Dungeon Tips

Block Clips, Ladder Clips and Screen Scrolls

  • Learning to block clip is extremely important to help avoid clearing bad rooms to access diamond staircases, and it’s pretty easy to learn
  • Ladder clips are a bit more difficult, but allow you to world wrap and to get through “T” rooms, which can save you time
  • Screen scrolling is the most difficult to learn, but allows you to make more efficient routes on the overworld and avoid difficult monster screens
  • Red Candle has some great pictures to help you learn these tricks
  • While all these things hold true, they will never be required to finish a seed - all seeds are beatable without any of these tricks

Bail on Dungeons When Needed

  • Exploring deep into hard dungeons early on with limited resources and equipment can sometimes pay of big, but will usually cost you loads of time - if you need to, bail out and come back later when you can clear faster and safer

Take Early Triforces and Come Back Later

  • Going along with the previous point, if you find an early Triforce in one of the harder levels early on in the game, a lot of times it’s good to take it and gamble on running into the items you need in other places - it’s probably still worth checking Levels 1/2/3 as these are generally small and easy to navigate

Pol’s Voice Epidemic

  • With the new enemy group shuffle (and increase of maximum enemies in a room to 8 for a lot of things), getting arrows early, especially if you have the bow, is generally well worth the investment - it seems like Pol’s Voice are mixed in with a lot of groups and if you end up with a room of eight with a wood sword...


  • Found by Khananaphone, this is a trick to get you through a locked door if you do not have any keys, but it requires good setup
    • The room must have a shutter door in it
    • Kill all the enemies but one
    • Stand by the key door you want to go through
    • Kill the final enemy and while the enemy is dying walk into the key door
    • While the shutter door is opening, the game allows you to walk through the door with no keys
    • Much easier to do with certain enemies/equipment - things like darknuts and blue wizzrobes can make this trick very hard
  • Can also be done with a bomb wall, though this is very difficult to set up due to the time required to walk where needed, but allows you to try without enemies in the room if there is a bomb wall there


  • You can trick the game into opening doors for you by leaving the dungeon and re entering
    • For doors/bomb walls to the north all you need to do is walk out of the dungeon and back in
    • For doors/bomb walls on the east/west, you need to transition a screen to the left or right, and then re-enter the dungeon
    • With the new dungeon start shuffle, doing a pirouette will open the door/wall ACROSS from where you enter, the others will open as seen above

Hungry Goriya and “Life or Money” Secret Doors

  • It is possible for there to be a bomb wall behind the Hungry Goriya or the Old Man in the Life or Money rooms - if you are stuck, try that

Snakes and Frisbees

  • When fighting Lanmola and Moldorm, if you kill one of the snakes and exit the room, when you re-enter, the other will be gone - the same works for a Digdogger that splits into three parts - if you kill one and leave, they will all be gone

Easy Come, Easy Go

  • A lot of times in Levels 1, 2 and 3, you can find keys/items on the floor, so skip fighting rooms of hard or high hp enemies and see if you can get what you need for free. This can apply to later levels too - see what you can find before committing to really hard rooms with poor equipment

Burn, Baby, Burn

  • When trying to navigate difficult screens with choke points, you can use the candle flame to damage boost through them by shooting it behind you and running into the flame. This will knock you back the direction you were wanting to go, and give you some invincibility frames to move through the tough enemies

Hug the Orange

  • Likewise, if you do not have a candle, and you are faced with getting hit with a red wizzrobe beam, opt to run into the wizzrobe itself - this will only inflict one heart of damage, instead of four

Lightning Reflexes

  • When faced with a tough room, sometimes the best option when trying to tackle it is to not hesitate and just rush it - good examples are trying to block clip in a room with a blue lanmola or when fighting darknuts. Second guessing yourself is a sure way to get ded

Enemy Grab Bag

  • If a room is a mix of easy and hard enemies, try clearing the easy ones, leaving the room and then re-entering - it’s possible that the hard enemies are lower on the spawn table and they will be replaced by easier ones. This is a great way to remove blue wizzrobes and pol’s voice

The Little Bomb That Couldn’t

  • Be very careful when bombing in rooms with shutter doors - if you kill the last enemy with the bomb, it is possible that the bomb will not register due to the shutter doors opening. This can cause a magnitude of problems

Titanium Walls

  • You cannot bomb left or right in the first room of Level 9
  • There will never be bomb walls in the Old Man room north of the first room of 9 - if there isn’t a door, then you can’t go that direction
  • You cannot bomb south into an Old Man room

Need Bombs or Keys? Subscribe to the Retry Button

  • If you are low on keys, or in a dungeon that you need to find the “bomb hole”, consider saving, so that if you use all your resources and make no progress, you can retry and give it another shot. While this may cost you time, chances are, it’ll be much less than trying to regain the resources you lost.

Shutters Shouldn’t Make You Stutter

  • If a room has a shutter door, it cannot be a staircase - so if you are item hunting, you can bypass these rooms if there are other ways out

Stairs With No Cares

  • If there is a “stair room” (with the exception of the corridor, spiral and diamond) that has a drop on the floor or had a drop when cleared, there will not be a staircase in that room
    • The exception to this is if you are playing with second quest dungeons, which do have such stairs

Fool Me Once, Shame On You - Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

  • If you are skipping harder rooms in dungeons searching for things, don’t forget which rooms that you’ve skipped - only skip as many as you are comfortable remembering, or you may take even longer - this is especially important if you are playing with Boss Heart or Minor Item Shuffle on

Bubble Trouble

  • If you find yourself bopped by a Red Bubble and can't seem to find a Blue Bubble to remove the curse, there are several ways to remove it
    • Pick up a triforce piece
    • Use a Potion
    • Visit a Fairy Fountain
    • Up + A and save then continue

Don't Get Tripped Up in the Dark

  • When playing 1st and 2nd Quest Dungeons, the triforce and heart pieces cannot drop in a dark room (there are currently no dark rooms in shapes)

Skip the Stairs...If You Dare

Corridor, Spiral and Diamond stair rooms may now contain a drop on the floor from clearing the room, so be sure to not forget about these if you can't find what you are looking for

Missing Map Mishap

  • The algorithm for the map placement has been changed to make the map easier to find
    • Levels 1-6 a key/rupee/bomb drop is replaced with the map without having to find a bomb wall
    • Levels 7-8 may require one bomb wall to locate the map
    • Level 9 may require 2 bomb walls to locate the map
    • This is 0/1/2 bomb walls BEYOND the start room - so a bomb wall to go north at start would not count as a wall
    • The exception to the rule here is that if there are no rooms generated that contain a drop before a bomb wall, the map will then be found beyond a bomb wall - however, this is a rare occurrence

Sometimes Second Wants to Be First

  • When playing mixed quest dungeons with randomized dungeon rooms on, second quest stair rooms CAN end up in a first quest dungeon - so be sure to check ‘em all