pages And QR Codes

  • Link Management

  • Privacy Control

  • Powerful Dashboard

  • Custom Branded Domain Names

Custom Bonus 4: Free Account With ReedProofs

ReedProofs is my own cloud based software that will allow you to create Fomo, Scarcity, Social Proof pop-ups to engage and keep your website visitors. You will get unlimited free access to ReedProofs when you buy Courserious 2.0 through my link.

  • 14 included notifications

  • Unlimited campaigns

  • Create unlimited notifications

  • Highly customisable notifications

  • Notifications & campaigns statistics

MEGA BONUS 5: Free Account With Gradient QR Code

Gradient QR Code is the most performant, lightweight and easy to use digital QR Code maker software. Contains a large array of QR code templates to choose from and get started. Get unlimited free access to Gradient QR Code when you buy Courserious 2.0 through my link.

Custom Bonus 6: What I Use To Rank Websites And Videos

In this bonus I will show you the websites I use to buy and get high quality backlinks for my websites and Youtube videos, and I will also share with you the tools I use to build my own backlinks.

Courserious 2.0 Overview

Global eLearning market is expected to reach $398 Billion By 2026. The growth in the industry is astronomical. And as an entrepreneur, you would be flat out naive if you’re not cashing in on eLearning right now.

But it’s a tough market to crack right? Not anymore, with this brand new software and DFY courses, you can start your own eLearning business and make insane profits.Without any hassle and tech-skills whatsoever!

Now, you may be thinking, doesn’t that already exist? What about Udemy? What about some of those other platforms? And you’re right, Courserious platform is similar in concept with some of the other popular platforms like Udemy, Teachable, Skillshare, Coursera.

And that’s a good thing because those other platforms serve as proof that this is going to be a huge hit. Those platforms have millions of users and online education has only grown by leaps and bounds over this past year.

We’re at a point now where almost everyone is aware of online education and more people than ever are interested in cashing in on this trend by selling their own courses online. Now let’s jump into the next section of my Courserious 2.0 Review to find out more about Courserious 2.0 features and benefits.

Courserious Review: Features & Benefits

  • Advanced course manager to add/manage courses

  • Easy to use lesson manager to add sections or quizzes between lessons

  • Payment gateway integration with PayPal, Stripe and multiple currency support to receive payments directly

  • Add/Upload rich media files like YouTube URL, Vimeo URL, MP4 URL, Document files, Image Files & iframe Embed, etc.

  • 100% SEO optimized courses and sites

  • Branded student panel to add/manage/enroll students from the backend

  • Detailed reporting system to get complete sales and revenue analytics

  • Built-in support/ticket system to provide support to students

  • Create beautiful, SEO optimized and mobile responsive eLearning sites within minutes

  • No domain or hosting required, get your own SSL secured subdomains for each academy

  • Free hosting for images and documents

  • Social media sharing for 100% free viral traffic

  • Setup your own SMTP for mailing your students

  • Advance and customized video lesson player

  • Advanced sorting options for students to sort courses by ratings, category, level, language, price, etc.

  • Your own marketplace to list and sell courses and keep 100% of the profits in your pockets, no profits sharing

  • Branded members area for students to learn, track course progress, get purchase reports/PDF invoices and rate the courses after purchasing

  • Advanced autoresponder integration with Aweber, GetResponse and MailChimp

  • Top-notch shopping cart and Wishlist options for students to enable smooth purchasing

  • Strong data privacy

  • Include legal pages like About us, Terms, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, etc.

  • Automated email notifications

  • 100% GDPR and CAN-SPAM compliant

  • Completely cloud based system, no downloads or complicated installation

  • Everything you need and more under one roof.

The Final Verdict: Is Courserious 2.0 Worth It?

Courserious overcomes the biggest obstacles that I’ve seen hold people back from success. With Couserious you don’t have to figure out any of the technical stuff. It’s basically a fill in the blanks system and you don’t have to set up any Website or WordPress or anything like that.

Secondly, with Courserious, you don’t have to write a sales letter. That’s one of the huge advantages of using an online learning platform like Courserious. So why is Courserious better like any other similar platforms?

Well, unlike all those other platforms which charge a monthly fee and or take a percentage of all the instructors sales, they just charging one small time fee to join Courserious. That’s a huge advantage for anyone who wants to grow a business without giving away a percentage of it.

That alone puts Courserious in a league above those other platforms. Another huge advantage is that they allow PLR products. Most of the other platforms don’t allow PLR or private label products. Now you have a place to easily sell all your PLR products.

Beyond that, they are also including a massive library of built in PLR products that you can sell as your own. So even if you don’t have a course to sell, you can find one or more that you like and start selling it immediately. Now, none of the other platforms offer that.

I highly recommend checking it out and grabbing it before this deal expires. The price is surprisingly affordable, especially considering what this software does!

I hope you find my Courserious 2.0 Review helpful. If this is a product that you’re interested in picking up then click the buttons on this page and get Courserious 2.0 with my free bonuses.

Courserious 2.0 Review: Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any training included?

Yes, they have created a complete set of step-by-step video tutorials to guide you on how to use this web-based software, and to do it easily.

Can I really sell courses for any niche?

There is virtually no limit to the niches you can pursue, and courses you can sell! You can sell courses for almost anything LEGAL and ethical. Payments will be processed through your own PayPal or Stripe account, so anything you sell simply must not go against the terms of service of those payment processors.

Can I sell PLR or Resale Rights products that I already own?

Yes! Courserious 2.0 was made with internet marketers like you in mind. Unlike other 3rd party platforms with tedious approval processes and strict guidelines disallowing PLR products, they allow you to easily sell all those products that you already own!

Is it really newbie-friendly?

Yes! You don’t need any special designing skills or technical experience to work with Courserious 2.0. What you see in the demo video on this page is the same system you’ll receive. It’s as easy as following those simple steps.

Courserious 2.0 OTO Links + Huge Bonuses:


Introductions to Courserious 2.0 OTO. Welcome to today’s video, where we will be diving right into this brand name. new application called Core Extreme 2. Let’s go deeper into this upcoming application called Core Major 2.

The core platform is an all-new, innovative e-learning platform that lets you develop and additionally supply. Endless courses on-line with just a few clicks. This new core significant 2 provides you with brand-new functions, a manager to take care of programs, negotiation entrance, adaptation, upload, abundant media data, seo improved top quality student panel, integrated assistance, reduced ticket system, no domain name or hosting asked for new features. Admin can take a look at training courses SMTP issues in core major one are currently dealt with with one click, specific niche based academy, configuration advanced course, manager to easily manage programs, lesson manager to include areas or tests in between lessons, breakthrough as well as personalised video clip lessons, gamer, advanced arranging alternatives for trainees to organise programmes by rankings, group level, language rate, and so on.Your very own marketplace to list, along with sell training programmes, as well as keep 100 of the revenues. Payment, entry, integration with PayPal and Red Stripe, as well as support for many different currencies, so you can get payments straight away.

release a large number of media files, youtube url, vimeo, web link, mp4, link documents information, image files, and so on, search engine optimization improved 100 percent.Improved training programmes and websites create beautiful search engine optimization. improved and additionally mobile, responsive e-learning websites in minutes of a branded student panel to consist of fewer, care for employable students from the built-in support ticket system to provide support to trainees without the need for a domain name or holding a domain name registrationGet your own SSL protected sub-domains for each and every academy, develop your very own SMTP for mailing your pupils and also make sure it does not quit there catch core, significant, course, 2. , OTO presently, in addition to you’re.

Courserious 2.0 OTO upgrades

I’m getting an expert-tailored logo design for my mobile app. This limited-time deal gives you all these for complimentary mobile apps. Get a totally free mobile application for your site. Purchase it from us. Get a completely free customised professional logo design.

When you acquire the core extreme with our web link, our e-mail telephone number is: Hi there. This is Eric. Welcome to Core Major. You can visit us at coreserious Continue with a lower login.When you visit, you’ll see a dashboard where you can manage your academies. You can either select an academy to handle or you can include a new academy. Let’s produce a new academy. I’ll call it Eric’s Academy.

You can choose a custom-made domain below. In this situation, we’ll just claim Eric the Academy Symbol is optional. I took place as well as created a very fundamental one. It’s merely an e with a circle in the academy. Furthermore, logo design is optional.

I established a very fundamental one. It just claims Eric’s academy, with a rectangular shape around it. You do not need to be a visual developer to make something like that, and yet it will certainly work completely. We’ll go on and also click send, and likewise, my academy has really been created on top of the display. You’ll see the name of the academy that you’re currently managing, or you can click on tasks as well as take care of the academy. Next, let’s look at the classifications. By default, we have actually created some categories for the instant products that include your registration.

You can also include your own brand-new categories. I’m going to create a brand-new category called “earning money online.” a brand-new category called “earning money online.” I can select an icon as well as a thumbnail for the group. I’ll go in advance as well as skip that. In the meantime, each category must contend with at the very least one subcategory. I’m most likely to go on and additionally click to consist of a brand-new group as soon as again, and now, I’m most likely to include the subcategory of website building, so the moms and dads will certainly be earning money online. Now that I have a team to deal with, I’m going to click on programs. Your membership features some programmes that are pre-configured to begin providing them without delay. As an instance, if I click on this right below that states: “contentCourserious 2.

Courserious 2.0 OTO upsell

OTO marketing and advertising transformation, Total Training Overview I’ll see. You can put it on the academy-and also, you can see it’s primarily good to go to go. You can set your own price and, additionally, begin marketing it right now. That’s an instantaneous shortcut to your own collection of things that you can begin advertising and marketing. Now I’m going to take action and additionally include a brand-new training programme rather than blitz. With a fake training programme for this trial, I’m going to proceed and consist of a real training course, one that I will in fact market. It’s called the Arbicash programme after offering it a title.

You have the choice of including a brief recap, which I will do, as well as, after that, you can consist of a complete summary. Currently, you can be as brief or as extended as you want to be. The beauty of this kind of e-learning system is that you do not have to produce a full-on sales letter. You could just compose a short recap with a variety of bullet elements, which is usually adequate to market your training program. I’m most likely to continue and, additionally, order a percentage of internet content from the first sales letter that I used to sell this programme. I’m probably going to go in advance and also paste that right into the recap, and I’m probably going to continue and also obtain a pair of bullet points likewise.

As I assume that’s all I really need in order to offer this programme for the category, I’m most likely to proceed and choose that. I just developed a website, building or creating an income online category for the level. I’ll leave it at newbie and also click. The next switch needs are optional; they are basically provided as bullet factors. I’m most likely going to go in advance and state we require an internet link and, additionally, let’s claim we require a desire to make cash online. We’ll click. Next, the outcomes are additionally optional. I’M more than likely to go on and also get hold of simply a few of those bullet factors: precisely how to establish up a basic internet site in addition to precisely how to drive considerable web page views; how to cash in with affiliate articles; we’ll claim, as a result, a great deal even more okay, we’ll click! the following for prices.

You can make it cost-free if you want to use it as a lead structure device, or you can set any kind of price of your choice. In any case, this is a 97 program. I’m probably going to examine it to use it at a discount rate, and also, we’ll state the lowered price is $77. Next off, you have the selection consisting of a training course preview. video clip for your sales.

Courserious 2.0 OTO Demo

Website videos can be found on YouTube, Vimeo, and other sites. You want a web link to the mp4 papers on your own website or claim s3? I’ll go on as well as additionally acquire a video that I have on You Tube. Merely replicate the link to the video and paste it in. You additionally have the alternative of including a training course thumbnail. We’ll go in advance as well as additionally order this image that I currently have for this training program.

On the following page, you have the option of including some essential words in a recap for search engine optimization objectives, so my keywords could be something like “indigenous ads arbitrage earn money internet site. My recap might be something like a training course, training anybody, including newbies, exactly how to cash in with an extremely straightforward site as well as a marketing arbitrage approach. I’ll click adhere to as well as afterwards release as well as turn on. Now I also call for including the training course itself. Preliminary I’m going to consist of an area as well as what we’ll just call the arbi cache programme elements. You can add as many sections as you want and as many lessons or tests as you want under each one.

I’m most likely to place each of my materials within this area, so I’m probably going to begin by adding a lesson. This is the material for my training program, which I carry with my computer system. The initial module is really a pdf file, so I’m going to choose data click. Next, the title will be Module 1, the course I’m most likely to browse for that data. You can include a summary in the recap.

If you want to and afterwards click on consist of lesson training programme locations, that will really host that paper for me. I do not need to stress about publishing it or safeguarding it somewhere else. I’ll go in advance and additionally include the adhering to the lesson. The remainder of my training programme includes seven benefit elements. The extremely initial one is a successful spread sheet. Once more, I’m most likely to pick up the data I’ll call.

It awards one campaign tracking sheet. We’ll state it’s a paper file, yet I have actually examined this and you can really upload standout spreadsheets. I’m most likely most likely to search for and pick my spread sheet along with uploading it. The next component is an everyday monitoring spread sheet. I’ll include another lesson. Give it a title, select paper, attach the document, and also upload it.

Courserious 2.0 OTO Grab

My next aspect is a pdf, so we’ll add a lesson, supply it with a title, pick the pdf, and additionally post it. My next component is a video clip, which I recommend I keep on YouTube. OTO on Vimeocourserious 2.0 or elsewhere of my choice.I took it and released it to youtube, setting it to non-listed to ensure that people can’t find it on youtube.

Presently, I’m more than likely to go in advance as well as simply get hold of that youtube internet link. I will add a new lesson.Select youtube! Video I’m going to continue by saying it’s one hour long and then include that video clip.My next aspect is another pdf.

So we’ll consist of a lesson, pick data, provide it a title, attach the pdf, and submit it. My next element is another video, so I’m most likely to return to my YouTube network. Select the video that complies with the video that I uploaded. The web link returns and adds an additional lesson. In addition to including the lesson, we’ll call this one “Human Resources.” Inevitably, my tail end is also a YouTube video clip, so I’m more than likely to order that internet link.

Return. Include the lesson, paste my link, give it a title. This is a human resources lesson as well as 45 minutes long, and we’ll consist of that lesson. That’s the entire course. I’m most likely to go in advance and also click “surface” as well as “update. It claims the programme is updated efficiently under current circumstances.

I can click to watch this training course on the academy, and likewise, you can see right below this training course that I took care of to establish in a matter of minutes. You have the title, the description, the bullet elements, the educational program, the demands, and the description. One factor I must have specified when we were developing the recap is that it’s an overall wysiwyg editor, so you can additionally format this message, as well as you can additionally include your very own images, as well as video clips to this area up right here on top. We have the programme thumbnail as well as, additionally, if we click to see this video clip, it’ll pull up that sneak peek video clip that we included from YouTube. Hello there, Eric right here.

If I click back to training programs, it takes me back to my customer dashboard, where I can see each of the training courses that I have actually either registered for or bought. The various other factors I neglected to discuss are that your custom-made sub domain will absolutely be continuous throughout the consumer’s experience. You can see listed below that the address is

That’s the tailored subdomain that I developed when we developed this academy, returning to your admin control panel. You can then select students to see the students who have just enrolled in this new training course. You can also send messages to your pupils from within this control panel under configurations. I plan to take a glance at academy settings once more. My academy name is Eric’s Academy. We’ll start with Eric’s Academy. We’ll just mention that the author is Eric.

Courserious 2.0 OTO