Crypto Miner Limitless Traffic Upgrade Software App by Kenny Tan - Crypto Miner Review Upsell


Crypto Miner Review: The World’s First App That Mines FREE Cryptos On Complete Autopilot!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably heard of crypto right? Well don’t worry it’s not even remotely complicated… Although I understand hearing that word may make it sound like you need a computer science degree… You honestly don’t…

Crypto is literally booming right now… It’s an industry set to be worth trillions of dollars. Now is the perfect time to get in on the fun… And we’ll tell you how you can do it without any investment.

ITs time for you to stop investing your time and effort into these ‘shady’ affiliate marketing offers or complicated methods that make it even harder for you to make money through them….

And now it’s time for you to get into the CRYPTO Market… Why? Because this marketing is currently at $2 TRILLION Industry and is said BOOM even more. That’s why today bring you a solution.

Let’s find out all the details about it in my Crypto Miner Review below!


Here is your chance to take advantage of the crypto market….by owning your very own Done-For-You Crypto mining website… EXCITED?? If so, read the rest of this carefully….because this is your opportunity to grab your slice of pie in this $2 TRILLION Industry!

Crypto Miner App by Kenny Tan is the world’s first mining platform that allows anyone to make millions of dollars from the two trillion dollar crypto industry. The way the creators have made the software it’s so simple & profitable that they ALSO use it themselves to earn money with the current crypto hype.

Crypto Miner App software is used to keep the decentralized digital cryptocurrency secure. Miners are rewarded with Crypto for tracking and securing transactions known as blockchains. Mining is a way to earn bitcoin without paying for it, making a trade for it, or putting any money up front—and software helps you do this.

This Crypto Mining Platform currently helped a bunch of clients all over the world to making 3-figure/day by tapping into the booming Cryptocurrency market with a done-for-you crypto business that constantly generates high-figures within the crypto market (we are also using it ourselves)

Crypto Miner App uses the user’s computing power in order to mine cryptocurrency. In exchange of mining operation, you can receive a monetary reward in the form of digital currency. These applications provide a detailed report based on your earnings. It is automated, and hence there is no need for technical skills.

The Crypto Miner App works in conjunction with Crypto mining hardware, which are specialized computers built to mine cryptocurrency. The software is how you connect your hardware with your mining pool. The mining pool is essentially mining together to find the bitcoin and then splitting the payout with everyone in the pool.

Crypto Miner App has been around for a while and is still going strong. With a plethora of features and active community support, it’s easily the best crypto mining platform out there. The creators unite global data centers, as well as miners and individuals who want to participate in the mining of cryptocurrency around the world.

Our beginner customers love it because it basically runs on 100% autopilot and we guide you step-by-step until your business runs properly. Stop investing your time and energy into “shady” affiliate marketing offers or other complicated methods that you struggle to earn with and can STOP working anytime.

Take advantage of the crypto hype and start your own Done-For-Your Crypto Mining Website & Dominate The Crypto Market… Install Our Cloud Autopilot Software And Run IT 24/7 with “virtually” NO investment for the ROI received in return and BREAK FREE FROM 9-5 hamster wheel ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Becoming A Crypto Millionaire From Your Laptop Is Easier Than You Might Think. Take A Shortcut With CryptoMiner. You aren’t going to find ANYTHING that matches what Kenny Tan’s CryptoMiner does.

After all, is there anything else out there that’s generating FREE Bitcoin & Cryptos just from your phone or computer? Of course not… This is different. And most importantly it’s making 100’s of our members REAL spendable money. Now is your chance to join them…

So don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this Crypto Miner Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!


Main Product (Front End) : CryptoMiner Cryptomining Software by Kenny Tanz

Upsell #1 : CryptoMiner PRO

Upsell #2 : CryptoMiner DFY Setup

Upsell #3 : CryptoMiner DFY Templates

Upsell #4 : CryptoMiner 1 Hour Profits

Upsell #5 : CryptoMiner Limitless Traffic

Upsell #6 : CryptoMiner Reseller

Upsell #7 : CryptoMiner The Mega Bundle


Kenny Tan is well known as one of the best software providers on Jvzoo and Warriorplus platforms. What I like about him is that his products always come with high quality and cheapest price.

For the past few years, he sold thousands of great products such as: Eezeytraffic, Qushio Suite, QuarsiHub, etc. Now, let’s look at the next part of this Crypto Miner Review and find out its features.


Here’s what you will get inside:

  • Easy Access from the Mining App

Just click the devices or transactions links in the desktop miner to open your dedicated web console

  • Quick view earnings dashboard

View your daily, monthly and yearly earnings using the dashboard graph.

  • Change display currency

We support multiple fiat currencies along with Bitcoin satoshi, providing you with the choice of how your balance is displayed.

  • Remote management

Start, stop, restart and rebook mining devices remotely (individually or in groups)

  • Custom-configurations

Create your own custom configurations for each mining device, from the web console.

  • Remote overclocking & Algorithm settings

Remotely overclock your mining devices and change hashing algorithm settings in the web console.

  • Manage Sub-accounts

Create as many sub-accounts as you need through our Manage Organizations feature and manage them all through your dedicated web console.

  • Devices & Transactions Overview

See what devices you have installed and their activity status, as well as any transactions at a quick glance with our high level views.

  • Detailed Device Performance

A detailed breakdown of all GPU’s and CPU, live hashrate readings, benchmark results per algo, earnings, temperature readings and GPU driver versions.

  • Group Multiple Devices

For ease of monitoring, the Group feature enables grouping of devices, ideal for large multi-rig or multi-network environments.

  • Track Referral Earnings

View the number of referrals you’ve made and the commission earned, and use your unique link to share and boost your earnings on our two-tier program.

  • Manage Users

Invite as many friends or colleagues as you like to be admins of your account.

  • The functional snapshot

The only page you need to keep an eye on. It’s the main page that shows you all there is to know your daily and monthly income by currency, and their USD and BTC equivalent. You can re-start the benchmarking process and access your online wallet.

  • Active miners and hashing speeds

The list of all installed miners and all the mining algorithms. Here you can see the hashing speed for each algorithm as well as the daily and monthly income estimation. The upper panel will display a red message in case one of the monitored miners fails.

  • Wallets, payments and startup

We designed the settings page with the help of our users, by implementing features that you desired. You can set Crypto Miner App to do what works best for you. From automatic sign in to your online wallet, to scheduling mining hours, Crypto Miner App can be personalized to what suits you best.

  • Convenient

User interface and functionality that make mining comfortable for both beginners and pros.

  • Profitable

Crypto Miner App mines the best coin with maximum performance, then pays you in bitcoins or real-world money.

  • Simple

Just let Crypto Miner App work in the background and we will pay you for the work your computer does.

  • Mine the most profitable coin

Crypto Miner App detects the most profitable coin and automatically switches between coins to maximize profitability.

  • Always at hand

Control mining remotely from the site. Pause and resume it anytime you like, from any place.

  • Easy troubleshooting

All the necessary info is on the site current performance, temperature, fan speed and power usage for each card. Along with the current profitability and your earnings.

  • Up-to-date miners

Crypto Miner App makes sure you are using the most recent and performant miners, automatically.

  • Instant payments

Get paid instantly without having to wait for the payout from the pool. Get paid in any of the payout coins. When mining any of the available coins, your balance is automatically exchanged to your chosen payout coin. Withdraw funds to an external wallet and select a desired transaction priority for withdrawals.

  • Convenient payouts

Withdraw bitcoins or send money directly to a bank card. The minimum withdrawal amount is just $0.5.

  • Easy troubleshooting

We will tell you if there are issues to make sure everything works perfectly.

  • Application All in one place

No mining experience required. No complicated setup process. Launch Crypto Miner App – it just works. With lite mode, users can use your computer as usual watch movies, use the Internet or even play games.


How would you like if going to sleep then…to wake up having $$$$$$ in your account? And now you have a chance of becoming a CRYPTO Easy 3 figure/day income from your laptop… with this amazing yet powerful solution!

It’s time to step up and start your own online crypto mining business & discover the fastest way to make money online as an upcoming crypto millionaire.

It’s YOUR duty to take this opportunity and make this happen. Your opportunity to start a simple & profitable business and grow it & let it scale itself to 7 Figures/year ( OR SOONER ) to reach your financial goals & make your dreams a reality.

Different cryptocurrencies have different command line mining tools, and this makes managing them a chore. This is where Crypto Miner App comes into the picture, making things easier. Crypto Miner App is the world’s first mining platform that allows anyone to make millions of dollars from the two trillion dollar crypto industry.

Crypto Miner App by Kenny Tan is a program that makes it simple to mine and trade cryptocurrency. It enables you to monitor all of your tasks remotely. Additionally, this Bitcoin mining software makes it simple to check the status of your mining operations.

With a single click, you can begin mining. Additionally, you can control every device in your network. Crypto Miner App also allows you to track profits, RPM of fan, load, and temperature.

The most profitable algorithms for your equipment are determined by a specific benchmarking methodology, but you can still manually pick the algorithms that you want to facilitate.

Now You Can Start A Premium Crypto Mining Business:

  • Discover a highly-profitable way to establish a crypto business that generates up to 7 Figures/month

  • Opportunity Fact: Find Yourself walking on the path many current millionaires do.

  • Seize the ONE-TIME PROVEN opportunity to start making 3-figure/day

  • Let us help you get started, help you generate free traffic & immediately start your own crypto business & get the cashflow come in.

  • Easy to use: Crypto Miner App is an advanced, powerful tool designed for both experienced and beginner users. Click “Start” and you’re on your way. Updates itself and the miners automatically.

  • No setup: We take care of everything: selecting the most performant algorithm, switching between algorithms and even creating a wallet in case you don’t have one.

  • Optimal profit: Get your fair share with Crypto Miner App. Benchmark your PC after installation and see an estimation of its earning capabilities. Mine for the most profitable cryptocurrency in the most efficient mining pools.

Crypto Miner App is a great mining software for you if you are looking for software with the features that allow you to tailor the mining process as you wish. Thanks to the advanced remote interface, tracking, and clocking functionality of Crypto Miner App.

One of Crypto Miner App’s most popular features is its support for mining multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time. By simultaneously hashing on mining algorithms like Scrypt and SHA256d, the software lets users mine, hedge, and redistribute their risk with multiple cryptocurrencies.

Crypto Miner App is many beginner miners’ favorite mining tech due to its graphical GUI. After the installation is complete, this Bitcoin mining software detects the mining hardware and generates a list with all of the necessary information.

Crypto Miner App is arguably the best Bitcoin mining software for beginners today. Additionally, it has some advanced features that can make it a good choice for more experienced miners as well. However, it is best suited to those who are just starting with crypto or Bitcoin mining.

Using Our Cloud-based Software To Start a profitable crypto business means:

  • Being able to work from home

  • Maximize your income by up to 1543% in ONE DAY

  • More money to invest in the things you care about.

  • Fast & 24/7 support from our team to help you implement the software & start your business with ease.

  • Pay ONE small fee to get the LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE SOFTWARE

  • Receive access to our fast deployment service so you can immediately get started

  • Generate FREE HIGH-CONVERTING TRAFFIC to your crypto mining business

  • ZERO-RISK investment.

  • One-time Payment, Lifetime Access, On-Going Support.

You will be getting the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action (and also my ultimate huge bonuses at the last section of this Crypto Miner Review):


Awesome Miner works on Windows and Linux, but also offers a web front-end that can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.

You’re 3 STEPS AWAY From Making 4-Figure Per Day:

  • Get access to the software’s dashboard. User-Friendly Interface

  • Insert the required details in order to initiate the cloud setup. Fast-installation, 100% done-for-you

  • Run your own crypto mining business & earn commissions per members. Scale up to 4 Figures/day with simple maintenance

Crypto Miner App’s dashboard is set out in a manner that makes it easy to use, something you would expect from Bitcoin miner app with a GUI. With just a click of the mouse, you can switch mining pools, update network settings, and access your crypto wallets.

Crypto Miner App is designed to make the process of crypto mining easier so that people can learn how to mine Bitcoin on pc and other cryptocurrencies quickly. As such, this crypto mining software is ideal for those starting with crypto mining and who want to mine and manage different cryptocurrencies simultaneously.


This Is The Type Of Client We Work With: You should recognize yourself in these criteria in order to be sure our crypto business model makes sense for you:

  • Long-Term Solution:

You’re looking for the easiest way on the internet to generate a “sure-fire” cashflow that’s stable from month to month

  • Proven Step-By-Step System:

You want a proven path that’s been shown to work for others that allows them to make 3-figure/day

  • Lean Investment:

You’re willing to invest a very small early-bird amount to get started with our cloud software & implement exactly the steps we show you

  • Tried Everything:

You’re someone who tried every possible short-term online money-making solution, but nothing really helped you generate a consistent high-income over the internet


For a limited time, you can grab Crypto Miner App by Kenny Tan with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!


  • Crypto Cloud Mining Platform Software = $9,000 Value

  • Advanced Crypto Training & Tutorial = $1,590 Value

  • Unlimited Traffic Generation = $490Value

  • Free Crypto Live webinar = $990 Value

  • Email Manager = $1990 Value

  • SMS Manager = $290 Value

  • Various Payment Method to charge Clients = $490 Value

  • 24/7 Customer Support = Priceless

  • 4 Fast Action Bonuses = Worth $1,997

  • Double Your Money Back Guarantee = Priceless


Instantly Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Crypto Mining Business, Scale It To 7-Figures & Become A Crypto Millionaire

Tapping into the power of such a feature makes sure you have ALL YOU NEED to create EVEN MORE WEALTH with your crypto mining business, especially if you’re someone just starting out in the crypto mining world.

  • Speed Up The Process Of Becoming A Crypto Millionaire

  • Implement the FASTEST feature to maximize the income DAYS

  • Generate Even More High-Quality Free Traffic

  • Immediately Unlock Every Single Feature

  • Create A Sustainable 7-Figure Income For You & For Your Family

  • Maximize The Opportunity Cost Of Your Crypto Business

  • Gain Full Control Over Your Crypto Mining Business

  • Generate More Income Instantly

  • Purchase-&-Unlock

  • Earn Money Online On Autopilot

  • 100% Refund It It Doesn’t Work For You


  • Streamline Your Way To Highest Earnings Possible via unlimited traffic and daily affiliate sales.

  • Let us take care of everything for you.

  • Give you the ultimate freedom you can possibly have.

  • Make you feel relaxed about your financial situation

  • Flood Passively Your Affiliate account with top-level earnings


This Upgrade allows you to not only run the Crypto mining platform. But also Start Profiting from the Platform that you run using our DFY Template. If you are looking for side hustle or want to start an Automated business then this is the shortcut you need right now.

  • Done For You Training

  • Done For you Profit

  • Done For You Traffic

  • Done For You Sales flooding on your Platform Dashboard.


Why To Wait For Results?

REVEALED: Here’s How We Get Paid Within The Next 60 Minutes! Jump Straight To Money… Stop Waiting 7 Days… Profit Instantly…

  • Profit Quicker With CryptoMiner…

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee…

  • Only Takes A Few Extra Clicks To Speed Up Your Results…

  • Enjoy Profits TODAY…

  • First To Warriorplus Market


  • Legally Steal Our Traffic For Yourself: Now you can siphon all the buyer traffic from our sales pages and send them to wherever you desired with only a few clicks… and you will continue to get this traffic for life!

  • Step by step Training: We are offering training and tutorials to teach you how to siphon our traffic (Shhh… please keep this a secret) to make thousands of dollars every single day.

  • Facebook Mastermind Group: You will also be invited to our customers-only Facebook group for you to connect with like-minded people and get any kind of help there.

  • Three Premium Bonuses: You will also get three fast-action bonuses when you purchase the steal our traffic package. These bonuses are time-sensitive so get it before it’s gone.

  • Expert Guidance: Our support expert will guide you to get the best result with this program. So, basically, we will show you how to really make some serious money with our traffic that you’ve legally stolen from us!


You will get 100% profit for the product that you just bought (Crypto Miner App All OTOs)

Yes, You can sell Crypto Miner App to unlimited customers and keep 100% of the Profit. Best of all, you are licensed to use our Marketing Materials such as the sales page and VSL, etc.

The actual value of the funnel is $700 and you get to keep all this profit yourself. If you sell to 10 people you earn $7000. If you sell to 100 people you earn $70000


Thank you so much for reading my Crypto Miner Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.