BossPayz Automation Software by Jason Fulton UPSELL OTO - BossPayz Review Coupon Code

BossPayz Review: An internet marketing swiss army knife?


You need 3 things to make daily affiliate commissions online:

  • You need something to sell

  • You need traffic

  • You need a funnel that converts your traffic into profits

There’s a lot that can go wrong. The good news is… today I giving you a secret affiliate weapon solves all of these problems and makes it as easy as clicking your mouse to make daily commissions online.

Interested? If yes then let’s find out all the details about it in my BossPayz Review below!


Hey, something radical just dropped that will change how you make money online forever. Why? Because it’s an all in one solution that solves all your problems when it comes to earning online.

You see, there are 3 things you need to start cashing in.

  • Traffic

  • Something to sell

  • A funnel that ties everything together

These three things alone are a chore to manage. What if there was a better way? An all in one solution, a swiss army knife like tool that solves all three problems.

  • A tool that gets you free traffic…

  • A tool that gives you an offer…

  • A tool that builds you a high converting funnel

Do you think you could finally make money online? You know the answer. Well here’s the good news. My friend Jason has put together an app that does exactly this, and at a crazy low price.

I tested it out, and you know what? 84 bucks the next day. Hey, it’s not a million bucks but I hardly worked to make that. So this is the real mccoy

You have the chance to use the same app that he’s been making 1k or more daily with. Because he’s finally spilling the beans by releasing it to the public.

This is proven to work like gangbusters. Heck, I’d say it’s like a license to print money. The best part? This works for absolutely all walks of life.

The Secret System Involves… Leveraging The Rapidly-Growing Demand For “Micro Task Services”!

It Pays Us $148-$367 Per. Micro Task Service. Order. Let me explain how simple this is… Our 1-Click App creates a Micro Task Website in minutes and Helps Us Resell Micro Task Services without lifting a finger!

Today every single business & website owner has micro-tasks that need to be taken care of by somebody every single day. We make $148-$367 several times a day… reselling Micro Task Services that other service providers deliver.

This secret system is allowing me to fill this gap between these service providers & the businesses… In exchange for DOZENS of $148-$367 payments every single day… (hitting our bank accounts…) And I do all this… without lifting a finger

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never made a dime online, it doesn’t matter if you’re experienced, or a complete newbie. That’s because this beauty of a software does all the heavy lifting for you.

Listen… It might sound too good to be true, and I thought that as well. But after seeing the proof from Jason, and testing out the software I can verify it’s the real deal.

And Our 1-Click App Does All The Heavy Lifting For You. We import services & set the prices (after adding our profits)… We do this just once.

That’s it! The App takes over from here. The Built-In Traffic Generation System drives businesses & website owners looking for Micro Task Services to our site

They place their orders… & the service providers deliver the service through us. The system sends our share to our bank account & pays the service providers their shares (which was their original asking price). Everything is completely done-for-you.

The best part… Service providers & Business owners NEVER come in direct contact.

You don’t have to:

  • Code Anything…

  • Embed Anything…

  • Write Any Content…

  • Have Hosting Or A Domain…

Our 1-click app does all the work for you… Just hit the “Create Micro Task Website” button and you’re all set…

That’s not all. The first 50 people will also be getting a high quality affiliate marketing training product, based on the author’s incredible results that have allowed him to take a 3 year vacation around the world, living the life of his dreams.

Basically, this bonus is a full “how to” training product with a difference. Firstly, this is training based on real results on how to earn affiliate commissions in any niche… not just the MMO niche.

Secondly, the authors cover various platforms, including Clickbank (on which he earned over $50k in a year), Max Bounty, Jvzoo and Warrior Plus.

In this limited bonus training, He will teach you from scratch, how to set up high converting BossPayz Funnels in any niches. He uses multiple platforms to get results, including Clickbank, on which he managed to pull in over $56,000 alone in just 12 months.

Here’s the deal… Jason is currently running an early bird discount, where you can access his online income app for a heavily discounted, one time price. After that, it’s going to go monthly. So don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this BossPayz Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!


Vendor Jason Fulton

Product BossPayz

Launch Date 2022-Jun-16

Launch Time 09:00 EST

Front-End Price $17


Refund YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee

Product Type Affiliate Site Builder

Support Effective Response


Operating System Web App

Recommended Highly Recommended

Skill Level Needed All Levels

Front End (Main Product) : BossPayz Software by Jason Fulton


UPSELL OTO #1 : BossPayz Unlimited

UPSELL OTO #2 : BossPayz Done For You

UPSELL OTO #3 : BossPayz Automation

UPSELL OTO #4 : BossPayz Fast Cash Code

UPSELL OTO #5 : BossPayz DFY Buyer Traffic

UPSELL OTO #6 : BossPayz Commission Maximizer

UPSELL OTO #7 : BossPayz Six Figure License Rights

UPSELL OTO #8 : BossPayz Automated $1k Profits

UPSELL OTO #9 : BossPayz MEGA Bundle


Jason Fulton and his partner Seun Ogundele are highly rated suppliers in the list of highest rated vendors. With experience in affiliate marketing, they have launched many products at an extremely reasonable price such as Clicko, Glitched, Loopz, etc.

These products always bring astonishing results to users. Now the following part of my BossPayz Review will reveal the most typical features of it.


Everything you need to make daily commissions is included inside BossPayz:

  • BossPayz Quick Start Video Training

Inside this over the shoulder training, we’ll show you how to make the most out of your BossPayz account…

  • Access To The BossPayz App

You’ll get instant access to the BossPayz app, which can be accessed on any device of your choice.

  • 5 ‘Done For You’ Offers

To make this impossible for you to mess up, we’re handing over our best performing BossPayz campaigns for FREE! Just plug in and profit!

  • Profit-Boosting FREE Traffic Built-Into The Platform

You need traffic to earn online… Which is why we’re including FREE, there’s no need to shell over a penny for traffic as it’s built in for free with BossPayz.

Which means you get to keep 100% of the profits 🙂

In this section of BossPayz Review, I’m going to log into my account to show you how this powerful software works in a few minutes:

Once you have access to the dashboard, you can see the sites menu where you can actually create the done for you BossPayz site. We have the training section. We have the support. We have the offers and we have the traffic as well.

Depending on the type of package that you purchase, if it’s fe you’re going to have access to 10 done for you sites with one extra to promote.

All you need to do is just to click on any of the done for you sites that you want to use. And you can preview them as well. Click on the preview button, you see how the done for you site looks like.

This is one of our tested winning strategy of getting tons and tons of commissions from affiliate promotion and this works like crazy.

Once you preview any of the templates you want to use then you can select it and go ahead to start creating your site. It brings you to the page editor where you can actually customize your BossPayz site.

As you can see, this is the bonus you’re giving out for free. And in return for the visitors to get products, they need to actually purchase affiliate product. That is how you make money.

You make money by giving out free gifts. All you need to do is just go to the freebie or offer section and get your affiliate links. Once you get your affiliate links, just come straight to this page and edit all the affiliate links on the site.

There are tons of page settings options here for you to customize your site:

  • Page Info & SEO

  • Advanced SEO

  • Page Width

  • General Typography

  • Background Color

  • Background Image

  • Background Video

  • Favicon

  • Attention Bar

  • PopUp Settings

  • Bottom Slider

  • Exit Splash

  • Disable Right-Click

  • Scripts/Codes

Once you’re done, you can add your site’s url. You click on the add site url, put your website name there. Once that is saved, you can call go to publish in order to publish your sites. So our site is ready with our affiliate links. This is how simple BossPayz is.

All you need to do is just to close the editor once you’re done adding your affiliate links and it’s time to get traffic to our BossPayz sites. Head over to the traffic section then click on add new websites in order to add your affiliate web site to get traffic to it.

Just copy your BossPayz sites, paste the website’s url here which is your BossPayz link and then you set the visit duration which is the number of time you want the visitors to spend on your sites. Maybe 30 seconds, 20 seconds.

Once you’re done, you set the maximum each per hour that is the number of visitors you want per hour to your site. Once you’re done, you can move to the next thing where you set the limits total.

And that’s not all. As I said the first 50 people will also be getting an additional training bonus which includes:

  • Welcome video from the creators

  • Introduction from the creators

  • 4 Modules of Video Training containing 23 videos

  • Bonus Launch Jacking Course containing 8 videos

  • DFY Templates to get you started super fast

  • Insider ranking secrets from the creators

  • A step by step guide to making money as an affiliate in any niche

In the details, this bonus training provides you 4 main modules:

MODULE 1: Affiliate Offers

Where to find offers and what to promote?

  • Niches

  • Affiliate Networks

  • Finding Affiliate Offers… and Some Sexy Income Proof!

  • Guaranteed Affiliate Link Approval on JVZoo and Warrior Plus

MODULE 2: The BossPayz Control Centre….Your Website

  • Domain & Hosting

  • Setting Up Your Domain & Hosting

  • Website Content

  • Setting Up Your Blog

  • Landing Pages

  • Creating a Landing Page With Instabuilder

  • Lead Magnets

MODULE 3: Email Marketing

  • Email Autoresponders

  • Follow Ups & Broadcasts

  • Putting Your Funnel Together

  • Power Up Your PLR

  • Creating the Email Series

MODULE 4: Traffic

  • Introduction

  • On Page SEO & Keyword Research

  • YouTube Videos

  • Advanced YouTube Video Ranking Strategies

  • Backlinks

  • How to Get Your Website & Videos Ranked….REALLY, REALLY FAST!

  • How to Structure Your Posts to Rank

BONUS COURSEL: Launch Jacking Mastery

  • Introduction

  • Finding a Product to Promote

  • Get Approval & Review Copy

  • Bonuses

  • Your Bonus & Review Page

  • Bonus Delivery Pages

  • Case Studies

  • Using Your Done For You Pages


Every single day when you fire up your laptop to work on your online business, you’re entering a battlefield. Some people win and get big results, but unfortunately a lot of people lose and waste time and money.

If you want to be one of the winners and make money consistently, you need a weapon in your arsenal that works.

When we go online, we’re consistently getting results like this day after day. It’s not because we’re working any harder than you are, we’re probably working a lot less hours than you are right now.

It’s not because we’re spending more on traffic than you, most of the traffic we’re getting to make money like this is free. And it’s not because we’re any smarter than you, we’re not the reason.

We’re able to make three and four figure commissions day after day is because we follow the right way that takes everything that’s complicated about making money online and makes it easy so easy a 10 year old could do .

BossPayz is something like that. Now you can level the playing field and give yourself an unfair advantage on the affiliate marketing battlefield.

BossPayz is a game changer because you don’t need any technical skills or prior experience. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars creating funnels.

You get proven offers to promote without any work required and you’re guaranteed approval to promote these offers. Once you choose an offer to promote inside the software app, BossPayz will crank out a battle tested funnel that’s proven to make money.

Then all that’s left for you to do is activate the free traffic inside the software. This free traffic comes fast, converts hard and will start making you money right out of the gates.

When someone asks me “where should i start?”… I would say “with BossPayz!”. Well BossPayz system covers every single step of the process from the viewpoint of a newbie, but with the skill of an accomplished affiliate marketer.

What’s more, you will learn the art of creating high converting affiliate funnels in any niche! It’s refreshing to see someone cracking multiple niches, outside of the MMO niche… at the SAME time as cracking the MMO niche!

The free traffic is amazing and the entire system is easy to use, but the best part for me was having access to offers that I was approved to promote.

So many times I’ve been declined to promote, but AffiWeapon finally gave me everything I needed to make my first commission online.

So no matter what your passion, no matter what “floats your boat”, you can use BossPayz to get the kind of results you’ve up till now only dreamed of!

The result is BossPayz, and everything I know is in this system, including some closely guarded secrets from the authors about how they rank their videos and websites at the top of google and youtube!

Now You Can Get Started In Just 60 SecondsImporting in-demand Micro Task Services inside BossPayz takes less than 60 seconds. From there everything is totally hands-free.

Our results & the ones achieved by beta-testers including Nathan prove that this is by far the best system to generate permanent passive income.

The best part is that you get paid directly into your bank account as soon as someone places an order on your website.

You don’t even need to worry about getting buyer-traffic to your site as that is fully-automated too. This is why we are super-excited to give you a chance to try BossPayz out.

If you buy BossPayz, you won’t need to buy another…because they have everything covered! If you want a real, genuine and simple way to make money online…

BossPayz is the answer! You will be completely blown away by the advantages in this system. It over delivers from start to finish! In fact, you get two courses for free! As a special launch bonus they are throwing in the BossPayz launch jacking mastery free!

You will be getting the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action (and my ultimate huge bonuses at the last section of this BossPayz Review):


We knew we had to find a way to make things go FASTER… After all, doing something manually isn’t the best strategy when it comes to building a business empire…

So Seun ended up developing a technical patch… And BOOM! We earned $2,393 in just one day… These changes were small, but they ended up nearly doubling our profits, from around $1,380 to $2,393.

Did we continue making this money though? You betcha. And In Just 30 Days We Were Raking In… $31,340 In PURE Profits Our system was proven reliable… Our Micro Task Website continued to make us money day after day…

And The Cherry On The Cake Is All expenses are eliminated… So you won’t need to pay for anything extra to make this work.

There’s no requirement for you to buy:




  • Or any extra additional tools…

(That means, everything we make with this system is PURE profit…) It’s not being wasted by extra expenses… This is one of the many reasons why you’re going to love this system… So how does it work?

Let Me Introduce You To Our Import-n-Resell System: IMPORT → RESELL

This never-ending profit cycle’s got you covered. Collect $148-$367 every time someone sells any kind of service that is needed by business owners & website owners on an ongoing basis every day… without any restrictions!

Look at everyone who is already doing it! There isn’t a more full-proof solution in the world…

  • Fastest Results – A few seconds is all it takes to set up your Micro Task site

  • Permanently In Demand – The demand for Micro Task Services is ONLY going to INCREASE

  • Ridiculously Easy – If you can point-n-click a computer mouse… you’re good to go

  • Never-Ending Returns – The tap once turned on will NEVER shut down

The Meteoric Rise Of Micro Task Services With the pandemic forcing people to stay at home… consumer behavior has changed dramatically over the past 12 months.

Businesses have responded by shifting focus to going online & digital. And this has resulted in a steep rise in demand for Micro Task Services.

Take a look at these facts:

  • The use of social media for marketing campaigns is growing, with more than 92% of American businesses adopting this practice.

  • Social media is a marketing tool for 96% of small business owners.

  • Social ad spending is expected to cost approximately $75.3 Billion in 2022, an increase of 25%.

With the demand for Micro Task Services showing no signs of slowing down… & a sharp rise in the number of people acquiring social media skills… making money by closing the gap between demand & supply is a failproof business idea.

Here’s How The Money Is Made… It’s just like shopping online… & equally fun!

Instead of selecting clothes, shoes, etc. … you just have to select the services you want to import & resell on your Micro Task Website.

The built-in advanced traffic generation system drives business & website owners looking for micro-task services to your website… they place the order… the service provider delivers the order

… you get paid the difference between the asking price (of the service provider) & the price you set for that service on your site AFTER adding your profits to it.

The Results Are Out… Our beta users are already making thousands of dollars every week! All they’re doing is… Import → Resell

The legit automated way to import & resell Micro Task Service on your site in just 1-click is here… and it can be yours. This is 100% legal…

You don’t have to code or design anything yourself… Just import the services you like in 1-Click & set the price you want to sell them for – and you’re all set from there… It’s all smooth sailing after that point

The More Services We Import In 1-Click,The More Profits We Make… I know that $148-$367 payments are nothing to write home about. Boring. Unexciting.

But I’m here to tell you that it’s NOT the case… These tiny payments quickly snowball into large online earnings

See how quickly that adds up? It’s quite straightforward… The more ORDERS are PLACED… The more we get paid!

Let’s check the demo video below to see it in action!


For a limited time, you can grab BossPayz with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!

  • Front-end: BossPayz by Jason Fulton $17

  • OTO 1: BossPayz Unlimited $37.00

  • OTO 2: Done For You $197.00

  • OTO 3: BossPayz Automation $27.00

  • OTO 4: The ‘Missing Code’ $47.00

  • OTO 5: DFY Buyer Traffic $97.00

  • OTO 6: Commission Maximizer $37.00

  • OTO 7: Six Figure License Rights $97.00

  • OTO 8: Automated $1k Profits $47.00

  • OTO 9: MEGA Bundle $27.00


Thank you so much for reading my BossPayz Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.



Now we’ll look at both of them. The best part about this is that it’s a cloud-based web application that enables you to create a fully automated social network management solution. Is it true that you won’t have to worry about social media management since the system will handle it? Someone, mostly guys, will do it for you for whatever price you choose. Let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s see, let’s The first outlay is $7. BossPayz OTO

You may choose to add 1000 to your total. As a consequence, You would gain a profit of $150. This is an area where social media management may assist you.

This person is very extraordinary. You know, there’s something that a lot of people are looking for right now, notably businesspeople. They’re looking to grow their business, and that’s where you come in. You help them build their business by maintaining their social media accounts, for example. YouTube might be utilized to provide social media management services. To accomplish this, you don’t need a server or a domain; you can do it right from the post area.

Everything is provided for you guys. You won’t need any further skills or knowledge since you’ll be able to get by in most situations. That is something I will show to you. I’ll show you a sample of this guy’s technique, how it works, and how it may help you generate money later in this video. First, allow me to show you my prized possessions. Your Bose space uh system will operate brilliantly in this method. This is my number one bonus, guys.

I’ll show you how to make between $70 and $200 per hour on Facebook with this social business business back strategy.

This is a video training course that will show you how to make between $70 and $200 each hour. The first of my perks is this. My second advantage, guys, is that you can create a website similar to this. Then there’s this social media management service, for example.

You won’t be able to make money if no one knows about it and no one visits your website since no one will be willing to pay for your services right now.

This is the point at which my second bonus kicks in. For your social media management or smm website services, I’ll show you how to generate 1000 free website smm visits. That way, someone will come to your website and, hopefully, purchase one of your social media management services, and you will be able to make money since you already have those people. Your website is now being seen and clicked on by these traffic.

For me, that’s the bonus number. As a result, I’ll show you exactly how to accomplish it. Guys, this is a completely free service. Allow me to show you how to get 1000 free website visits every three days. That’s the second bonus I’ve received.

Guys, here is my third bonus.

I’m going to give you 731 days of access.

Social media posts are accurate. This might also help you get more people to visit your social media management website. Bonus number four is that the social media posts may be leveraged to drive free traffic to your social media management services website.

I’m going to give you my blessing. This is a lesson to help you earn money via affiliate marketing. My boss, that’s number four. Guys, my fifth bonus is a money-making affiliate program. As an early marketer, this may also assist you in generating revenue.

That is my extra remuneration. You will have access to all vendor bonuses, correct? That is perk number six. BossPayz OTO So those are all of my advantages if you purchase this page using the link in the video description, which is the first thing you see when you click the link. If you do this, you’ll be sent to a sales page. This is how it seems.

“Cache import system with one click,” the headline now says. The first is a series of 148 to 367 automated payments into our accounts. This is completely hands-free, guys. Essentially, all you have to do is increase traffic to your website and benefit from every transaction, or you’ll earn 148. You can do it. You’re aware that you’re capable of more.

You can make lizards with it, but if you work hard enough, you can also make money. I’d want you to watch this video right now. Don’t be concerned about your investment after reading about this home page since, in addition to being just 19 dollars, it also comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee. You may still re-punch your money if you don’t like the product for any reason, and they’ll repay you $300, so go ahead and check it out. Take a look at this video, whatever the situation may be. It’s well worth your time to read. This seems to be a page, and we’ve made the critical decision to act, and now we must deal with the repercussions.

You’re out when it comes to making money by giving social media management services. You are not obligated to provide these services. It’s already been set up. You don’t have to do anything since you’re using the uh api. Simply send them to your website, and, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, One of my advantages is that I get 1000 visitors every three days. Your boost, speed, and social media management plan will all pay dividends in this way.

Guys, I’m quite sure that’s in this video. BossPayz OTO This video is about to be played. As a consequence, you’re aware that this demo video is available right here, so I’ll begin playing it. You’ll get a greater knowledge of how the system works this way. What role does it play in your ability to make money?

Okay, thanks for watching, and I hope to see you in another video review in the future. Goodbye, love, and welcome back! Welcome to this fantastic training video, in which I’ll show you how to make money online in 2022 with a brand new piece of software called Boss Piece Box Page. This is a one-click solution that allows us to create a microtask website in minutes and market microtax services without lifting a finger, enabling us to make money while doing nothing. As a result, you won’t need to sell anything. You are not obligated to supply services, manage a compensation system, or promote athlete opportunities. All you have to do is import services, set price by include your own profits, and then sit back and watch the magic unfold.

Without you delivering the services and bringing in the customers, none of this would be possible. Without a doubt, this is great. So, over the next several minutes, I’ll show you how to utilize this tool. So kindly provide me access to my demo account. I’ll type in my email address and password before pressing the login button. So, once I’m inside, you’ll be greeted with the dashboard. As you can see, you may see your total orders before selecting “Create sites instantly or visit the site.”

So, if you’ve never set up a site before, either come to where we have smm sites to start building your own, or choose one of these symbols to get started. So I’ll just click “Create Site” and be sent to this screen. So now all I have to do is click the “new site” button. Yes, you name your website after clicking the “new site” button. I may call my website boss or media, and then you can select a domain name for it, so go ahead.

Instead of a domain name, we supply you with three subdomain names. As you can see, I want to employ both sorts of media. So, after I’m finished, I just hit the submit button, and our website is up and running in a matter of seconds. You may view the website’s address by clicking here, as you can see. As you can see, we just completed the development of our website. We provide three ready-to-use styles from which you may select for your SM websites. No, this is how your website appears.

It’s simple to see how it will impact the future. The templates vary the phrase and the hope. That’s all there is to it. By looking at where individuals may log in and sign up, you can discover how to optimize your social media marketing. These are some of the services you may provide.

Everything is available here, including social media, marketing services, and so on, and the best part is that you don’t have to do anything yourself. I’ll show you how everything operates on autopilot. There’s help, and then there’s the process for our users. Customers may use your boss piece website by registering and signing in, adding phones, choosing the service they want, and then enjoying the great results, as you can see. This is a great place, as you can see. The website has been set up for you with just one click, therefore the next step is to go to our website control panel or admin panel and add a few things and services.

So I’ll come back to this page and choose Admin Area. After signing in, you’ll be greeted with the dashboard, where you can see the total number of users. The amount received, total orders, user balance, total provider balance, profits made, and total earnings in 30 days are all available to you. You can see all of the measurements as well as all of the settings on the left-hand side.

So either I’ll teach you how to import your service and start being paid right away, or you can go to our API provider. You will be sent to our top three websites after selecting an api provider, where you may integrate social media marketing services into your own website. And how are you going to make money if you add a premium to the fees they demand? So, let’s pretend they demand a payment. Then, on your own website, you may charge an additional twenty dollars, bringing the total to seventy dollars.

As a result, you are compensated for the difference, the service provider is compensated for $50, your customers are served, and everyone is pleased at the end of the day. You may use any of these websites to import your services without having to do anything at all, and everything will run on autopilot. Visit their website to see what they have to offer. You are not required to use all three at the same time. You have the option of using one or all three of them.

As you can see, you must first click the edit button if you want to use any of them. This is where you update your balance since these services are provided automatically. You’ll have to pay for this platform as well, and it’s here that you’ll sync services. So here is where you may look at and delete the service list you’ve imported. So I’m simply going to hit edit, and if you want to create an account, you can do so for free at any of these three websites.

As you can see, we have them. This is one of the smms in Vienna where I’ve created a profile. Because this is another of the HQ smart panels, I’ll only make a few changes when I click modifications. This will be shown, thus you must enter the api provider’s name, which is HD Smart Panel. You’ll also need your API key and url.

So, what are your options for obtaining this? You log in here, and then I’ll just go down and hit API documentation to receive my url and key. So I’ll copy this and paste it into my website’s api link, where you’ll find the api key. I’ll come back to this spot to copy my API key. BossPayz OTO Do you see what I mean? So I’m going to return here, delete this, activate my api key, and save; you can do the same for the order platform. After you save, it will reflect that I have no balance on that platform, suggesting that it has been linked.

As a result, you may synchronize services here. You choose sync services from the drop-down menu. It will inquire about the percentage increase you want to apply to the services you wish to import. As a result, you may include it. Do you wish to add another $30? You may state that asynchronous requests are made, and you can also say that asynchronous requests are made.

Perhaps you want all services or just current services, in which case I’ll choose only current services and sync new pricing, old prices, service name, and so on. As a result, you are capable of doing all of these tasks. So, after you’re finished, just say “sync new prices to old prices” and then “save.” So after that’s done, you’re free to close. As a result, you may browse to the service listings and view it with a single click.

Services have been imported to our platform, allowing consumers to purchase them directly from our website. When they return, you’ll get 30 of each of these services, allowing them to see your website. Do you recall the URL of the website? When people click the sign up button on your website, like I showed you at the beginning, all you have to do is sign up on your website. They may use this form to join up for your website, and then they can buy whatever service they desire with just one click. So, how do you attract people to come to your website and purchase this service? You may then return to your dashboard.

As you can see, we’ve integrated over 200 traffic sources that you can utilize to drive traffic to your boss pace sites, BossPayz OTO, so that’s how BuzzFeed works in a few minutes and pays you between 148 and 369 dollars. Thank you for taking the time to watch. Bye.

BossPayz OTO