ProfitTweet DFY App Software by Radu Hawaiian & Mike McKay UPSELL OTO - ProfitTweet Review Coupon Code

ProfitTweet Review – YOU: Better than Elon Musk?!


Main Product (Front End): ProfitTweet Software by Radu Hawaiian & Mike McKay

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #1 : ProfitTweet PRO Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #2 : ProfitTweet Enterprise Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #3 : ProfitTweet DFY Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #4 : ProfitTweet Reseller Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #5 : ProfitTweet IMX Bundle Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

ProfitTweet Review – Introduction

A brand new cloud app was just launched.. It lets anyone – yes even complete newbies – send unlimited Twitter messages directly to anyone’s phones! Starting today you can be cooler than Elon Musk – and reach literally billions of people with the push of a button. So what exactly is it?

You may know that Twitter has over 2B daily users and with everyone hooked to their phones 24/7, Twitter messages are read 99% out of 100. Not to mention: people check their phones an average of 30 times a day!

ProfitTweet will allow us to reach Twitter leads ON Twitter and OUTSIDE Twitter by mailing straight to their email inbox. How cool is that? And the best part is, it works even if you have zero Twitter contacts! So you can send your affiliate link to millions of people that are targeted to your niche and have them read and open from their phone, computer or inbox.

This has been working REALLY well for me and many others. This is the new era of messaging – and this is your chance to be one of the first people to take advantage of it.

I see no way you won’t be able to generate traffic with it and succeed with it. Want to know the details? Please explore it more in my ProfitTweet Review.

ProfitTweet Review – What is it?

ProfitTweet is a brand new software that automatically finds Twitter targeted leads, adds them as a contact then sends them unlimited messages with your affiliate link. You can even auto-add their email to our built-in SMTP autoresponder and blast straight to their inbox.

It can email them or blast your offer directly to them on Twitter…it can even send notifications to people’s PHONES! It even comes complete with done-for-you messages to send and readymade affiliate offers that pay you $1,000+ commissions over and over again.

You know.. Twitter has 200M+ users and they each check their Twitter feed an average of 30 times a day – that’s insane! Open rates on Twitter are 98% versus a measly 5% on email…and people LOVE to text (you know you do too probably!)

ProfitTweet Review – Features and Benefits

  • Cloud-Based Twitter Autoresponder (98% Open Rates Guaranteed!)

  • Ground Breaking Twitter Autoresponder + Traffic Solution!

  • Say Goodbye To Typical 3-5% Autoresponder Open Rates!

  • Instantly Import Unlimited Accounts and Start Posting Within SECONDS!

  • Fresh New Viral Traffic Source For You!

  • Guaranteed High Conversions for YOU!

  • One-Time Payment Only – NO Monthly Fees!

  • Built-In Email + Twitter SMTP Servers & IPs For Unlimited Free Twitter Messaging & Email Marketing With NO Restrictions

  • Built-In Drag & Drop Editor Ensures You Create KILLER Images!

  • Integrated Activity Tracker For MAXIMUM Engagement!

  • Nothing to Configure – It’s All DFY!

  • Perfect For Affiliates, eCom Sellers, Offline – Everyone!

  • 100% Newbie-Friendly Easy-To-Use Software!

  • No Email Contacts Or Twitter Profile? The Software Gets Red-Hot TWITTER Leads For You On Autopilot!

  • Dedicated ChatBot Lets You Auto-Reply Instantly To Any Customer Questions

  • COMMERCIAL LICENSE BUILT IN: Manage Email Marketing, List Building & Twitter Conversations And Sell Leads To Businesses

  • BULK Sending To Unlimited Contacts Or Non-Contacts TWITTER Leads We Generate For You

  • Message Now Or Schedule For Later

  • Unlimited Free End-To-End SSL Encryption Protects You, Your Privacy And Personal Data

  • Included Done-For-You Affiliate Offers To Promote

ProfitTweet Review – How Does It Work?

ProfitTweet Automates Free Traffic & High Ticket Commissions In Just 3 Simple Steps!

  • STEP 1: Login To Our Stunning Cloud-Based Software!

  • (There is NOTHING for you to download, install or configure – we give you your own email autoresponder and Twitter SMTP server & dedicated IP!)

  • STEP 2: Let The App Find Red-Hot TWITTER Leads Right Away In Any Niche!

  • (That’s right: we get you millions of Twitter contacts with their emails targeted to YOUR niche!)

  • STEP 3: Relax As ProfitTweet BLASTS Any Message With ANY Link/Offer To The Phones/Tablets & Computers Of Millions, For Unlimited Free Traffic + $1k Commissions!

  • (You can email them or message them on Twitter – with DFY emails, messages & offers included!)

ProfitTweet Review – My Experience In Using It?

I’ve tried this software as a tester recently. I’m going to instruct you how to use this amazingly handy machine and make the most honest review for you.

So you can trust everything from my review.

Below is the dashboard of ProfitTweet:

With just 1 click from here, you can now import millions of Twitter leads in any niche & start messaging them within SECONDS (get their emails, phones and Twitter accounts!):

Let’s create our very first message with ProfitTweet. We have multiple types of post to choose: photo, video, link or text:

For example, I add a post with text like this:

Then we have multiple ways of messaging: we can broadcast our link to millions at once, set up autoresponder sequences to drip messages over multiple days, or schedule our blasts to go all at once at any hour we want.

What’s more, you can see your own activity you can see everything about your account right here:

And then by clicking on “Settings” button as above, you can modify and activate your twitter bot as below. This bot is the main feature of ProfitTweet:

From above, inside the section “Select what you want to do”, you can use the bot to reply to people, to retweet messages, to follow and follow, to automatically send people welcome messages when they follow your account.

Inside the panel as below, we have multiple settings. First is the “targeting”, where you can change the targeting if you want to:

From above, you can change different tags or keywords or if you want to focus on a certain type of followers.

You can change the speed, such as how many times you want the bot to activate, how many times you want it to retweet, to follow…:

You can also have the bot follow different filters:

You can enter exactly what you want the bot to reply to users:

Or you can follow different tags:

You can follow different keywords:

You can even search for user names. If I would search here for Elon Musk, we’d get his account right as below, then we’re able to add it to follow, and you put it in this autoresponder as well:

If you don’t want a users to see you or to follow you, you can blacklist them as below. You can even blacklist a tag if you want the bot to completely ignore them:

What’s more, you have your own twitter inbox right here, this means Profittweet gives you complete access over your twitter account directly from this dashboard so you don’t need to open twitter ever again:

Then have different analytics right here done directly by Profittweet so you can see how your account is doing:

You can see different trends and you can select them by location so if we go for worldwide, we’ll see different trends that are raging right now:

Schedules: if you have everything placed in different days, you can see them right below:

You have your own dedicated file manager right here, in which you can upload images videos and have all of them in one simple place:

And you can even add watermarks to your own images so they can’t be replicated:


ProfitTweet is like email marketing on steroids, but with no list building needed and virtually 100% open rates. It can send direct Twitter messages and emails to one contact at a time or you can blast out millions of messages at once.

They give us our own dedicated SMTPs, sending servers and IP pools – so I can send out millions emails and messages at once at zero cost. The best part is, it works even if we have zero Twitter contacts… even if we don’t have a Twitter account! So I can send my affiliate link to millions of people that are targeted to my niche and have them read and open from their phone.

In short, ProfitTweet is SO GOOD. I’ve been blown away by how easy it was for me. It’s all step by step, 100% newbie friendly and the support the guys offer is unparalleled. It’s not one of those apps where you’re left to figure everything out by yourself! Not to mention, it actually WORKS! It freaking works! ProfitTweet has my highest recommendation!

So do not put this off any longer! The more time you spend thinking about this purchase, the more time you lose. All that time could be used to start generating leads and building a buyer list.

Pros and Cons


  • 100% Newbie Friendly

  • Unlimited Cloud-Based Twitter Autoresponder Messaging Machine

  • No Monthly Fees – Pay Once, Use Forever

  • 24/7 Support From Marketing Gurus

  • Included Done-For-You Affiliate Offers To Promote

  • Send ANY Link To ANY Offer To MILLIONS With 1 Click


  • Get 98% Open Rate From People Glued To Their Phones

  • Email, Tweet Or Direct Message To Millions


  • Indeed, I haven’t found any other issue with ProfitTweet software so far.

Who should use it?

  • Any Internet Marketer, regardless of the niche, who wants to make more money!

  • People who want to live the “Internet Lifestyle” and see dollar signs every time they press the “SEND” button on their ProfitTweet account!

  • Anyone who wants easy profits without having to configure anything themselves!

  • Anyone looking to quit their 9-5, experience freedom and clear outstanding debt!

  • Marketers who want to absolutely DOMINATE and THRIVE even in negative situations like the present!

  • Marketers who want to be their own boss, get traffic and make sales on demand whenever they need or want to!

  • People with sites, products or affiliate offers that they want to make more sales from and get more traffic to!

  • People who have tried building a list in the past, but have failed and are now looking to get the same results or better but without having to pay for traffic or generate a list themselves!

  • People who know how powerful email marketing is, and want to get “in” on the ground level of this NEXT LEVEL revolution called ProfitTweet!

Price and Evaluation

Main Product (Front End): ProfitTweet Software by Radu Hawaiian & Mike McKay

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #1 : ProfitTweet PRO Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #2 : ProfitTweet Enterprise Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #3 : ProfitTweet DFY Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #4 : ProfitTweet Reseller Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!

UPSELL OTO #5 : ProfitTweet IMX Bundle Upgrade OTO

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PT4OFF’ for $4 OFF any item in the funnel!


It is only fair for such a steal deal to last for a limited period. First movers can take unprecedented advantage of this sophisticated technology.

With this in mind, it means that ProfitTweet access spots are extremely limited and are only available to those who are first come first served. Give it a honest try and let me know what you think ; )



You may choose to follow a variety of tags. You are free to utilize a variety of keywords. You are even able to search by user name. If I were to search for Elon Musk on this page, we would find his account right here. It would be something that we could update to follow, and you could add it to this auto responder. We also have the option of creating a blacklist.

You have the option to restrict someone from seeing or following you if you do not want them to do so. You also have the option of putting them on a “blacklist.” You may add tags to a “blacklist” so that the bot will ignore them if you want it to. In addition, your very personal Twitter inbox is located right here. This suggests that there was a gain.

Tweet eliminates the requirement for you to visit Twitter by allowing you to manage your account directly from this dashboard. Then, ProfitTweet will offer you with a variety of statistics right here so that you may check on the status of your account. You could notice many tendencies and then categorize them according to location. If we take a glance throughout the world, we can see that there is a diverse range of contemporary trends. You are able to view your respective timetables. You have complete control over your own campaigns if you can see them all right here regardless of whether they are planned for the same day or other days.

You’ll be able to become a full-fledged social media manager as soon as you realize that you can manage all of your Twitter accounts from a single page. You have your very own dedicated file manager right here, where you can upload pictures and videos to store them all in one place. You can even put watermarks on your own images to prevent them from being replicated in any way, shape, or form at any time. ProfitTweet is a one-stop shop that will eliminate the need for you to ever access Twitter again and will automate its operation.

View the title. I’ll walk you around the program, then you can check out the upgrades, photos, and bonuses I’ve put together for anyone who buy ProfitTweet via my link. Then I’d show you ProfitTweet so you can see how we can read headlines and send endless messages to millions for a one-time charge. Email, marketing platforms, list building, and trafficking software inconsistency? So what you’ll do with this app is use it as a twitter autoresponder, where you can send messages to contacts without limits. The key is: how are you going to target people in your niche, and that’s where I put emphasis in my bonuses, to help you with that very important part of making the most out of profit tweet. I have Twitter swipes to help you select people for the best outcomes. I’ve also included twitter keywords so you may find people pleading for help and sell to them. Based on that and what they’re saying on Twitter, you can identify these people, direct message them, or tweet them. I have some other incentives that we’ll look at within the program, so let’s look at profit tweet.

Once you reach the earnings dashboard, tweet, publish here, and merge your accounts. Here’s your task. You have an inbox, statistics, and trends so you can direct message individuals, and a bot you can follow and unfollow; the demo explains how it works. You should first complete the training to learn how to login, publish your first article, see mailbox statistics and trends, and use the app. So first, go through this training, and then you’ll be ready for your first post, where you can add a photo, a video, a link, and text within the app, which is great. You’d click “New Post” as I have, then attach an image, video, link, and text, and then use the file manager to upload and add a link. The demo will help you through planning your tweets and how the bot operates.

So I’ll check my blog for updates and benefits. Twitter’s infinite oto is the most profitable. This removes front-end restrictions. Oto’s “done for you” edition is version 2. Third edition is reseller.

They may be resold. Profit from tweet as your own product and retain 100%. Imx edition lets me access Mike Mckay and Raju Hakainu’s work. You may see their existing and upcoming stuff. I emphasized targeting in my unique incentives since I know how to target Twitter users for the best results. You’ll need manual approaches to target your Twitter audience, and I’ll show you how.

Twitter swipes, templates, and messages that garner the most engagement, Twitter keywords will help you target folks on Twitter so you may reach the most laser-targeted audience conceivable. This will teach you Twitter marketing, underground social media, etc. tactics. This gives you a dozen subterranean social media channels that receive a lot of traffic but are unsaturated, Google-approved link redirects to any offer. So you can post on Quora and Pinterest without moderation or blacklisting. What’s a $7 landing page builder? I’ll teach you Twitter and Pinterest advertisements for $100 a day, tick, tock secrets, ultimate link strategies, core tactics, Facebook, laser targeter, the hidden weapon, and easy Facebook profits. If you’re reading this blog, click any of these blue buttons to make money, tweet, and more.

That will direct you to the sales page, where my bonuses will be available when you check out. My YouTube description has two links. One leads here. After checkout, the other takes you to the sales page. Stay tuned for the demo to see these additions. Next, we’ll discuss profits.

Tweeting is as easy as logging into your Twitter account, which we’ve already done, choosing what you want to send, and typing something like welcome to profit. We can also schedule it or send it to a certain location, but we’ll send it immediately, and you can see it on our Twitter profile. Profit Tweet welcomes you. Add it to another test. This dashboard allows uploading photos, videos, and links. View your own activity.

Profit Tweet’s main feature is that you can check your account and activate your twitter bot from here. This bot may be used to retweet messages, follow and follow, and automatically send welcome messages to new followers. You can adjust the targeting if you want to change tags or keywords, or you can change the speed to concentrate on a certain sort of followers. How often you want him to retweet and follow. You can filter the bot. You decide how you reply to users.

Follow tags. Keywords are allowed. User names may be found. If I searched for Elon Musk, we’d receive his account, which we could follow and put in an autoresponder. Create a blacklist.

You may prohibit someone from seeing or following you. You may blacklist them. You may blacklist tags the bot should ignore. Here’s your Twitter inbox. Profit.

Tweet lets you manage your Twitter account from its interface, bypassing Twitter. ProfitTweet gives account statistics so you may monitor it. You can filter local trends. If we look globally, we’ll see several contemporary patterns. Schedules are accessible. If you have many campaigns planned for different days, you may see them all here.

You may manage all your Twitter accounts from one page, becoming a social media manager. You have your own file manager where you may upload photos and movies and add watermarks to prevent reproduction. ProfitTweet is a one-stop store for autopilot Twitter.

ProfitTweet OTO