Three First Red Candle

Created by KHANanaphone, this route is a good alternative to the blue candle route, but has it own set of difficulties. Namely, generally a bomb shortage going from Level 5 to Level 7, as well as a tough spawn pattern in the Level 7 wallmaster room.Get the Wooden Sword out of the cave on the starting screenScreen scroll to Level 3After leaving Level 3, head to Level 4After leaving Level 4, make your way to Level 1After leaving Level 1 Get the HEART CONTAINER at heart rockGo east and get the RAFT HEARTMake your way down south and grab the LADDER HEARTExecute a double ladder clip to do a screen scroll and make your way to Level 2After leaving Level 2, get the 100 SECRET north of the dead tree on the northeastern most part of the mapScreen scroll to Level 5After leaving level 5, use the Recorder to warp to Level 4 and buy MEAT and ARROWSMake your way to Level 7Get the RED CANDLE in Level 7After leaving Level 7, scroll to the graveyard Collect the MAGIC SWORD from the old man at the graveEnter Level 6After leaving Level 6, use the Recorder to warp to Level 2Enter Level 8After leaving Level 8, use the Recorder to warp to Level 1Enter Level 9